Ryan looked at Fujitora, the only person who did not have a clear position, and smiled.

"Mr. Yixiao, which side are you on?"

"I was just attracted by the fight and don't want to get involved in your affairs." Fujitora smiled.

"Then I hope you don't make a move, otherwise it will be a fight to the death."

Bailey and the others were also on high alert. They only needed Ryan's order to immediately............

"Boy, since you are Ace's brother, it would be great if you could become a navy!" Seeing Ryan was about to take action, Garp sighed.

Ryan looked at Garp speechlessly and asked, "Vice Admiral Garp, why do you insist on me joining the navy?"

"Felix said that you have a heart of justice, and now I have also seen your strength. If you don't join the navy, you can only be captured and taken to Impel Down." Garp said with regret.

"I don't have a heart of justice. You got it wrong, Garp."

Aokiji on the side also expressed his approval. He was right.

"How could that be? Fili would not lie to me. He told me everything you did in the Gothic Kingdom. Saving slaves is justice. Join the navy. Only the navy can realize your justice." Garp said loudly.

Seeing Garp still being so immature at such an old age, Ryan couldn't help but laugh: "There is no absolute justice in this world. Garp, you are too naive."

"Our navy is justice." Garp said righteously.

Ryan laughed and said: "Is the navy justice? What about those navy people I killed? If the navy is justice, then what are those innocent people in O'Hara!"

As soon as these words came out, Garp and Aokiji were silent. Robin burst into tears. After so many years, someone finally said a fair word for the scholars who died innocently that year.

Ryan continued, "So I said I'm not righteous, I just did what I think I should do more."

Fujitora, who was standing by, was struck by lightning when he heard this: "Do what you should do, isn't this the justice you have always believed in!" There was an inexplicable look in his eyes when he looked at Ryan, and Ryan's words made Fujitora feel that he was not alone.

"Then Mr. Ryan, what do you think you should do and what you shouldn't do?"

Seeing that it was Fujitora who asked the question, Ryan didn't mind.

"I think it's useless, Mr. Yixiao, everyone has their own moral values ​​in their hearts."

"Moral values?" Fujitora looked at Ryan in confusion.

"Moral values ​​are a person's views on people, things, and things. In simple terms, they are the unwritten rules of social groups."

When these words came out, everyone was confused. The people in front could understand what they meant, but the people behind didn't understand what they meant. Looking at the reactions of the crowd, Ryan seemed to have a feeling of occupying the enemy's high ground with his IQ.

Only Robin was thinking about something, not quite understanding it.

"Mr. Yixiao, I know what you want to change, but this world is already sick."

"Sick? How do you say that?" This time it was Aokiji who asked Ryan.

And Bailey and the others were all stunned. Why would a good fight be turned into this by their captain?

Ryan did not answer this question but asked Aokiji: "Why do you think your navy is destroying pirates, but there are more and more pirates?"

"Because of the Pirate King Goldo Roger?" Aokiji said uncertainly.

"Haha, Roger just accelerated the process. The main problem is not here."

"Then where is the problem? I am also curious." Garp also joined Mr. Ryan's small class.

"Everything is wrong from top to bottom, of course the main problem is the top."

"Are you referring to the World Government?" Fujitora asked.

"Yes, of course it is the World Government. Isn't Mr. Garp's son doing this? Overthrowing the World Government."

Everyone looked at Garp.

"This old man is quite awesome!" Kidd whispered. But what kind of people are present? They heard Kidd's words clearly.

Aokiji's face turned red from trying not to smile.

Ryan looked at everyone with disdain in his heart. This was because they didn't know that Garp had a grandson who was going to become the Pirate King, otherwise they would be even more surprised.

Garp's old face also turned red.

"But wouldn't the world be more chaotic without the World Government?" Fujitora asked doubtfully.

"The current World Government is like a big tree that has rotted from the inside. It will always fall down as time goes by. Only by pushing it down and rebuilding the world can it be reborn. Otherwise, do you think the reason why there are more and more pirates is really because of treasure? But in fact, most people become pirates because they can't survive. The reason why they can't survive is not because of the corruption of the World Government and the oppression of the nobles.. As long as there is oppression, the Great Pirate Era will never end!"

