On an unnamed deserted island near the doldrums of the South China Sea.

A black-haired boy in white clothes was standing with a sword in his hand, and there was a boulder more than 2 meters high in front of him.

Although the boy's eyes were covered with cloth strips, his movements were not affected at all, which added a touch of style.

The boy chopped down the boulder with a sword in both hands. After a breath, there was a clang and the boulder split into two halves and fell down.

The stone surface cut by the sword was smooth and neat, without a single piece of broken stone split out. It was like a carefully polished handicraft.

"Now I can feel and observe the breathing of all things, and find their weaknesses to kill them with one blow. I need to explore the next road myself."

The boy was Ryan, who had practiced with Rayleigh for two years. The 11-year-old Ryan was nearly 170 cm tall.

The hair that had not been taken care of for two years was almost waist-length. Now Ryan had a bit of master style.

In the past two years, Ryan followed Rayleigh to this deserted island in the windless belt to practice, using the sky as a blanket and the ground as a bed, sleeping in the open air. The main thing is to learn breathing techniques from Rayleigh.

Of course, swordsmanship and domineering will naturally be taught, but for Ryan, the biggest gain in the past two years is the practice of breathing techniques.

The breathing technique is based on the domineering of observation Haki to feel the breath of all things in the world, and after practicing it, you can even listen to the voice of all things. There are only a few people in One Piece who can do these two things.

One is the lonely red barrorick Redfield, who can hear the voice deep in people's hearts, and the princess of Fishman Island, Otohime, a little girl on Sky Island is also born with observation Haki, and the last one is the Pirate King Gol.D. Roger who can listen to the voice of all things.

The former is a talent, and the latter is achieved through practicing breathing techniques. After Rayleigh passed the breathing technique to Ryan, Ryan was overjoyed.

After two years of practice, it has finally been successfully practiced, and can simply feel the breath of all things and find flaws through breathing. This is a great benefit to swordsmanship. When fighting against an enemy, you can find the enemy's flaws and make a fatal blow.

Seeing that Ryan has completed the training, Rayleigh is also very happy. After all, he taught him.

"You have learned what I taught you, Ryan. There is nothing else to teach you. You can go back."

Hearing that he can go back, even Ryan, who is usually calm, can't help but burst into tears.

Two years!

Do you know how Ryan has been here in the past two years!

As a three-good youth in the 21st century, Ryan has not seen a living person except Rayleigh in the past two years. Every day, apart from training, he fights with the beasts on the deserted island.

Looking at Rayleigh with a smile on his face, Ryan asked, "How to go back?"

Rayleigh pointed to the sea.


Three days later, in front of the Laifu Tavern in Yunlai Town, Batarila Island, South China Sea.

A young man who had fled from famine walked into the door of the Raffles Tavern. Seeing this scene, someone laughed loudly: "What? Anyone can come to drink now! Wow hahaha."

The young man said nothing, but an inexplicable aura emanated from him. The man who had just laughed at the young man suddenly felt as if he was being stared at by a beast, as if he would be beheaded at any time. He suddenly shut up with cold sweat on his body.

Many people around him also laughed wildly.

The young man found an empty seat in the tavern and sat down. The people next to him walked away immediately, probably because they disdained to associate with such a beggar.

"Bring two bottles of sherry, Uncle Raffles, and a few plates of beef."

Hearing the young man's voice, the tavern owner Raffles was stunned and asked in confusion: "Who are you?"

The young man smoothed the hair that was covering the front to both sides and said to the tavern owner: "It's me, Uncle Raffles" and showed a pure smile.


"Are you Ryan?"

"Yes, it's me," the young Ryan replied.

Leifu saw that it was Ryan and laughed: "I can't recognize you like this. How come you look like this after not seeing you for two years?"

"It's hard to explain"

The group of people who just laughed at Ryan held their breath when they heard the conversation between Ryan and the tavern owner Leifu.

Because they had heard the name Ryan. Two years ago, the Belis Pirates were killed and massacred here by a boy named Ryan.

The atmosphere in the tavern became extremely strange. All they could hear was Ryan sitting there drinking and eating meat.

After eating, Ryan walked out of the tavern.

After Ryan left, a group of people suddenly became active. The person who just laughed at Ryan said: "No wonder I felt like I was being stared at by a beast just now. I thought it was my illusion."


"Why didn't you say anything just now?"

"It was just a moment. I thought I was wrong. He was able to kill all the Belis Pirates by himself at the age of 9. Now he should beIt should be even more terrifying. "

Ryan was walking on the way home. Now Ryan has regarded Jabba's place as his second home.

Ryan felt annoyed when he thought of what happened when he came back. Rayleigh asked Ryan to swim back, but Ryan had no choice. After all, there were no other ships in the Calm Belt except the navy ships that could sail in the Calm Belt.

The most important thing was that Ryan didn't know the way. Rayleigh pointed in the direction of the South China Sea and then jumped into the sea and swam away. Ryan didn't react at the time. After Rayleigh walked away, he realized that he didn't know the way.

It was supposed to be a day to get home, but it took Ryan three days to get back to Yunlai Town.

