The next day, at the Raffles Tavern, a group of people were drinking and chatting in the tavern.

"Have you heard that something big happened here yesterday afternoon?" A fat man with a big belly said mysteriously, covering his mouth with his hand.

"What big thing? Don't keep us in suspense." The thin man next to him asked.

"Does the Belis Pirates know? Captain Belis and several crew members were killed here by two 10-year-old boys yesterday."

"Are you talking about that Belis?"

"Yes, it's the Belis Pirates Captain Belis you're thinking of. The bounty is as high as 5 million Belis. This is the exclusive news my friend in the tavern told me. Don't tell anyone else."

"I heard that the navy wanted to catch him for a long time, but they didn't expect to fail here. Who are those two boys?"

"Don't worry! I won't tell anyone."

After the fat man left, the thin man came to another group of people who were drinking and whispered, "Have you heard that a big thing happened here yesterday afternoon?"


A few days later, such a news spread in Yunlai Town: the leader of the Belis Pirates, who had a bounty of 5 million, and several important crew members died in a place called Lefu Tavern.

According to relevant sources, the person who killed Belis was actually a child.

Of course, none of this matters to Ryan now. Ryan is lying on the ground panting.

"Are you still fighting?"

Shanks, who is wearing a straw hat, looks at Ryan with a smile.

Ryan looks at the sky helplessly. Since he challenged the Red Hair Pirates these days, he has been beaten every day.

Especially Shanks is beaten every time, and he really has no power to fight back.

Shanks restrains Ryan to death. He is much better than Ryan in swordsmanship, domineering, physical skills, and combat experience.

It can be said that Shanks is an enhanced version of Ryan. If Ryan is lv.1, then Shanks is about lv.3 now, so there is no fight at all.

Originally, Ryan thought that Shanks would not be so powerful since he has not become one of the Four Emperors.

But when Ryan personally experienced the battle with Shanks, he found that this guy was wrong.

Although Shanks is not as strong as he will be in the future, he is not far from his peak, especially since Shanks still has both hands intact.

If you think that losing an arm will not have much impact on a strong person, you are wrong. Refer to Shiki the Golden Lion, who broke both legs and could no longer exert his powerful swordsmanship.

The man who was once known as the three great pirates together with Roger and Whitebeard was actually defeated by Luffy, who did not know how to use domineering in the movie.

Although he has the aura of the protagonist, it is undeniable that the strength of the Golden Lion who lost his legs has become too much weaker, and he is not as strong as before because of his age, so he was defeated by Luffy.

Red Hair broke an arm in the later period, and it was his left hand. You should know that Shanks had always held the sword with his left hand before he broke his hand. Even so, he could firmly sit in the position of the Four Emperors. Red Hair's strength is unquestionable.

The influence of the arm on a swordsman is very large. The strength of holding a sword with one hand and the strength of holding a sword with two hands are not at the same level at all.

This also led to the fact that Red Hair did not reach the peak in the true sense in the later period.

Ryan believed that if he had not lost an arm, Shanks would probably be the strongest among the four emperors at that time.

A man whose swordsmanship is comparable to the world's greatest swordsman, plus the innate domineering domineering, the attack power of Shanks with the domineering domineering wrapped around his two hands holding the sword can be imagined, and Shanks has no weaknesses without eating the fruit.

Ryan waved his hand and said, "No more fighting, the next duel will be left in the future. I will challenge you when I feel it's almost done."

Originally, Ryan wanted to earn attribute points from the Red Hair Pirates, but he was disappointed in the end, because Ryan used all his strength but couldn't beat Ben Beckman, not to mention he was only a little weaker than Shanks.

Others can fight back and forth, but they are still a little short of defeating them. To defeat them, Ryan must be able to control his power 100%.

After a few days of competition, Ryan's control has increased from 70% to 75%, an increase of half a point.

But Ryan was not completely without gain. Ryan defeated a person, that person was Jesus Bu. Jesus Bu brought Ryan 20,000 attribute points.

The battle between Ryan and Jesus Bu was still very interesting, because Jesus Bu was a sniper with poor close combat ability.

So he distanced himself from Ryan at the beginning. Ryan dealt with Jesus Bu very easily, using the swordsmanship of the swordsman level to perform a flying slashAfter rushing to Jesus Bu quickly, he ended the battle with a divine dodge.

