Ryan also considered Fujitora's joining for a long time. Although he didn't know why he joined, at least one thing was certain, that is, Fujitora would not harm him.

And through this incident, Ryan also realized that the high-end combat power of his pirate group was far from enough except for himself. Although Bailey was okay, it was still not enough to fight against a strong man like Aokiji.

Fujitora's joining also supplemented the high-end combat power of Ryan's pirate group. Especially next, they were going to compete for the supreme sword "Night".

Fujitora would never have thought that he asked him to join his pirate group just because he was still lacking a high-end combat power fighter. With Fujitora in Kidd and others, the safety of them would be guaranteed, and he could just want to break his own Ryan couldn't help but raise his mouth slightly.


"Ah, what's wrong." A captain woke Ryan up from his reverie, and when he looked back, it turned out that Robin was calling him.

"I have something to say to you, you are alone."


Robin didn't say anything and pulled Ryan outside, which made Lori beside him feel itchy.

Ryan was also pulled away by Robin involuntarily. Looking at Robin, who had grown into a young girl, Ryan's heart was pounding.

"What does Robin want to do! If he only talks to me, does Robin want to marry me? What should I do? Should I agree to Robin?" Ryan thought so.

Robin pulled Ryan to an empty hut and said, "Captain, I~"

Ryan interrupted Robin's words directly and said seriously, "I know your feelings, but I'm not that kind of person!"

Robin asked doubtfully, "Captain, do you know what I want to say?"

"I know you want to marry me, right? But I'm not such a casual person, Robin!" Ryan shook his head.

Seeing Ryan's serious expression, Robin was stunned at first, then the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and finally he couldn't hold it anymore and started laughing.

Looking at Robin who was covering her mouth and trying to hide her exaggerated movements, Ryan also started laughing for some reason.

"No... Robin, what are you laughing at?"

Sure enough, Robin was professionally trained. She stopped laughing immediately like a magic trick and restored her previous image of an intellectual queen.

"I think you may have misunderstood something, Captain. What I want to tell you is Crocodile's plan."

Ryan suddenly felt like ants were crawling on his body.

Perhaps seeing Ryan's embarrassment, Robin continued without waiting for Ryan's response: "The news of the supreme sword "Night" and Hades this time was released by Crocodile. The purpose is to draw out the hidden power of the Alabasta royal family so that they can catch them all in one fell swoop, so now the strong are gathered in the capital Albana."

"Hidden power?" Ryan said in astonishment. In Ryan's impression, the Kingdom of Alabasta does not seem to have any particularly powerful power.

"Yes, Alabasta has existed for thousands of years, but the throne has always been firmly controlled by the Nefertari family. This means that this family has existed for thousands of years. According to Crocodile's investigation, whenever the Nefertari family is in danger of extinction, someone will save the entire country and the royal family." Robin said.

After hearing Robin's words, Ryan also thought: "With Crocodile's strength, it is not difficult to directly cause the accidental death of the Nefertari family. Why did it take so much effort to lay out for more than ten years to shake the throne of the Nefertari family."

"No! In the end, Luffy saved the entire country, and the throne still belongs to the Nefertari family."

It's terrifying to think about it, as if an invisible big hand is controlling everything.

"Robin, go back and sort out all the information about the Nefertari family, and then give it to me." Ryan said in a serious tone.

Crocodile believes that there is a hidden power behind the Nefertari family, but Ryan doesn't think so because he knows that in the future, when the Nefertari family is about to be pushed off the throne and destroyed, no hidden power will appear to save them.

Seeing Ryan so serious, Robin did not dare to neglect it.

"Okay, the information is all in my mind. I will give it to you after I sort it out, but it will take some time."

It is worthy of being an Ohari scholar at the age of 8. Ryan is jealous of this brain.

"Then let's go. I guess everyone is waiting anxiously."

After meeting up with everyone, Ryan and his party walked towards the hotel. When the residents on the street saw Ryan and his party, they all hid far away and dared not approach.

Everyone ignored it and walked straight to the hotel.

After returning to the room, Bailey found Ryan.

"Ryan, I see that you have been worried all the way. You can tell me if there is anything. We are best friends."

Ryan laughed dumbly and said, "You figured it out."

Bailey glanced at Ryan and said unhappily, "Of course, I know you best in the world."

"It's not certain yet. If there is something, I will tell you." Ryan comforted.

Bailey didn't say anything after hearing this. He patted Ryan's shoulder and left, leaving Ryan alone in the room thinking.

The next morning, Ryan, who was still in a sweet dream, heard a knock on the door.

Ryan had to put on his clothes and open the door. As soon as he opened the door, he saw Robin, who looked a little tired, appear at the door with a book. He was surprised and said, "You didn't sleep all night?"

"Yeah!" Robin handed the book in his hand to Ryan and left without looking back.

"Thank you, have a good rest! "Ryan didn't know what to say, so he could only thank her.

Robin smiled.

Closing the door, Ryan hurriedly flipped through the pages.

More than 4,000 years ago, the Nefertari family appeared in Alabasta and built a palace in the current capital of Albana. Since then, the Kingdom of Alabasta has appeared in history.

The fragmentary records continued until 800 years ago and then suddenly stopped. Ryan knew that this was the legendary blank 100 years.

Ryan continued to read on, and the following records were very detailed. Ryan focused on the clips when the Nefertari family encountered a crisis.

650 years ago, the Kingdom of Alabasta and the enemy fought on the sea, and the army led by the then king Nefertari. Deka was defeated. The enemy country exhausted its national strength to expedition to Alabasta, but encountered a century of disasters on the sea. The enemy army was completely wiped out by the hurricane that was once seen, and Alabasta inexplicably won the war.

445 years ago, Alabasta was in civil strife, and even the capital Albana was captured. The king fled with his wife and daughter. As a result, because too many people died in the capital, a plague broke out and almost all the rebels were infected. In this way, a civil strife was resolved.

Next, there is something even more outrageous. 222 years ago, the king of Alabasta at that time offended a big pirate. When this big pirate was about to seek revenge on the king, he got lost and walked to the headquarters of the navy, and died on the way.

Ryan read one by one, and the more he read, the more frightened he became, and the sweat on his face came out unconsciously.

Ryan slowly closed the book and murmured: "There is really an invisible big hand controlling all this, so is my existence an accident or someone controlling it?"

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