After reading it, Ryan prepared to go to the capital of Albana to have a look. Although there was no news about the Supreme Sword "Night" yet, the Supreme Sword became secondary to Ryan.

But thinking that Robin had just gone to bed, Ryan could only suppress his eagerness.

At noon, Ryan called everyone together to inform them that they would go to the capital of Albana. Everyone had no objection. For them, the captain said where to go.

Everyone packed up and set off directly, no longer having the leisurely mood when they first arrived. Everyone could see that Ryan was a little anxious.

Seeing Ryan and the others leave the rain, a man with a hat and a face that could not be seen immediately reported the situation.

"Are they gone?" The person asking the question was Crocodile, who was autistic after being beaten by Ryan and Fujitora a few days ago.

"Boss, I guess Nico Robin has told the bloody swordsman about our plan. Do we continue to follow the original plan?" Mr. 1 took off the hat on his head and asked expressionlessly.

"Hahaha, of course the general trend will not be changed. No matter how strong he is, he can't solve everyone. Remember greed is the biggest weakness of human beings!" Crocodile continued: "Wait for this man to wake up, and we will also go to the royal capital."

The man Crocodile said was Profitas, who was almost killed by Ryan that day. It turned out that when Crocodile was about to leave the rainy land with MR.1, he received news that Garp and Aokiji were investigating Ryan's whereabouts. That's why there was a scene where Crocodile saved Profitas.

It was a coincidence that Crocodile hid in the dark and wanted to reap the benefits of the fisherman. As a result, Profitas was knocked away by Ryan and came straight to their hiding place. Crocodile, who knew that he couldn't hide, rescued Profitas.

After all, he witnessed the battle with his own eyes and knew how powerful Profitas was, but he was more afraid of Ryan because of this.

What kind of enemy makes you feel desperate is an enemy who is not only stronger than you but also more talented than you. As long as such an enemy does not fall unexpectedly, you will live in his shadow for the rest of your life.

Looking at Porphytas Crocodile, who was still in a coma, clenched his fists. He was ready to ask Porphytas for advice on how to learn Haki.

Garp, who had previously dragged Aokiji away, was being scolded by Sengoku.

"Garp! How many days have you been gone? Why is there no movement? The capital of Alabasta is in chaos now. We must deal with those pirates and safeguard the interests of the member countries."

"Okay, I know!" Garp looked at Aokiji who was sleeping with his eyes closed and said helplessly: "Kuzan, let's go. The navy's job is to fight pirates and safeguard the interests of the people."

Aokiji took off his eye mask and said lazily: "I know, Vice Admiral Garp!"

If Ryan saw Aokiji's current appearance, he would be very familiar. In normal history, Aokiji began to formally implement his lazy justice after becoming a navy admiral. Ryan's words made Aokiji confused a few years earlier.

In fact, there is no such thing as lazy justice. It is just that Aokiji no longer believes in his own ideas and chooses to escape from himself. Laziness is also a manifestation of Aokiji's escape from reality and inner confusion.

This situation will definitely not happen to Akainu, but it is precisely because of Aokiji's inner kindness that he has not become a killing tool in the hands of the World Government.

Ryan and his party soon arrived at Albana, the capital of Alabasta.

Looking at the well-preserved buildings, the heavy feeling of history came over. This reminded Ryan of his hometown in his previous life, where many historical buildings were destroyed due to the rapid economic development. There is no trace of the old house at home anymore. There are only high-rise buildings standing in rows. The economy has grown but it has also lost its own characteristics.

Touching the towering city wall, Ryan couldn't help but want to recite a poem to express his emotions at this moment, and then he was interrupted by a burst of noise.

This feeling made Ryan very depressed.

"Let's go to the front and see what's going on over there."

There were two groups of people facing each other at the gate of the city. One of them was obviously pirates by their attire. A man with a turban and strange lines on his face led a group of well-trained soldiers to confront the pirates.

"The capital will never allow you pirates to do whatever you want!" the man said righteously.

Ryan recognized the man. He was Bell the Falcon, one of the guardians of Alabasta. He was the user of the Falcon form of the Animal Bird-Bird Fruit and was also known as the most powerful warrior in Alabasta.

The pirates on the opposite side - well, Ryan didn't know them.

"We are pirates. We believe that strength is king. What rules do we have to follow? Hahaha!"

"It's so funny. It's just killing aPeople!"

"Kill them all." A pirate said with a fierce look in his eyes.

Looking at the still warm corpses on the ground, Ryan roughly understood the cause of the incident. Ryan stepped forward and said coldly.

"Get out of the way!"

Everyone looked at Ryan to see who was so arrogant that he dared to speak at this time.

"Bloody swordsman Ryan!"

The leading pirate saw Ryan and smiled and came up to him and said, "Master Ryan, what are you doing?"

"You think I am a Taoist!" Ryan said to Bailey with a sullen face, "Kill none of them!"

