"I want to die"

That's what Azsa said, who buried his face in the pillow, in a room near noon, where the sun would plug in stronger.

In the end, after that, Azsa cried and pleaded but didn't stop, and fell asleep when the area was getting thinner and brighter. From him, who had skipped consciousness, he scratched out a large quantity of what he had put out, wiping him with a cloth dampened with water. As soon as I got into bed after cleaning up, the sleeper attacked me.

It was a low groan heard directly from the side that woke me up asleep like I was dead. If I open my eyes thinly, Azsa in a state of depression buries her face in the pillow and groans even. When I rang my voice about what was going on, the face I had slowly pointed at was in a terrible mood. It blushes when the eyes meet, tears eyes, and quickly moves back to the pillow. The motion still makes me groan if my body hurts. Last night, I was feeling too well too, so Azsa should be pretty hard right now. When I rang to see if I was okay, the opening remarks popped up.

"Azsa, do you think you can drink water?

"... Muri"

The ragged and withered voice would be due to the shouting yesterday. Azsa, who still buried his face in the pillow, decided that he could not get up on his own, and let him lean back and then lift him up. Take the water drain you had prepared during last night and include water in your own mouth. Then, as he turned back to Azsa, who leaned against his chest without force, he put his face closer. When I poured a little water into his mouth, which had become raw and warm, which I obeyed heavily, I rang my throat and drank it away. Continue until he is satisfied and then drink water for himself as well. I learned that I was thirsty more than I was aware of, and when it came to that, I remembered that I had been drinking last night.

"I was terribly drunk last night, but is there anything disgusting about it?

"Uh... it's okay there"

"Well, good."

"That liquor over there... will never drink again..."

Mumbling with a voice that included reflection, he drips with his leaning against his chest. I'm not sorry to see you being so honest and aggressive anymore. When they showed up like that every day, my reason was going to be useless... but it was Azsa who looked up at me to tell me how sorry I felt, but I had a hard time saying things.

"Forget about yesterday."

"Oh no! I forgot I was disturbed by that slut"

Before I said it all out, my cheeks were pinched with my fingers and words jammed. I try to move my mouth without losing, but my fingers are stirring hard inside. I feel his pressure not to say anything more, in the atmosphere or in physics.

"Seriously, I want to die... why am I not flying my memory..."

If you squeal like that in tears, the power falls out of your fingers and drips again. Do I need to regret that much? He was so cute, so much so that he wanted me to show him that azusa on a regular basis. Though I thought so, I could not tell the depressed person, and stroked the black head in front of me.

"... Azsa, let's clean up our bodies"

"... right"

It would be a little distracting if we got out of the room where the traces of the affair linger. He nodded at the suggestion, putting his strength into his arms to get up, but his efforts vainly fall on my lap. I was ashamed that I couldn't move as I thought I could without force, or the slightly visible side was slightly red. I should reflect that I've done too much here, but watching the initial reaction makes my face cute and loose. I'm glad he was looking down. Get out of bed first and hold your restful body up beside you.


In his ear, he could hear a light water noise from the bottom at the same time as the exhalation containing the color leaked. Follow with your eyes what fell, the floor is glowing with white liquid. This is definitely what I slapped inside Azsa yesterday, and I can easily identify where it was in there if I know that much. My wife on the chest is turning bright red despite covering her face with both hands, so that would be the answer.

"Well, I'm sorry, I didn't seem to scratch it out properly..."

"Let...! Kill him first!

I can't get violent because of my immobile body and show resistance with the only powerless voice I can. I dared to flush it and rush to the bath. Cleaning it up sooner than returning the reaction would be the best thing I can do right now.

The new addition to the Alliance's dining room is a mysterious and Rin beauty. Even though the waist is soft and always a smile and polite response, it is difficult to attack with unswerving strength and an attitude that draws a line. Such rumors spread on their own within their users, making Azsa a one-jump celebrity. Until now, it has been a restaurant used for time crushing and rendezvous, but I hear a lot of people are busy these days. Aside from adventurers and mercenaries who use guilds, even knights appear to use them to help improve security.