After listening to Ryan's words, Aokiji's inner concept of justice is undergoing an unprecedented major test. Aokiji knows that what Ryan said is true, but no one has ever thought about these things, and no one has ever directly raised them so nakedly.

Looking at Robin in the crowd, Aokiji recalled the scene of O'Hara that year. Aokiji was confused.

"Kuzan, wake up and don't be affected by that kid." Garp shouted to Aokiji.

"It's useless, Garp, you have to know that everything I said is bloody facts."

Fujitora looked at Ryan and asked seriously: "Mr. Ryan, are you going to overthrow the World Government?"

"I don't have such a lofty ideal, I just said my opinion. Someone will overthrow the World Government. Don't think of me as too noble. "

Yes, Ryan is a selfish and trouble-shy person. When he first came to this world, Ryan's first goal was to survive. After he became strong, he wanted to see the world and take revenge. Now Ryan has another goal, which is to pursue the peak of kendo.

Ryan's answer made Fujitora fall into deep thought.

Aokiji looked at Ryan in confusion and asked, "Then what do you think is justice?"

Garp shouted, "Kuzan!"

Aokiji turned a deaf ear to Garp's words and just stared at Ryan.

"What I understand as justice! As long as everyone does their part well, it is justice,"

Aokiji was surprised and said, "Is it that simple?"

Even Garp and Fujitora were very surprised by Ryan's answer.

"It's really simple. The duty of your navy is to fight against criminal pirates and protect the lives and property of ordinary people. The duty of the world government is to manage this world well and make the people under its rule live better. The duty of workers is to work well. As long as each class performs their duties, what do you think will happen to this world? ”

Aokiji muttered to himself: "What would a world with everyone doing their job be like? Aokiji couldn't imagine such a world, but it should be beautiful!"

Aokiji's words reminded Ryan of the Earth in his previous life.

Ryan also showed a look of nostalgia: "Yes, it would be beautiful, people live and work in peace and contentment, the elderly have someone to rely on, and the young have someone to take care of. That is a world of relative freedom and equality."

Fujitora asked: "Why is it relative freedom and equality?"

"Of course, because this world has never had absolute freedom and equality. Absolute freedom and equality are wrong." Ryan replied.

Is absolute freedom right? If you can do whatever you want, the world would have been in chaos long ago. Not to mention equality, as long as there are people, there will be rivers and lakes. Any Toshiba can only be said to be relative, not absolute.

"Live and work in peace and contentment, the elderly have someone to rely on, the young have someone to take care of, freedom and equality. "Aokiji kept repeating this sentence.

Looking at the already insane Aokiji, Garp knew that if he let Aokiji stay here any longer, Aokiji might go back and overthrow the World Government.

"No, we have to leave here quickly and keep Kuzan away from this kid!" Garp thought to himself.

Garp grabbed Aokiji who was still mumbling and started running. Everyone saw Aokiji being dragged by Garp all the way, and his feet dragged a beautiful landscape on the ground.

Everyone looked at Ryan in horror and admiration.

"It turns out that the captain's most powerful thing is not the sword, but this mouth!" Robin said with emotion.

Everyone nodded in response.

Looking at the people who were pecking at rice like chickens, Ryan said that it was not that I was too powerful, but that the system and ideas of the pirate world were too backward, but Ryan still stroked his hair on both temples so that everyone could appreciate his heroic appearance better.

Looking at Fujitora who was still on the side, Ryan smiled and said, "Mr. Yixiao, aren't you leaving? ”

“I want to follow you.”

Ryan exclaimed.

“You want to join my pirate group?”

“No, I think I can see the world more clearly by your side.”

“No.” Ryan didn’t want to take Fujitora with him on the adventure, because Fujitora’s sense of justice could easily cause trouble.

Fujitora said helplessly, “Then I’ll join your pirate group.”

Fujitora admitted that he was moved by the world described by Ryan, and Ryan’s words that he did what he should do made Fujitora feel like-minded.

But Ryan was too lazy, so Fujitora planned to stay by Ryan’s side so that he could change Ryan subtly.

After thinking about it, Ryan said to Fujitora, “Well, from today on, you are our partner.”

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