The stories I heard during the day were very thankful, but there was no way I could cut them out right away because of that… I kept missing the time to say it, and it was only after I got into bed that I finally got pushed out of my mouth.

Calling his name in a whisper before he could hear his sleep, he turned to his thick face. I am aware that I have chosen a cunning moment that cannot be judged properly, but I could not cut it out that this is not the time.

"He said he wanted to work the other day... was that because he had extra time...?

"... oh, yeah. When Ilyas is gone, he is free..."

"Well... even now, you want to get out to work?

"If I could..."

"I can't do it with the Knights, but I think I can introduce you to my work at the Guild's diner... would you be interested?

"... n"

"Okay. I'm sorry I woke you up."

I think I'm going to fall asleep now, but I could make sure I snorted back. When I stroke my cheek with the back of my hand to encourage sleep, it rubs against me. As I stroked him several times, I heard a calm sleep and he fell asleep. He once fulfilled the hope that I would like to learn Nippon, as he does every day. Now I want to make it happen. I dropped a kiss on my forehead sleeping peacefully and closed my eyes too.

As for the interview schedule, I was contacted immediately. They specify the time before the peak of the night, rendezvous with Azsa and the two of us head out. Enough on his own, he complained to scattered Azsa that the presence of his parents would not be necessary, but I couldn't give in either if I didn't really feel like checking with my own eyes the environment in which he worked. As a result, Azsa broke and was allowed to accompany him, but at first he was badly infidel. Gradually, he seemed to give up that he had no choice but to be overprotective.

The building door facing the boulevard is always busily moving. Side by side with a different adventurer, he entered the wooden building and the front was greeted immediately by a hall illuminated by indirect lighting and a reception. Towards the right there is a round table and a simple chair, which can be confirmed by a few people eating. I guess there's a kitchen in the back, pinching the counter that's set up to face the bigger seats than expected. Looking around the guild again, which has only ever been counted, the barracks are surrounded by a different atmosphere, and it is strange that this exists in the same world.

It must be very rare to say that knights and ordinary people are in the guild, not just the users on the spot, but the receptionists were looking this way with interest. As we proceeded to the dining room sheltering Azsa from the gathering gaze, the supplicant woman noticed that she was approaching us.

"There you are - wondering if it's the two of you?

The woman who has been speaking out in a prolonged manner is incredibly tall. However, her hair color is pink, she ties her hair in two in a high position, and she is adorable in a high-exposed costume. It's adorable, but when it comes to the one I've looked up to, it's just about Yardeloud, and I'm more than surprised to see if I'm a woman and have the lengths up to this point. I guess we both had the same reaction, she showed how angry she was when she swelled her cheeks in dissatisfaction.

"Oh, that's rude! Tanya's gonna get hurt."

"Oh, the... sorry..."

"Whoa... I'm here to interview you to hire me here, not us. Can you get a rep?

When she talks to a woman in a shattered way that she can't hear much from the gentleman Azsa for the first time, she snorts cheerfully down to the back of the counter. I don't know why the hell Azsa talked like that. When I was staring at him to find the answer, I noticed the person I glanced at and my eyes were smiled back bitterly.

Don't let that Nori get away with it.

"... Indeed"

I got caught up in her looks and pace, and with that said, I couldn't even afford to pay attention. I was noticed in Azsa's words and accidentally returned a similar laugh.

Shortly after we went back, the old man who showed up approached us when he found us. You are instructed to sit in the seat furthest from where the guest is sitting, and do not hesitate to turn your gaze to Azsa if you sit. The look on Azsa's face sitting with her spine stretched out is affordable as usual and doesn't look nervous.

"I heard from Yardeloud. My boss's daughter-in-law wants to work."

"My name is Azsa"

"I have such a fine body, have you ever worked?

"Yes, you will have experience in clerical and accounting matters"

"I don't care about the kind of work that a smart guy would do, I'm asking if he has a physical job"

"I don't know if it's classified as physical work, but if it's work that serves customers through the night"

"Ho... how long did it go on?