Of course, Ryan would not think that Jesus Bu was not strong. As a senior cadre of the Red Hair Pirates, how could he not be strong?

It's just that frontal combat is too unfriendly to snipers. The battlefield of snipers is not in the front but in long-range strikes and one-shot kills.

After all, Jesus Bu is not a close-range gunner like Ben Beckman.

That's right, Ben Beckman is a rare close-range gunner in the pirate world. In the future, Ben Beckman will become the strongest deputy of the Four Emperors with his top physical skills, proficient three-color domineering and the gun in his hand.

Seeing this scene, Jabba laughed happily and said, "Ryan, you are still young now. As long as you have your teacher to teach you, you can beat Shanks in a few years."

Bailey on the side heard this and said excitedly, "Master Jabba, what about me? Let's see if I can beat Ryan and Brother Shanks in a few years."

Seeing Bailey's excitement, Jabba poured cold water on him.

"If nothing unexpected happens, you should have a chance to beat them both in another 100 years. But?"

"But what?"

Jabba touched his chin and said, "If you have some opportunities, you may have a chance to win in your lifetime. For example, find a devil fruit that suits you very well. Or have some other adventures."

Shanks also echoed beside him, "Yes, the world is so big that there are always treasures and methods that can improve people's strength."

Laki Lu and Jesus Bu started to make trouble again.

"Come on, Bailey."

"I'm optimistic about you, Bailey."

"Kill Ryan, that arrogant kid."

Ryan was speechless. It was obviously you who provoked me first. It turned out that when Ryan was defeated by them in a sparring match, he was often ridiculed and laughed at by them. ,

Later, Ryan would say this every time he met you.

"I'm 9 years old this year, why am I so weak? I can't even beat you. I need to continue to work hard to defeat you before I turn 10."

In this way, Ryan and the cadres of the Red Hair Pirates have been in love and hate for a few days. Apart from other things, their feelings have quickly heated up.

Although they don't say it, the Red Hair Pirates like this arrogant boy.

Shanks suddenly came to Jabba and said, "Thank you for your hospitality these days, Jabba. It's time for us to set off. I feel relieved to see Captain Roger's sword handed to Ryan."

"It's not an insult to this sword."

After saying that, Shanks waved his hand and said, "Let's set off and make a fuss in the New World."

"Follow the boss to overthrow Whitebeard."

"One Piece, our Red Hair Pirates are here."

The group walked towards the port in a mighty manner, and Shanks and his pirate group stopped here. Shanks suddenly stopped while walking.

After thinking for a while, Ryan, who was still a little immature, said to Ryan: "Ryan, what do you think of my straw hat?"

Ryan was shocked when he heard this. What does Shanks mean?

Is he treating me like King Luffy? If I had known, I would not have boasted so much to Shanks.

Ryan pondered for a moment and looked at Shanks seriously and said: "I will get what I want myself."

Hearing this, Shanks was stunned and laughed: "I underestimated you."

"And you must not lose to others before you are defeated by me, otherwise I will lose face. Wait for me to defeat you in the New World."

Looking at the Red Hair Pirates in front of him, Ryan said loudly.

"Is this a challenge?" Shanks adjusted his straw hat.

"No, this is an agreement between us. I will not lose to others before I meet you."

Ryan said solemnly, and stretched out his little finger to look at Shanks.

Although he was puzzled, Shanks also stretched out his pinky finger and hooked it tightly with Ryan's pinky finger. Then Ryan pressed his thumb against Shanks' thumb.

It was as if some mysterious ritual was completed.

"So the agreement is established?" Shanks asked curiously.

"Yes, the agreement is established!"

Shanks turned around and said loudly to the Red Hair Pirates.

"Did you hear me, little ones? Don't let Ryan look down on you. Otherwise, I will lose face as your boss."

"Boss, you don't have face anyway."

"Wahaha, let's go and set sail."

Since then, such a pirate group has appeared in the New World. Captain Shanks wants others to give him face when he sees others. Legend has it that those who don't give him face will die miserably in the end.

A moment later, Ryan and his three companions waved goodbye to the Red Hair Pirates. Ryan watched Shanks and the others leave. Looking at the boundless sea, Ryan suddenly wanted to go to sea now.

JabbaSeeing Ryan's expression, he seemed to have thought of what Ryan was thinking and smiled lightly: "It's too early for you to go to sea at your current age. At least you have to become a master here before you can go to the sea, otherwise it's easy to lose your life."