Fortunately, on the third day, Ryan met a group of pirates. After a friendly exchange with these pirates, the pirates and Ryan hit it off, so they sent Ryan back to Yunlai Town.

So Ryan became like this.

Seeing the familiar houses and buildings, Ryan couldn't help but sigh, "I, Hu Hansan, am finally back! "

Ryan pushed the door open and went in.

In the yard, a muscular young man was seen swinging his two axes vigorously, while the man next to him was sitting in a rocking chair leisurely, basking in the sun and drinking wine.

Seeing the two people he hadn't seen for a long time, Ryan happily said to them, "I'm back."

Bailey and Jabba looked at Ryan with curiosity. Bailey asked first, "Who are you?"

When he heard Bailey's words, Ryan's excitement disappeared instantly.

"Who am I? It's up to you whether I beat you or not!"

Ryan accelerated to Bailey's front, drew out the sword "Ace" from his waist, and slashed at Bailey. Bailey stepped forward with two axes to block.

In just a moment, Ryan appeared behind Bailey and put away the sword in his hand.

And he muttered, "Itto-ryu. Iai. Shuntora." "

Because Bailey didn't have time to bless his double axes with Armament Haki, the axe in Bailey's hand broke into two and fell to the ground as soon as he finished speaking.

Jabba, who was drinking a little wine, opened his mouth wide in surprise. Ryan laughed inwardly after seeing it: If he didn't want to show off, how could he use his full strength and even recite the name of the move.

Even if it's this kind of effect, like Jabba's current expression and Bailey's stunned look, Ryan feels very happy. Maybe this is why everyone likes to show off in front of others.

"Bailey, you still have to work hard."

"It seems that Jabba's Sun-Sky Axe Technique is not working. "

Ryan said to the two calmly.

Sun-Sky Axe is the name Ryan gave Jabba. At first, Jabba disagreed, but after Ryan's explanation, he readily accepted the name.

At that time, Ryan said to Jabba: The name was Sun-Sky Axe, first because this axe method is so strong that it can be compared with the sun and the sky. Second, it is hoped that those who practice this axe method can eventually reach the sun and the sky through daily practice.

After hearing Ryan's evaluation of them, Bailey and Jabba turned their heads and didn't care about Ryan. Because they couldn't care less, they remembered that when Ryan and the Red Hair Pirates were sparring, they really never won a fight and never lost a fight.

But Ryan was not proud at all. People in the pirate world are relatively simple. Simply put, even if they can't scold people, they can't compare to Ryan, the former canyon pianist.

That was Ryan's lost youth...

After washing, Ryan was dressed in white, with the sword of the Pirate King on his waist and his long hair tied with a hairband. Ryan couldn't help but be conceited when he looked at himself in the mirror: He is really a handsome man.

Seeing Ryan dressed like this, Jabba and Ryan were not surprised. Although the dress was a little weird, it was indeed a little handsome.

"Ahem, where did you make that set of clothes? Make me a set, I want black." Jabba said to Ryan.

Ryan agreed without saying a word. In his previous life, as a Hanfu enthusiast, Ryan brought Han culture to the pirate world. Ryan found the best tailor in town to make clothes based on his impression of Hanfu in his previous life.

Like the white robe on Ryan, there are 7 sets of spare at home.

Ryan should be the first person in history to bring Han culture to the pirate world.

Seeing Ryan agreed, Jabba Bailey hurriedly said: "Me, I want a set too. I want a green one."

"Come and show me the results of your practice in the past two years," Jabba said to Ryan.

Ryan drew out his sword and said to Jabba, "Come on, Mr. Jabba, I want to see how far I am from you now."

Jabba was covered with Armament Haki, and he came to Ryan in an instant and kicked Ryan in the face.

Ryan blocked with his sword, but unexpectedly Jabba punched him in the chest again. At the critical moment, Ryan was also covered with Armament Haki. He blocked the attack, but was knocked back more than 10 steps by Jabba's punch, and almost lost his balance.

Ryan secretly said that it was not good. Sure enough, Jabba's attack came like a storm. Ryan had no room to fight back.

With a "bang", Ryan was hit by Jabba and hit the wall behind him with blood in his mouth, and the wall fell down.

"The space here is too small, let's go to the beach to fight." After saying that, Jabba went straight to the beach.

Ryan followed closely, leaving only Bailey.

"Wait for me!"

Three minutes later, the two started fighting again on the beach, but Ryan was still suppressed.

If this continued, he would lose. Ryan was ruthless and added the remaining 20,000 attribute points directly to the observation Haki.

If he could not judge Jabba's next attack, Ryan would not be able to get out of the current predicament. No matter how powerful the moves are, they need to be based on the premise that you can hit the opponent.

But now Ryan was beaten by Jabba and could only passively defend. If he attacked rashly, it would be more dangerous. Ryan's talent for observation Haki is outstanding, and he has the fastest training speed of the three-color Haki observation Haki at present.

Basically, every excellent swordsman's observation Haki is not weak. Not to mention Ryan, who has the blessing of the system. Ryan, who is at a disadvantage, can only gain a chance of winning by enhancing his observation Haki.

