"The army's morale is good." Sengoku looked at the determined young marines below and felt relieved. These were the seeds of hope. The future development and growth of the navy could not be separated from them. In the future, the people here would become the backbone of the navy.

But what Sengoku had to do now was to grasp the present. Sengoku looked in the direction of Aokiji, Kizaru and Akainu. As for Garp behind them, he automatically ignored him.

"I will announce a good news now." Sengoku smiled happily at this time and said to Aokiji: "Kuzan, Borsalino, Sakaski."

Aokiji, Kizaru and Akainu, whose names were called, immediately walked to the front of the stage.

Looking at the three people on the stage, the marines below began to whisper.

"Have you heard? Vice Admiral Kuzan and others are going to be promoted to admirals today!"

"Why didn't I hear about it?"

"My superior also told me secretly, haha."

"Stop arguing, Marshal Sengoku is going to speak!"

At this time, a man came up with a tray with three identical items on it. Sengoku said loudly: "Based on the outstanding contributions made by Kuzan, Borsalino, and Sakaski to the navy before, after careful consideration, it has been decided to promote the three to the rank of admiral of the navy."

There was a sensation below. Whether they knew a little about the inside story before or didn't know it at all, they were all very excited now. Admirals represent the strongest combat power of the navy. Marshal Sengoku was an admiral before.

Picking up the item, Sengoku slowly unfolded it. It turned out to be a navy cloak. The word justice shone brightly under the sunlight.

Sengoku looked at Kuzan. Aokiji was the youngest of the three monsters of the navy and the junior he was most optimistic about.

"Kuzan, the future depends on you." Zhan Guo put the cloak of justice on Kuzan.

From this moment on, Aokiji officially became a navy admiral from a vice admiral. The meaning of the two is very different. There are many vice admirals in the entire navy, but there are only a few admirals.

What Zhan Guo put on Aokiji was not a navy cloak, but a heavy burden. In the future, he will shoulder the responsibility and commitment of the admiral.

"Live up to the name of justice!" Aokiji looked forward and said slowly. This was said to Zhan Guo, to the marines below, and to himself.

Zhan Guo smiled, took out another cloak, put it on Kizaru, and was about to speak when Kizaru answered.

"I'm old, Marshal Zhan Guo, you should pay more attention to Kuzan and Sakaski!" Kizaru said with a pout.

Sengoku: "............"


"Pirates must be eliminated, and the final destination of garbage can only be in the trash can!" Akainu's eyes were cold.

The different answers of the three people also represent the different concepts of the three people.

When the ceremony was completed, the entire navy knew that the army had three more admirals today. Together with Zephyr who had not yet abdicated, four admirals were in office at the same time. This was an unprecedented prosperity for the navy.

When the navy around the world saw this scene on the screen, they were all excited.

Although this era is called the Great Pirate Era, the emergence of more and more pirates has also prompted the navy to continue to recruit soldiers, creating the prosperity of the navy at this moment!

After the ceremony was completed, Garp, Kuzan, Borsalino, Sakaski, Zephyr, and Crane, who is currently a naval staff, followed Sengoku to the marshal's office.

This was the first meeting after Sengoku became the marshal, and this meeting will also set the tone for the navy's next battle against pirates.

"I plan to focus the navy's focus on the first half of the Grand Line and the four seas!" Sengoku said something shocking as soon as he opened his mouth.

"What about the second half of the Grand Line!" Akainu asked. He did not agree with Sengoku's plan. In his opinion, the New World was a gathering place for vicious pirates, so it was more important to attack it.

"My idea is to curb the pirates in the first half of the Grand Line and the four seas first, so as to cut off the living force of the New World pirates. Without new pirates to be added, the pirates in the New World will only become fewer and fewer in internal friction. When the time is right, we can gather all the navy's strength to attack the New World, so as to pacify the Great Pirate Era in one fell swoop!"

Everyone began to think. There was no problem with Sengoku's strategy, but when did he say the time was right? Ten years, twenty years, or a hundred years?

