"Is it nuclear radiation?" Ryan exclaimed at the elder.

A few big question marks popped up in the elder's head, and he asked in confusion: "What is nuclear radiation?"

This question stumped Ryan. Ryan knew about nuclear radiation, but how could he explain it to the elder!

Should he tell the other party that nuclear radiation is actually some ultrafine particles with high energy, mainly α, β, and γ rays? Ryan felt that he would never be able to explain it to the elder in this life.

After all, explaining it to someone who has never come into contact with the word nuclear radiation is no less difficult than telling a story from the beginning of Pangu's creation.

After a moment, Ryan exhaled and said to the elder: "You can understand nuclear radiation as something that can destroy and change the genes of organisms and plants."

The elder thought carefully about the meaning of Ryan's words just now, and frowned after a while: "Do you mean that we are like this because of nuclear radiation?"

"Yes, elder, you are really smart!" Ryan couldn't help but tease when he saw that he had said it so clearly, and the elder still needed to think for so long before giving the answer.

"Thank you for the compliment!" The elder said somewhat implicitly.

Now Ryan's image in the elder's heart is completely different from before. If Ryan was powerful and mysterious before. Then Ryan is now a knowledgeable and omniscient master.

The things that have troubled the people of Happiness Country for generations, and the answers that have made him and others look for a lifetime, were easily said by Ryan.

So the elder was very happy to be praised by Ryan for being smart, not to mention that this smartness was added with a big before.

I know what "great" means, just like when someone calls me the great elder, being smart is definitely an extreme compliment, the great elder thought.

"Is there any solution?" The great elder looked at Ryan expectantly.


"No? Why are you telling me so much if you don't have it!"

Ryan's simple and direct words confused the great elder. Seeing Ryan's profound knowledge, he thought he had a solution.

Ryan looked at the great elder and probably knew what he was thinking, but Ryan himself was helpless. He really didn't know how to solve this problem!

This is like you know about airplanes and cannons, but can you build them? Obviously, it is not realistic!

"You don't have to be too sad!" Ryan comforted.

"Hey! Actually, after so many years, we don't have any hope anymore. It's just that you just gave me hope and despair, so I lost my composure!"

"Just because there is no problem now doesn't mean there won't be any in the future!"

"What do you mean?" Ryan's words rekindled hope in the heart of the elder.

"To be precise, there is a problem with your genes. After so many years of reproduction, the genes in your body have stabilized. So as long as you find an expert in genes, there is still hope!"

Ryan's words are not just a casual remark, because there is really a scientist who specializes in genes in the pirate world.

Vinsmoke Judge, Sanji's father, is a scientist who specializes in genes. Judge's four children are all genetic warriors, so Ryan told the elder that there is still hope.

"Where are the experts in this field?" asked the elder. Since Ryan brought up this matter, Ryan should know it, right?

"North Sea!" As far as Ryan knows, the Vinsmoke family is probably in the North Sea now.

The elder was in a dilemma, and said with a worried look on his face: "We can't leave here!"

Ryan glanced at the elder and thought: "Is this old man stupid! If you can't leave, then I can't leave?" Ryan didn't remind him, he wanted to see when the elder would react.

Finally, after a long while, the elder suddenly jumped up and said happily: "We can't leave, but you can leave, brother Ryan!"

"Brother..." Ryan's mouth twitched slightly. I didn't expect the elder, a man in his sixties or seventies, to take advantage of me!

"By the way, how did you get that laser cannon?" Ryan's words interrupted the elder who was fantasizing that Ryan would bring genetic experts here to solve the physical problems of the Happy Country in the future.

"We made that ourselves! Although we have lost a lot of things in the past few hundred years, some of them have been passed down."

After saying this, Ryan also reacted. Since Pluto is most likely a nuclear-powered ship, the technology at that time must have been very high. The people here are all descendants of the craftsmen of that year, and it is normal for some technology to be passed down.

Ryan was about to ask about the ferocious beasts when the elder started to answer.

"These ferocious beasts are also the nuclear radiation you mentioned.The beasts were mutated by the shooting. The den of the beasts was where Hades used to stay. Perhaps this is the reason why almost all the beasts on the island gathered there! "

"We also moved here because of the attacks of the beasts!" The elder sighed.

Lian could understand it. It was probably because the beasts adapted to the nuclear radiation. The instinct of the beasts made them naturally approach there. After a long period of evolution, it became the den of the beasts.

"Where is Hades?"

The elder immediately became alert. Hades was something they had guarded for generations. Did Ryan ask this to get Hades?

The room was silent. The elder was silent, and Ryan was waiting for the other party's answer.

Rian sighed helplessly: "I'm just curious........."

"Brother Ryan, I can't tell you where Hades is!" Perhaps it was a bit too unkind to say this. The elder continued: "Because the ancestors said that Hades must continue his unfinished battle in the future, so I'm sorry!"

"How old are you, elder? "Seeing the old man calling him brother again, Ryan couldn't help but said.

"I'm ashamed, I'm 112 years old this year!" The elder said with evasive eyes.

Fuck! What the hell! You, a 112-year-old old man, call me little brother!

No, why am I focusing on this? This old man is 112 years old and still ashamed?

"What are you ashamed of?"

"The oldest person in our Happy Country is over 200 years old!"

Over 200 years old..........

Ryan suddenly thought of a theory from his previous life, that cancer cells will force the human body to evolve. It is rumored that if cancer cells can be controlled, they can make people immortal.

Is the rumor true?

---------------------------------------------I passed the second subject, and next I will try to make up for the updates that were not updated due to delays.

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