As Ryan and his team rode the giant upwelling current to Sky Island, something happened outside that changed the world.

At the Navy Headquarters - Marinford, Kong Ganggu handed over the authority and the position of marshal to Zhan Guo in front of all the navy, and this scene was witnessed by all the navy.

In the four seas, in the new world, and in every corner of the world where there is a naval base, this historic scene was seen. Zhan Guo solemnly took over the marshal's token symbolizing peace and justice from Kong Ganggu.

"Zhan Guo, do a good job, I will watch you from above!" Kong Ganggu pointed to the sky.

Zhan Guo was very surprised. Did the appointment of Marshal Kong pass?

Kong Ganggu had talked to Zhan Guo about this two days ago. The Five Elders intended to let Kong Ganggu serve as the chief marshal of the three armed forces of the navy, army and air force, and sit in the Red Earth Continent directly governed by the World Government.

"I will, the Great Pirate Era will end in my hands!" Sengoku's eyes were firm, as if nothing could stop this man. At this moment, a faint domineering aura emanated from Sengoku, adding a bit of majesty.

"It's good to be motivated, but you can't be blindly optimistic." As a senior, Kong Ganggu knew that it was harder than climbing to the sky to do what Sengoku said, so he reminded him.

"When was your most glorious moment, Marshal Kong!"

"Probably before the public execution of Pirate King Roger!" Kong Ganggu recalled that when Pirate King Roger was captured and publicly executed around the world, Kong Ganggu once thought that he could pacify the sea.

But... Alas, there is no but.

Sengoku smiled and looked at the neatly arranged navy below and said proudly: "My most glorious moment is now!" Then Sengoku walked step by step to the navy podium.

Kong Ganggu didn't say anything, just patted Sengoku on the shoulder, everything was unspoken. Then do it for me, Sengoku!

When Sengoku stood on the podium, there was a deafening cheer from the audience.

"Marshal Sengoku!"

"Marshal, Marshal!"

There were still many supporters of Sengoku below, and their eyes were full of enthusiasm. They believed that under the leadership of Sengoku, the navy would become stronger and stronger.

Of course, there were also a few people who were worried that Sengoku was not qualified for the position of marshal. Most of these people were veterans of the navy, because they knew the current situation at sea, and the navy had been losing ground in the New World.

Whitebeard, Bigmom, and Kaido, the beast, have already dominated the sea and are called the emperor of the sea. In addition, some supernovas like Doflamingo and Red-haired Shanks are stirring up trouble, so the current situation is really not optimistic.

It's not that they don't believe in Sengoku, but people always take a wait-and-see attitude towards an unfamiliar thing. Everything takes time, and time will tell them the answer.

Sengoku cleared his throat and began his succession speech.

"Brave marines, pirates are rampant on the sea, and the people of the world are in dire straits."

"There are traces of them in the four seas, in the Great Route, in the New World, and in every corner of this sea. Many of us have sacrificed our lives to protect people's property and safety."

"Do you know how many marines we sacrificed last year?" Zhan Guo's eyes showed a sad look.

"34,623! A full 34,623."

The audience was in an uproar, including the navy in front of the screen. Although they knew that many people had sacrificed their lives, they had never had an exact number. Now Zhan Guo told them that there were 34,623 in total.

Marines, that is not a string of cold numbers, but a series of living lives. Behind each number is a person and a family.

Among them are your friends, comrades-in-arms and even your relatives.

Many marines could not help but start to cry quietly at this moment, because they knew those people that Zhan Guo was talking about, and they were the people who lived with them day and night.

The one who cried the most sadly was a young man, and that young man Zhan Guo knew, Dehuai, a stern and cold person on weekdays.

Dehuai was promoted to colonel last September. He was originally from the Beihai Naval Branch. Because of his outstanding performance in fighting pirates, he was transferred back to the headquarters.

Colonel Dehuai's comrades and superiors in Beihai died in a battle with pirates last year. The battle was very tragic at that time, and even Dehuai's superiors died together with the captain of the pirate group.

And because of the care of his comrades, Dehuai became the only one who survived that battle.

Until now, Dehuai still clearly remembers that his comrade Lao Paoer died at that time.In the scene in front of him, he should have been the one to die, but Lao Paoer blocked the fatal blow for him.

At that time, Lao Pao told him: "I am old, you should live!"

With the credit for destroying the pirates, Dehuai was specially recalled to the Navy Headquarters and promoted and given a salary increase, but few people know that behind the glory are countless bones.

In places that people cannot see, how many people are making sacrifices and contributions to the world, their stories are unknown, their deeds will never be made public, they will only appear in the records, and no one except their relatives and friends will care about them.

It is precisely because of the existence of such a group of people, with their silent contributions behind the scenes, that ordinary people can have a relatively stable life.

Zhan Guo looked at the people crying below and said in a deep voice: "But they did not sacrifice in vain. Their sacrifice allowed people to live a normal life in this great pirate era. They sacrificed for justice."

"Maybe one day you will die in a pirate battle, and you will be the same as them. Are you afraid, brave marines?"

"No, no!" the marines roared.

Zhan Guo was very satisfied with the performance of the crowd. Zhan Guo clenched his fist and slowly raised it to his head, saying solemnly: "For justice!"

"For justice!" The voice shook the whole of Marinford like a tsunami, and the marines all had firm eyes.

The navy's flag of justice was flying in Marinford!

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