Suddenly Ryan felt that Jabba's entire attack movement was a little slower. But just this little bit is enough so that Ryan can take a breath.

Jabba, who was fighting with Ryan, was surprised to find that Ryan's attack movements were getting faster and faster. This kid actually improved in the battle.

Ah, with Ryan's roar, Jabba was finally repelled by Ryan.

"Good opportunity" Ryan attacked Jabba with a sword style. Iai. Now the offense and defense have changed. Ryan showed Jabba the results of his practice in the past two years. Breathing method, Iai swordsmanship, armed Haki, observation Haki and combat experience.

All of this proves that Ryan has changed from two years ago. In Jabba's eyes, Ryan two years ago was just a kid with power but no power.

But after two years of practice, Ryan has completely mastered his power and has improved in all aspects. Ryan feels that it is still unknown who will win the battle between himself and Shanks years ago.

Ryan has already suppressed Jabba in all aspects, slashing, stabbing, and sometimes using a sword to poke the yin. Jabba kept retreating.

"God avoidance!"

Seeing that he couldn't hurt Jabba, Ryan used his strongest move so far. The timing of this sword was just right and Jabba had no way to avoid it.

Jabba also knew the power of God avoidance and used all his strength to block this move.

Seeing Jabba blocking this move with all his strength, Ryan finally used a move that only he could use in this world.

Ryan shouted: "Hundred-step flying sword."

With a loud bang, dust rose up. A 3-meter-deep crack appeared on the beach by the sea. This was the aftermath of the God-avoidance.

The dust dissipated, and Ryan's hand was no longer sword-free. At this time, Jabba had a sword on his arm, which was "Ace".

Bailey, who was watching the battle on the side, had already shown a classic expression package and looked confused when he saw this scene. I didn't expect Ryan to be able to defeat Jabba now.

It turned out that Ryan used the gap when Jabba was repelled by the God-avoidance to use the unique skill of "Hundred-step Flying Sword". The Hundred-step Flying Sword came from the unique skill of Gai Nie in the anime Qin Shi Ming Yue that Ryan had watched in his previous life.

Ryan just made some slight modifications and used the power of his wrist to throw the sword in the target direction. Then hit the palm of his hand against the hilt of the sword while the sword was flying.

Thus, the sword reached the maximum theoretical flying speed, and the supreme big sword "Ace" with armed color domineering could break the defense of most people.

Especially before the unexpected attack, the flying sword can take the opponent's head. This move of Ryan's self-created Hundred-Step Flying Sword is to strike unexpectedly.

Because no swordsman in the world will throw the sword when fighting the enemy like Ryan, so this move is a hidden killer move against enemies who are unaware of the situation.

"I lost!" Jabba's words came slowly.

Ding, the host defeated Sparky Jabba and gained 40,000 attribute points.

Hearing Jabba's words, Ryan shook his head and said, "If Mr. Jabba uses an axe to defeat, it should be me."

Ryan knew that Jabba without a weapon could not exert his full strength and only had about 80% of his strength.

However, Ryan was very happy to defeat 0.8 Jabba, and he was recognized and got attribute points.

Jabba said seriously: "If you lose, you lose. If you wanted to take my life just now, I would be dead."

"But your Hundred-Step Flying Sword is too extreme. If you don't seriously injure or kill the enemy, you will die next."

Indeed, what Jabba said is right. A swordsman without a swordThe combat power will be weakened by 30%. This move can only be used at the critical moment of life and death.

Ryan humbly accepted Jabba's advice: "Don't worry, Mr. Jabba, I don't use this move easily."

"With your current strength, you can go to sea."

Before seeing Ryan's expression of longing to go to sea, Jabba made an agreement with Ryan. When Ryan can defeat Jabba, Ryan can go to sea.

Ryan looked at Bailey: "How is your money prepared?"

Before Ryan followed Rayleigh to practice, Ryan told Bailey to kill more pirates with bounties when he had time. It can increase combat experience and make money.

Bailey said shyly: "Only 10 million Baileys, I sent the rest of the money to the orphanage."

Seeing Ryan silent, Bailey hurriedly explained: "Because there are more and more pirates in the past two years, there are many more children at Uncle Carter's place. I see them........."

"Okay, no need to say, I support you to do this. You are doing the right thing, Bailey." Looking at Bailey who looked at a loss, Ryan smiled and said to Bailey.

"10 million Baileys is enough."

"In the next two days, we will prepare the things we need to go to sea, and then we can buy a boat and go to sea."

With Ryan's support, Bailey seemed very happy and said to Ryan: "Okay, I can finally go to sea with you, Ryan."

Ryan looked at the endless sea. After three years in the pirate world, he can finally go to sea to take a good look at this world.

Although he learned a little from watching the anime of One Piece in his previous life, it was all what King Luffy saw and heard. Ryan wanted to see it himself, the magic of the sea and the exciting adventure.

Ryan shouted at the calm sea in a childish way: "I, Portgas D. Ryan, am coming. Get ready for my arrival!"

The calm sea suddenly became turbulent, as if responding to Ryan's words.

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