"Marshal Sengoku, what is the timing of the middle finger you mentioned? And if we want to curb the trend of pirates heading to the New World, then Fishman Island is a very important location, but Fishman Island is Whitebeard's territory!" Aokiji spoke out all the questions in his mind.

Tsuru added: "And if we do this, the pirates in the New World will not remain indifferent.If we are sincere, we will definitely take some actions. Maybe the decisive battle will come earlier, but are you sure we are ready for the decisive battle by then? "

Zhan Guo patiently explained: "I have considered what you said. Of course, things have to be done step by step."

"The first thing we have to do is to contain the pirates in the sea ahead, suppress the pirates in the four seas and the first half of the Grand Line, and then we will strengthen the control of the sea near the Sabaody Islands. As for the Red Earth Continent, I will greet Marshal Kong. Although there will definitely be some fish that slip through the net, it doesn't matter. ”

“In two years, the World Conference will be held every four years in the Holy Land of Marijoa. At that time, I will propose the Seven Warlords of the Sea system.”

“When the Seven Warlords of the Sea system is implemented, it will be the time when we station troops on Fishman Island. At that time, the Whitebeard Pirates will not be able to shake us, and other pirates will not take action. As long as the Whitebeard Pirates are wiped out, we can station troops on Fishman Island. At this time, the pirates of the New World will not react too strongly. When the pirates of the New World react, the general trend is unstoppable!”

Everyone’s eyes lit up. The plan of the Warring States made them see the hope and feasibility of ending the Great Pirate Era.

“What is the Seven Warlords of the Sea system?” Staff Officer Crane grasped the key. All the premises of the Warring States plan must be based on this unknown Seven Warlords of the Sea system.

“The Seven Warlords of the Sea system is the legalization of pirates. The Seven Warlords of the Sea are composed of seven pirates who are close to the World Government or hostile to the New World Pirates. We give them legal identities and do not arrest them, but these people must stand on the same front with the World Government and the Navy at critical moments. This is also the premise for them to join the Seven Warlords of the Sea! "

"No!" Akainu slammed the table and said angrily: "Pirates are pirates, how can they be legalized!"

"Yeah, isn't this helping the evil!" Aokiji also agreed, and then looked at Garp and said: "Vice Admiral Garp, what do you think?"

Garp slowly swallowed the donut in his mouth and smiled: "I support Sengoku!"

And the Crane Staff also held the same opinion: "It is right to make some sacrifices to pacify pirates!"

Sengoku looked at Zephyr and Kizaru: "Zeffer, Borsalino, what do you think?"

"I think it is not advisable!"

Although Zephyr does not kill the admiral, pirates are pirates, what is the matter with legal pirates. This conflicts with Zephyr's justice, and Zephyr dislikes the Seven Warlords system inexplicably.

Three to three, now everyone looks at Kizaru, the only one who has not expressed his opinion at the scene.


"I agree with Marshal Sengoku's opinion. "

Akainu felt that there was a traitor among the three of them. Aokiji, who usually didn't get along with him, rarely stood on the same front with him, but he didn't expect Kizaru to...

"Why are you looking at me? End the Great Pirate Era as soon as possible, so that I can relax a little." Kizaru thought to himself, ignoring the gazes of Akainu and Aokiji.

Zengoku breathed a sigh of relief. Zephyr's opposition made Sengoku feel nervous, but fortunately Kizaru stood up. Although the marshal could directly issue orders regardless of their ideas, the effect of the disunity would definitely not be as good as the effect of the will.

Sengoku didn't want to be a dictator unless necessary.

"Well, since there are so many people who agree, then this matter will be settled. The details of the follow-up plan will be supplemented by the General Staff." Sengoku smiled.

Although Akainu was unwilling, he finally nodded. After all, this was the result of everyone's discussion.

The overall strategic policy of the navy in the future has been determined!

------------------------------------------------------------------------Original, don't spray if you don't like it!

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