However, I do not believe that there is such a thing, and I do not admit to saying that I am a popular supplier. Azsa's work attitude is not an issue because it is very good, but many people have trouble with the user side. More than I expected, I even got a pledge from the Alliance to say that if anything happens around Azsa, the Alliance will deal with it in full. I guess some of you pushed me off against it and hired me as a payroll. Arrangements made out of his/her knowledge, but so far they have worked well and have succeeded in crushing them before the danger has spread. The woman who says Tanya is trying to stay as close as possible to Azsa's attendance seems to have been a more powerful adventurer than expected.

Azsa recently made me hold lunches for me, though it would be hard on my chores for my payroll job. His dishes are delicious anyway, learning recipes in the guild and having more repertoires. What a happy man I am to be able to get that at work. Going to a crowded dining room was also a hundred million robberies, so it's one of the things that makes me happy to be able to eat in my seat. Let's get rid of a little of the work I was turning around this afternoon, when I opened my lunchbox with one hand of paperwork, it had something in it that I said I liked the other day. I would be happy with his concern, which can also be seen in places like this, and I would have no choice but to loosen my face. At this hour of the day, my men, who had become accustomed to breaking my expression because of Azsa, began to prepare for the break without moving. The two quiet people who say Cecil and Yardeloud are the inside men of the day, so I guess they relaxed me without saying anything in particular.

"Mr. Ilias!

Two annoying voices were heard from the hallway, who were in charge of the field today, as they tried to stick to bread pinched with teriyaki flavored meat and plenty of vegetables. Besides, it even stands in very noisy footsteps. Looks like that noise, there will be another complaint from the other troops. Should I start this afternoon with an apology to the Internal Affairs Unit… I don't even know how I feel about re-scheduling, and two people came in who opened the door fine.

"Mr. Ilias! Case!!

"Hey, did you put it out to work Azsa?!

Cecil made her shoulder jump at the noise of a door that slammed shut, and the two spoke at the same time as Yarderud turned an annoying face, but stuffed it to the front of his desk without a problem. There's nothing more troublesome than an excited ref and Eric counterpart. Let him speak as he pleases, and when he calmed down and saw the ref together, he opened his mouth with a disgruntled face.

"Hey, Azsa was serving at the Alliance's dining room. What do you mean?"

"Oh. There's hope in person, and I recently started working for the Alliance."

"Huh?! Mr. Ilias, do you know him?

"... of course, why didn't you know?"

"Huh?! 'Cause we didn't know?!

With that said, I might not have told these two. However, I'm not obliged to report it, so I suspect this situation I can blame is unreasonable... but looking at Eric complaining in tears that it's awful makes me think I might have been sorry. Before me worried about what to answer, now the ref came up to my desk with his arm.

"Whether you told us or not, it doesn't matter what the problem is with the Alliance."

"Is there a problem...?

"What, are you serious? Unbelievable!

It would have been good here if the hot refs had pushed me to go on sometime! and stick up your voice.

"Like this troop-only obedience!

Graduate... did you have that hand...! No, but I have contacts with other troops, even if they're my squad graduates. Instead, there will be many solo actions, such as making arrangements alone. If you think about it, it doesn't change that there are many dangerous times like chores.

"Imagine, Azsa, a graduate. That uniformed azusa."

It's a little different in shape than the uniform we use, but Azsa with her graduate knight clothes together… so he can always stand next to us and help. I'm sure he might be able to turn one of them around if it's for internal work. With a brilliant graduate and my wife, I go home to work in the morning, do business, and have lunch. There will be times when my men will be gone indoors, so there must be time for both of us to spend alone. Maybe even a chance to grow love in the office...

"Look, it's great, isn't it, Azsa, a graduate? Then let the Alliance quit now and get us back to work."

"Right, my graduate Azsa is the best..."

"Wake up, Squad Leader! They're putting you in the ref's truck!

"Ha! Yes, it's too dangerous to be an obedient. I can't make you work here because you're not always exposed to people like a guild."

"Shit, I got to a good place. You virgin Cecil."

It was a dangerous place... It's nice to have Azsa next door whenever you want, but it's too dangerous to work here. That's why I work at the Guild's dining room with the help of Yardeloud. It's a good suggestion to say he's a graduate of our team, but I guess he's still safe and fit for the workplace right now. I can attest to the rumors that not only does it provide good quality performance due to the polite customer service attitude characteristic of Nippon.