"About four years?"

I can't believe it's customer service all night... I can't believe Azsa had experience working with whores stained...! Unlike me, who couldn't even stare at the shock so much, the man I was interviewing nodded contentedly when he raised his voice and laughed.

"I see! I didn't expect such a beautiful woman to have such work experience. Since when can you come?

"Even from tomorrow."

"I like it, Azsa. I don't mean to be ruthless, but you have to come next week."

"... Are you sure?

"Oh. I have customer service and cooking, but I'd like to hear if there's any hope... but I'm here to meet with my husband, and you want to tell him to be a cook full-time anyway?

The information before I heard that he was someone I couldn't eat inside seemed to be correct, with a grin raised at the edge of my mouth and now he calls out to me. Of course, I really want you to avoid contact with others at all if you can. Azsa has turned a surprised face at me for nodding that I was right.

"You're both understaffed, you're welcome to both."

"Huh?! You're such a beauty, you don't have a kitchen!

If I suddenly looked back at the voice that had interrupted me, an earlier woman stood with three people's worth of water on the basin. She grabs Azsa's shoulders and looks at her face as she puts them on the table from basin to basin without worrying about us. When she took seriously Azsa, who was amazingly hardened by the sudden events, she smiled sloppily.

"Uh-huh! Beautiful after all!! Holy crap, it's for the hall!!

"Tanya, don't tell me."

"Because Master! He's the type of kid I've never seen before. He's decided to be very popular."

"I'm sorry, but I don't want you to hire Azsa as a salesman for customer service."

"Ugh, you're a knight."

She swelled her cheeks again as she fetched water trying to push her through. Is that a habit or deliberate… I don't know either, but I give it a bruised look. But it doesn't make sense to me. Only Azsa can shake my feelings with cuteness. Having guessed it, she has killed the adorable look on her face earlier and turned a staring glance. There's no reason to feel a burden on it, but if you take it directly from the front, the air around you will get colder. It was an instant atmosphere that began to drift, but it was Azsa who stopped it.

"Fine, I don't mind the hall."

"Become, but Azsa!

"Wow! It's a decision! If anything happens, Tanya will protect you."

"No, you won't be protected by a girl by a boulder..."

"Yikes! Master, did you just hear that?! Tanya, they said" girl. "

What a forceful woman to go on talking to... even though Azsa says she just won't say any more because she agrees... first of all, I also doubt she can protect me when I really have to.

"Well, you should decide which way to work when you get here the same day. But Tanya is the owner of an arm that can do S-rank requests alone, so don't worry about your expectations."

In response to my frigid gaze, the man in the interview gets up when he says so with a laugh. I'm going back to work to get to the peak, but today I took the luxury of hooking up a cup and went back to the back of the laughing counter.

I can't be sweet about that on a boulder. Azsa seemed to think the same thing, and even if I could sit back trying to shy away, I'd be hindered by an extended voice saying I'd bring you a recommendation. She stood up and pressed and seated me on my shoulder, with the look on her face just saying, "What do you say? I see, the strength of this power… it's just S-class. The statement that I'm going to protect you, apparently, is serious.


Azsa's footsteps, in which she was in a good mood after just one drink of the liquor served, are extremely unstable. I've had a few drinks with Nippon, and I've had my men with me the other day, so I know his limit value. He never got drunk in about a cup, and he shouldn't have been weak on alcohol... but now walking in front of me, he's a drunken-specific thousand feet. He said he would drink the first liquor served at the Guild's diner today, so it might not have been compatible. This is the first time I have seen this far out of strength, and I am worried that it will not affect my health later, although I look fine at the moment.

I was fluttering a few steps ahead, and then suddenly I looked back, and now I'm stopping by. Rin's atmosphere disappears, and she looks like someone else with a smile and a loose smile. I call out what's wrong, but when I hugged my right arm with both hands without responding, I looked up satisfied.

"Hehe, I got you."

