Seeing Kidd like this, Ryan thought that even if Thanos snapped his fingers and the whole world was destroyed, Kidd's mouth would probably still be able to speak.

"Why does the captain look at me strangely?" Kidd thought to himself.

But Kidd didn't have much time to be stubborn, because the beast had already rushed up!


The roar seemed to break everyone's eardrums!

Ryan directly activated the domineering domineering at the charging beast, and the pace of the beast rushing towards Ryan and his people suddenly stagnated.

Although it didn't fall directly, because the beast in front stopped, the beast behind couldn't control the inertia and rushed directly, and the beast in front was directly trampled to death.

Because of this, the speed of the beast's advance slowed down all of a sudden.

Seeing that Fujitora and Bailey showed signs of attacking, Ryan hurriedly said: "Let me do it!"

Ryan took a step forward and slashed out with a few flying slashes, and the slashes with space cutting directly cut several beasts into neat pieces.

Ryan rushed directly into the chaotic group of beasts, without using sword moves, just through flat slashing and slashing to kill the enemy.

All the beasts blocking Ryan's way were killed by Ryan, and the beasts behind him woke up from their violent state when they saw this situation.

Just when the beasts were hesitating whether to continue attacking, a beast roar came from the back, and the beasts that were still hesitating just now immediately retreated towards the forest like a tide.

After a while, they all disappeared, and only dozens of beast corpses left on the ground proved that a big battle had really happened here!

Ryan was about to chase them when he was stopped by the old elder.

"Young man, don't chase them, they have returned to their nests, and there are tens of thousands of beasts there!"

"Yes, it's too dangerous!" Tatu people also echoed.

Ryan was overjoyed when he heard the elder's words, because the nearly 70 beasts that Ryan had just killed provided Ryan with nearly 20,000 attribute points, and nearly every beast had nearly 300 attribute points!

Ryan's eyes lit up and he said, "Where is their nest? Take me there now!"

"Young man, do you have a grudge against the beasts?" The elder asked curiously when he saw Ryan so excited.

"I can't live with the beasts!" Ryan clenched his fist and raised his right hand, saying righteously.

Bailey whispered, "You said it the other way around, right?"

Ryan started his career by killing beasts when he was practicing in the windless belt, so it should be that the beasts and Ryan can't live with each other!

"It's almost the same! Don't worry about these details!"

Bailey began to mourn for the beasts on the island, letting Ryan see that they were the biggest mistakes the beasts had made in their lives.

"Go to the city and take a rest first. I'll explain the situation of the beast to you!" said the elder.

Ryan thought about it and was not in a hurry. After all, the beast was on this island and could not escape. Besides, it was good to understand the situation. Knowing yourself and the enemy, you can fight a hundred battles without danger!

Besides, Ryan was very curious about the city in front of him, especially the laser cannons emitted from the city wall. In Ryan's impression, the world government developed and used means like laser lasers around 1520 in the Haiyuan calendar.

The most famous one is the pacifist created by Vega Punk with the fruit abilities of the Seven Warlords of the Sea "Tyrant" Bear and Yellow Monkey. In the later period, the pacifist also became a weapon for the navy to fight pirates.

"The elder is back!"

"Look who is following the elder?"

"Yes, they seem to look different from us. Are they relatives of the elder?"

As soon as Ryan and his group entered the city gate, they were pointed at by a group of people.

Seeing Ryan and the others showing displeasure, the elder explained: "No outsiders have ever been here on the island, so don't be upset."

After hearing the elder's explanation, the unhappiness in everyone's hearts disappeared immediately. They could understand this situation.

"Hello!" Kidd even greeted people.

Soon everyone followed the elder to a house.

"You can live here, there is nothing missing in it." The elder said to everyone with a smile.

"Did anyone live here before?" Ryan asked curiously.

There was a trace of sadness in the elder's eyes. He didn't explain to everyone. After settling everyone down, he was ready to leave.

Ryan hurriedly grabbed the elder and said: "Elder, I have something to ask you. Is it convenient to find a place to talk?"

"Sure, I have something to ask you."

"Come with me!"

Ryan followed the elder to the city wall. The elder looked at the forest in the distance and sighed: "YouYou are pirates, right? "

"How do you know?" Ryan was very confused. According to the information he had learned before, this place is completely isolated from the outside world.

"I left this island when I was young, and I also know a little about your outside world!" The elder recalled.

"So that's the case. Can I ask any questions?" Ryan asked tentatively.


"Why do you look like this? What is the laser cannon that hit the beast before? Why do you look different from them? And why are the plants and animals here different from those in the outside world? Where is the beast's nest?"

Ryan got the elder's affirmative answer and asked all the questions he wanted to ask in one breath.

The elder was stunned, and after a long time he slowly said: "You are really honest!"

"Would you like to hear me tell a story?"

Again? Golden Lion is like this, and you are like this too. Do people in the pirate world like to tell stories?

"All ears! "

"A long time ago, a group of people worked together to build a ship to help a person participate in a battle, and finally lost. In order to avoid the enemy's pursuit, this group of people will take the ship to hide in a place, and the people on the ship at that time settled down in that place. "

"Pluto?" Ryan exclaimed.

"What is Pluto?" The elder wondered.

"Eight hundred years ago, a group of craftsmen in the Water City built Pluto, and followed Joey Boy to participate in a war that swept the whole world, but unfortunately they were defeated in the end. This is very similar to the story you told. Pluto is the name of the ship!" Ryan told the elder what he knew and some of his own guesses.

"It turns out that the ship is called Pluto!" The elder sighed.

, after being confirmed, Ryan suddenly realized: "It turns out that people eight hundred years ago looked like you!"

"No, we were the same as normal people at the beginning, but I don't know why almost all people's bodies mutated later, and even the island where they lived mutated! My ancestors didn't have this mutation for some reason, so that's why I look different from the others here."

"Legend has it that the disaster killed many people, and only some powerful people survived, and the survivors became monsters and established a country here!"

"No way! No way!" Ryan exclaimed.

Now it can be confirmed that the people on this island are the guardians of Hades. As for why this change happened on the island, if that's what you think, it's a bit subverting Ryan's cognition.

--------------------------------------------Regarding the whereabouts of Hades, this is my original creation, the picture is in the chapter comment, that is the image of Luffy and others leaving the Magic Triangle.

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