The leading pirate shuddered when he saw Bailey carrying a big axe and walked towards them, and retreated repeatedly. Ryan also stepped back a few steps to worry that the splashing blood would stain his white robe.


"Help, is there anyone who can save me? I have money! "

The wailing and begging for mercy gradually disappeared, leaving only the bloody corpses on the ground.

Fujitora hesitated for a long time and finally did not speak.

After being killed by Bailey, the people who were watching at the city gate just now all hid far away and made way for Ryan.

Ryan looked at Bell the Falcon who was still blocking the way. Bell hesitated for a moment and still made way.

In this way, Ryan and his party entered the capital city of Albana with a history of more than 4,000 years in an extremely domineering manner.

After Ryan and his party walked away, a soldier loudly questioned: "Lord Bell, why should we make way!"

Bell was silent for a moment and sighed: "We can't afford to offend the bloody swordsman, and he didn't hurt the people of the kingdom. "

The soldiers were speechless. Being weak in this world is a sin. If they had the power to shock everything, there would be no such villains who dared to challenge the majesty of the kingdom.

The news that the bloody swordsman Ryan entered the city spread quickly, and everyone in the capital sighed when they heard the news.

"Another lawless guy is coming!"

Some people were disdainful, and some showed bitterness. After all, the news a while ago said that the bloody swordsman Ryan was determined to get the supreme sword "Night".

An eagle eye who was drinking in the tavern smiled slightly when he heard the news: "Ryan, you really won't miss it!"

Looking at the people wearing swords everywhere on the streets of the capital, Ryan sighed that he had underestimated the attraction of the supreme sword to swordsmen before.

"So many swordsmen! "Kira yelled on the side, like a countryman entering the city.

Many people on the street were attracted, and even a group of people showed cruelty in their eyes, but when they saw Ryan's cold eyes, they dared not breathe.

Everyone was silent when they saw Ryan and his group passing by. A man sitting at the window drinking teased: "Still so arrogant, bloody swordsman Ryan!"

Following the sound, he saw two people looking at his group. Ryan said lightly: "Be careful not to die here, otherwise Whitebeard will be sad!"


One word stirred up a thousand waves. Since the execution of Pirate King Roger and the capture of Golden Lion into the city of Impel Down, the Whitebeard Pirates have become the strongest pirate group of this era.

Now there are people from the Whitebeard Pirates in Alabasta.

"Aren't they in the New World!"

"Stupid! They must have been attracted by the news of the Supreme Sword and the ancient weapons. "

"Is he worried about us?" the burly man asked the people around him.

"No, he is provoking us!"

"I'll go and beat him!"

"It's still early, don't worry."

Hearing his companion's words, the burly man stopped talking and just stared at Ryan with his eyes.

Ryan didn't care, but someone couldn't stand it anymore.

Kid was furious and said, "Why are you two so arrogant? If you have the guts, come down and fight with our captain!"

Ryan looked at this troublemaker and laughed, "Why don't you fight them!"

"I can't beat them!" Kidd said shyly with a red face.

Everyone laughed when they heard it, and even the burly man laughed so hard that he fell backwards.

"Forget it, it's not the time now!"

After Ryan left with a group of people, the street immediately returned to its usual bustle.

Bailey asked in surprise, "Who are those two people? "After all, in Bailey's impression, Ryan is not a coward.

"Flower Sword Vista, the captain of the 5th Division of the Whitebeard Pirates."

"Diamond Joz, the captain of the 3rd Division of the Whitebeard Pirates." Robin's eyes were solemn.

Just when Ryan was stirring up trouble in the capital, Prophytus finally woke up.

"I'm still alive?" Prophytus asked the strange man in front of him.

"Of course, our boss risked his life to save you from the bloody swordsman's sword.Rescued." MR.1 still had that calm expression.

Prophytas looked at Crocodile and asked, "You saved me?"

"I need your help. But you should recover from your wounds first." After that, Crocodile took MR.1 away.

Prophytas looked at the two people leaving and whispered, "Am I unlucky or lucky? I was seriously injured last time and was rescued, and now I am rescued again!"

"Forget it, I'd better recover from my wounds first. After all, I have to repay the life-saving grace."

Crocodile came to the palace and met with King Nefertari Cobra. The two talked until late at night before Crocodile walked out of the palace.

Looking at the capital shrouded in moonlight, Crocodile whispered, "I will bury my past here. How many people will be buried with me!"

The next day, the Alabasta Newspaper had such a headline "This is the carnival of swordsmen! "

The following is an explanation. A peak challenge will be held in Albana, the capital of Alabasta, in three days. Only swordsmen can participate and the winner will receive the Supreme Blade "Night" and ancient weapons. There is also news that the king's signature is authentic.

As soon as the news came out, it immediately caused a huge wave. Countless swordsmen were eager to become the lucky one.

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