What, this cute creature...? I can see why they say the gap is good, and now I can agree fiercely. Desperate to contain the irresistible excitement, I was the one who had already stopped walking and so on, but regardless Azsa walks out with her arms in her arms. As a result, the walk resumed in such a dragged state.

"Ilyas is, he's handsome, and I'm worried about him."

Azsa and the rest of the action continues and begins to speak with an extension of the end of the story. I guess it's closer to talking to yourself as early as possible than saying you're talking to me.

"You're mine!

You're right, my body and mind are dedicated to everything, so you're exactly right and you're right. When I was happy and nodded many times, Azsa's face approached with her sitting eyes from below.

"Damn it, I can't afford it! Remember when you leave!

Rather, isn't it always you who can afford it? [M] I even found it lovely to see him bite, but I never thought it would be a big deal after those few minutes.

"Ha, here! It's dirty, stop it...!

Keep Azsa's head down so she can leave, but she doesn't have much power in her comfort and my hands are just going to go with it.

Spread beneath your eyes is Azsa's appearance of repeated kisses lovingly with both knees up ahead of herself with her underwear down and her underwear about to rise. The thin two fingers grip the fundamentals tightly and rub them loosely up and down. If they do that, they will soon become harder and turn upward. I never imagined Azsa would dare to look at me in front of the front door, only minutes after I closed the lock… such a dreamy event is happening in front of me.

Azsa finally includes herself in her mouth with her filthy voice coming out of her nose. It's normal not to go through everything with a small mouth, but the nasty appearance of opening and closing in diligently is spectacular. Makes a nasty noise called razor puff, narrows, moves up and down… exhales at the impending feeling.

"Huh, Fumochi?

Because of the intrusion, there is a voice that cannot be heard clearly without the Lu Dynasty turning. Remove the hand that was attached to his head and let him retreat so that he can see his expression while combing his forehead, and he will have eyes for Azsa, who is looking up at him with an upward look. The sight alone further inflated itself with excitement. Azsa frowned painfully for a moment, as she sucked herself out of her mouth, she also closed her mouth and smiled. If you stared at him with a rough breath as to what you were going to do any more, you opened your mouth broadly. I put my tongue over myself and salivated. A clear liquid dripping from the bright red tip of the tongue leads to a raging self. Even during that act, my eyes did not deviate from me and smiling lusciously was violently lewd.

Already from the tip, an intolerable overflow of liquid drips. Mixed with the saliva of Azsa, he was once again lost. Now in addition to his relentless upward and downward movements, he is licked up his back with his tongue and eats his teeth off at the impending stimulus.

"Ugh, uh-huh."

"Ha, stop, Azsa...!

My breath rises with a precise caress that makes me want to say a boulder man. I speak in my mouth, but my consciousness to say that I need to stop is flying, and I can't help but want to release this fever quickly. You guessed that situation, Azsa's speed went up, and the limits are close. The hand that is attached to his head is powerful and desperately endures attempts to contain it. If you wave your hips at your disposal here, he's the one who suffers, that's all I want to avoid.

"Gu, uh...!

I finally meditate my eyes strongly on the summit I have welcomed. Pulse hard and breathe loudly with your mouth trying desperately to catch your breath. I felt the warm, soft feeling that wrapped me away, and when I opened my eyes, it was where Azsa sat on the floor.


I wipe my fingers of zero saliva from the edge of my mouth and finally return to me after seeing him in a swallowing motion. The place where I now spit out my desire is definitely in his mouth… and when I found out he was swallowing it now, I rushed down and made him open his mouth.

"Azsa?! Stop it, let it out...!

"Huh... eh"

The mouth that opened up to me adults is already nothing only with the pink spread. I can't believe he liked to act with women originally and was uncomfortable doing things with men, swallowing what was no man's symbol and swallowing desire… it's an incredible situation. But when he appealed to himself that there was nothing left in his mouth, he laughed sloppily.