"... by the way, what was Azsa like in service?

To my question, I feel like I've been gazed at by four people giving up. You have no choice, because even if you ask me to show you my uniform, I've been declared shy and I'll never show you...

Even though he got a lot of daytime work, he was always there to help me with dinner before I got home. I suggested that you wouldn't mind if I prepared a meal because it could be late in relation to work and you would be physically tired. But I didn't give up until I said that I was in charge of the chores because they put me to work at my own expense. I don't just want it to be impossible, so I try to actively help Azsa with chores on days when she is not feeling well, on days when she was able to get home early, on holidays, etc. In contrast, although he is honestly grateful and pleased, the idea of saying that chores are his part does not seem to have broken down in him.

Also today, finish your business on time and hurry home. Tomorrow is my day off and Azsa's, so I walked faster when I thought I could take my time starting tonight. However, I feel uncomfortable as I approach my home through the front of familiar houses. It's so dark. It's obviously an anomaly that the exterior lights are off and the indoor lights aren't on either. You haven't come back yet, or the buyout is prolonged… unlock it and go indoors, but there are still no signs of people there.

"... Azsa?

I tried to go around all the rooms with a voice just in case, but nothing has changed since I saw it in the morning. This is his home too, so it's only natural to think he'll be back if he waits... but I have a bad feeling about it. It's just a hunch, but a hunch when you say it like this is a quick hit. With that in mind, his legs were immediately heading in the direction of the Alliance. I would pick him up and if I could see him on the way, I would never have gone over it. It doesn't matter if they laugh at you for worrying, if you can avoid the worst. Anyway, I couldn't wait to see Azsa soon.

The last time I came to the guild was on a day when I came for an interview with Azsa, but when I arrived without hesitation, momentum opened the door. The reception was already over and dark, but the restaurant, which was busy with the adventurers who had finished a job, was open and brilliantly lit. When I head straight to the dining room, I can speak to a strange female clerk who was working for me. I could talk about something in a tall, sweet voice, but I couldn't react because it was full of looking for Azsa on the floor. I look all the way around, but I don't see any glossy dark hair. Again, have you already left… it is possible that you have gone wrong, but you should check with Tanya to see if you have really left work just in case. I spoke out to block the story of the female clerk.

"I'm sorry, is there a woman today who says Tanya?

"What, Tanya? If you are a knight, Tanya is good?!

"I need to make sure that if you're here, I'll see you."

"Shit, hot!"

I get irritated with yellow screaming female clerks. How long do I have to hang out with him when he says he wants to check on Azsa soon? Not even realizing how I was, she told her to wait on the spot in a good mood and disappeared into the back leading to the kitchen. If you think a pink long woman came out soon, that's Tanya waiting for you. Unlike the woman earlier, when she finds me, she comes in fast paced, trying to sew between the guests.

"I'm sorry to call you, but I'd like to confirm."

"Uh, honey, aren't you home?


"Ah-chan is ah-chan, Azsa, the knight's dear wife"

When did she get along enough to call Azsa by her nickname? I still don't like this woman... but not if I'm saying that now.

"Is something still going on?

"It was kind of weird, but it was tangled up. Bad feeling, mercenary-style person. It was at first sight."

"You weren't talking about dealing with it on the Alliance's side"

"I did! Uh, it involves you, so I cautioned you not to - and pulled it away. But you look like a pervert, and I've been looking at you. So I deliberately asked you to help me, and I just missed my time and sent you home from the back door..."

"Let's find the neighborhood"

"I'll also look for Atashi. Uh, honey, I think I'm gonna go shopping and go home, 'cause I think the street where I took one off the main thing might be suspicious."

"Got it. Thanks for the info."

"Mmm. I love you, too, Atashi, and you're comforting me."

"You don't have to tell me. I'm going to."

"Wow, as I was asking, you look refreshed and muzzled."

I wonder how far she knows about Azsa and us… so much less where she wants to be questioned, she ran for the place she was instructed to be. The area is already dim.

I want to hug you in this arm quickly, I want to make sure you're safe. My feelings were just hurry.

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