"I understand!"

Pulling Bailey, Ryan said to Jabba: "Let's go see Uncle Carter and start the second stage of training tomorrow."

"Okay, let's go."

Ryan and Bailey pushed open the familiar and dilapidated door and shouted: "Uncle Carter, we are back to visit you."

Carter, who was resting in the room, heard this voice and walked out of the room. Seeing Ryan and Bailey, they immediately hugged them with both hands and gave them a big hug.

"You two have grown taller," Carter was very happy to see Ryan and Bailey, who he hadn't seen for a year. After all, they were brought up by Carter.

Looking at the two Carter suddenly realized: "No, weren't you two training with Jabba? Why are you running back now? Did you get driven back because you couldn't stand the hardship?" Bailey quickly explained: It's like this. The first stage of our training has ended, and we are going to start the second stage of training next, so Teacher Jabba gave us a holiday. " "So that's how it is. I wronged you two." "Sit down, and by the way, you two can tell me what you learned from Jabba. It feels like both of you have become stronger. Especially Ryan, I feel that the change is particularly great." Ryan:......... Bailey:......... The three of them chatted until the evening, which may be related to not seeing each other for a long time. Carter and Bailey seemed to have endless things to say. Seeing that it was getting dark, Carter said to Ryan and the others: "It's so late, you two should stay here for dinner. Jabba won't say anything if you go back tomorrow morning. Where are their previous beds and rooms? "

Ryan thought for a while and said, "No problem. I haven't eaten Uncle Carter's cooking for a long time. I miss it a little bit."

After dinner, Ryan and Bailey lay on the bed.

Thinking of everything that happened to him, Ryan felt as if he was in another world. First, he inexplicably traveled to the pirate world and then met a big man like Jabba Shanks.

Since he came to the pirate world, he must leave his footprints and legend in this world. After all, he is the man who wants to be the strongest protagonist.

The next morning, Ryan and Bailey returned to Jabba's residence in Yunlai Town, and they saw a dumbfounded scene.

Jabba was fighting a hand-to-hand battle with a bespectacled uncle in the yard. [Readers, don't think wrongly]

Ryan looked at the man who was fighting with Jabba and said in surprise: "Pluto Rayleigh? "

Hearing Ryan's voice, Jabba and Rayleigh both stopped and looked over. Rayleigh, in particular, stared at Ryan, as if he could see through him.

Seeing the awkward atmosphere, Jabba said, "Ahem, Ryan, let me introduce you to this swordsmanship teacher I found for you. But it seems you know him."

Ryan introduced, "Shanks mentioned Rayleigh's image to me before. I roughly guessed it when I saw that he was on par with Jabba."

"Oh, so that's the case. I thought you two knew each other before."

"Indeed, I knew you. I held you in my arms when you were little. I remember you were still a little kid following Roger and Luju when you were little." Rayleigh said lightly and gracefully.



Hearing this, Ryan hugged Rayleigh's thigh and said happily, "With this relationship, Rayleigh, you must teach me swordsmanship well. I have a strong kendo talent. "

Ryan knew that Rayleigh was not only a great swordsman, but also a very good teacher. Luffy's rapid growth in the later period was inseparable from Rayleigh's two years of teaching.

Some strong people are strong themselves, which does not mean they can teach others. There are two vivid examples in the pirate world. One is the navy's Zefa, who is good at teaching students.

The other is the negative example Whitebeard, who is the best in the world, but his ability to teach others can only be said to be terrible.

The captains of the Whitebeard Pirates are not weak in talent, including those of the natural system and the fantasy beast system. Basically, they are all geniuses, but no one can calm the situation.

However, this may also be related to Whitebeard's personality. He always protects his sons well.

So now there is a good teacher to teach him, Ryan will not miss this opportunity.

Looking at Ryan who came up to him, Rayleigh was full of black lines, and scolded Jabba, the third person on the ship: "Look at you Jabba, such a good seedling is all ruined by youWhat has he taught me?"

Lian also looked at Jabba suspiciously, as if his skin had become thicker after being in contact with Jabba for a long time.

Looking at the two people looking at him with strange eyes, Jabba suppressed his dissatisfaction: "In the next two years, Rayleigh will take Ryan to practice swordsmanship and domineering, and Bailey will learn from me. I plan to pass on my double-axe skills to Bailey.

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