A man obsoletes such as being so far away and not getting his hands on it. If you stop him trying to lay low to suck it out until it stays, I've looked up at this one strangely. It's Azsa who's been setting me up, so let's not hesitate to let him hold me.

He sits on the front door, lifts him up to the bed and carries him, slowly lowering his hands toward this way, raising his name and hurrying him. It is uncommon for Azsa to be more tense in a state that precedes the act. I mostly have challenging eyes, but today I get a fuzzy smile and incite inferiority. Words are bad, but now Azsa is a slut herself, and her heart jumps to the discovery of a new side wondering if she can even do this face. As we get up to the bed, we loosen the ties and remove the intrusive decorations. Azsa was held to her neck when she tried to take off her jacket.

"Knight clothes, don't take them off."

"I don't mind that... what's up?

The limits of patience are so exceeded that it is very gratifying to reach the act quickly. Open the button on Azsa's shirt and try to return a question to your first order while dropping a kiss on the exposed clavicle. The sensitivity was good, and Azsa, who raised her voice just to touch it, took off her spinning hand and let her back bury herself in bed again.

"Ilias in knightly clothing, I like it because it's cool"

I just can't believe you think of my uniform like that...! Every time I'm going to put my arms through this clothing, I'm going to remember. Restart the stopped caress in order to respond to the extended and hurried voice. When I ate the insistence, I pushed my chest up asking him to raise his voice high. When it was cute and obsessed and caressing his chest, suddenly the irritation ran on his lower body. When he looks down as he is invited, he pinches the area where Azsa's toes are swollen. If I glanced back at him, my unfocused eyes and eyes met and I laughed sloppily.

"Is this it yet?

Copy that.

Thanks also to Azsa, who floated down to make it easier to take it off, he quickly pulls through his underwear. The white legs that appeared spread wide with their knees bent. Remove the lubricating oil that was in the position reached and drain it onto the azza without warming it up. That's all I hear up there, burying my fingers to narrow. Easily swallowed. There, he suddenly increased his fingers.

"Huh...! Kimochi...!

"It's still just your fingers, okay?

"'Cause with Ilias' fingers... hey, more"

Move your fingers to pieces as you were told. Have you tried to say that my fingers are long? For example, my own finger...

"This is where Azsa is."

If so, I have to tell you what makes me feel good. When stimulated to scratch gently, the body of Bikun and Azsa trembles. I'm too cute to raise my sweet voice without pulling it off. Moving his fingers hard as he made a water noise, he began to shake his head this time saying he didn't like it. He's bulging himself up, and I know he feels... what the hell he doesn't like. If you loosen your fingers to make it easier to talk, Azsa will stare at you breathing on your shoulders.

"Fingers are fucked, come on, Ilyas, so poke it."

I feel white in front of me because I was told that while crying. If you notice, you push his ankle to grasp it and leave it to him. Fixed with his thighs snug against his belly, he threw himself into a tightening.

"Ahhh, I'm in...!

Azsa's face, who raised her delightful voice, was already drooling with tears and covetousness. How far the hell is this guy willing to stir up… he can't afford to think about Azsa's body, and the more funny it shakes his head when he starts waving his hips as his instincts do.

"Oh, ma, ah, hi, back, shu... heh!

He seems to be hitting something different, clawing at the sheets. He keeps raising his voice like it's broken. He thrusts Azsa hard and over again in a state where Lu Rhythm doesn't even turn, pushing her to her limits.

"Eh, no, I'll get it out... ugh!

I thrust myself up to the back to exhale greed. If I pulled everything out and disturbed my breath, white objects fell zero together from the narrow. I leak a bitter laugh at the boulder for the amount of stuff overflowing to say it's the second time. I had to scratch out what had gone inside, and Azsa herself reached for it... and I let go of my ankle thinking about it, and that leg sandwiched my hip.

"No, more"

"... you still want it?

Azsa nods happily at my words. I will rub myself into narrowness while thanking him for making it work from next week. The night is not over yet.

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