As you did to me in Nippon, I also explained the life of this world.

Electricity, gas, water supply, etc. are not present and everything is substituted with demonic stones, so the way Nippon is used changes. Prominent would be fire and water. In the Kingdom of Serentia, no flames are caused and thermal conduction is utilized. Explaining how to use the kitchen while making breakfast, ahhh no! and I was excited to say words I didn't know anything about and they were awesome, but I think the stove is more awesome.

Water, too, is not something that comes out all the time if you twist the faucet, but it keeps coming out when you hold your hand and says it stops after a certain amount of time. When purifying the body, it is necessary to act again at a time when the water is likely to stop. It's Sento ~ Azsa said, but I didn't know what the word meant. There's no way he's going to be in the fight, there's no way he's leading the way here... and I'm going to miss that there's still something he doesn't know.

The first breakfast I had him make was an eyeball grill. Now I want to make the same thing and make the eyeball grill here as breakfast. On top of the bread, add the soup to a simple dish shaken with salt and pepper. I sat down to dish out in front of Azsa, who was already seated, facing each other.

"I miss you..."


"You may not remember, but I remember making this for breakfast, too, at first"

That's what I say and laugh lightly. I didn't know you thought the same thing about me… I stare at him without words. Then he turned away only his face, deluding himself by swelling his embarrassment as to what he had mistaken.

"It's a good memory for me, leave me alone"

"No, you're not, Azsa. I thought the same thing, and I made this."


"This is the first breakfast I've had you make, you can't forget it, can you? I'm glad Azsa remembered."

When I honestly tell her how I feel, she now looks directly at me with surprise by dyeing her cheeks red. It seemed to be twitching and stained, and when I yelled at you to distract me, I stuck to the bread. Everything Azsa does that lights up is cute. If I couldn't bear to laugh and shake my shoulder, I'd be noticed. He glanced at me with a red face and kicked me in the leg lightly under the table.

"Heck, haha...!

No more...! Finally, the laughter leaks out of my mouth. I didn't know my wife was so cute. Ahead, it worries me mainly because of my problems with reason.

"~ ~ ~! Stop laughing"

I worked very hard before I interrupted my meal and didn't hug her before she complained a little hard with tears.

I thought it would be cold out there dressed as it was, and only today I handed him my jacket. Azsa was expecting it because it's luxurious, but I'm surprised how dabbled it is to exceed that. I'm attracted to my fingers peeking just a little from the tip of my sleeve. When he noticed my gaze, with an indescribable look on his face, he put on his arms and hid his fingertips. Too bad I felt so tall.

Naturally, our country and Nippon have different streets. Tall buildings, cars, signals, etc. do not exist. The road is also far from flat and walkable, although paved by stone. I'm sorry about the street lights. They all feel inferior by comparison. If you go outside and look at reality, you're going to miss the easy home of life… you're going to roll in a direction where your thoughts aren't good.

"Wow...! This world...!

However, when an unexpected voice was heard and his gaze turned to the next door, he looked around with his eyes shining. You may have never seen Azsa snuggle like a child, who doesn't say much of a word of rhetoric and doesn't move much of a facial expression on things she's not interested in.

"Sounds like RPG, tense up!

"If you get used to it, you might find it inconvenient, huh?

I would have stopped it, but I said something that would make me feel like I was enjoying myself. But Azsa has laughed back without worrying.

"You don't feel inconvenient because you think this is normal when you get used to it."

"... you're a boulder, Azsa is"

"Really? I was born and raised in your world, and maybe it just makes me look special."

I guess he didn't notice because of the tension... but to a hell of a statement, he loses his word. I didn't know I'd been thought of by him so far. She usually tells me right away without accumulating, but the important thing is that I often keep my mouth shut. It's a big deal to say that from Azsa. At all, he would be a genius to please me.

The first thing you need to do is get his clothes together. I think it would be better to match my body, but I didn't give in if I didn't need such expensive clothes, so I decided to choose the product that I could use. Still, it's fun to think about Azsa and buy it. At Nippon, I left all the payments to him. I couldn't possibly have given a gift without income, so I am very happy to wear what I bought and gave myself. If Azsa hadn't stopped me from choosing all sorts of things, I might have had no boundaries.

Eat lunch at a diner with a break in it. It's a bread meal here, so I don't see much rice. Explaining to Azsa watching the menu, she laughed a little lonely that she had no choice.

At the end of the day, I went around a few houses to buy everything. I could have aligned it first, but I didn't dare because I wanted you to use what you liked if you could. The decision seems to be the right one, and shopping while the two of us talk about no other love is fun. I imagined the life ahead and chewed up the joy of laughing at each other.

The sun starts to fall, and the area gets dim. Walk home with your luggage down and side by side in both hands. She used the dishes she bought today and wanted to eat at night, so she apologized to me from next door. If you don't understand what the apology is for and be honest, it seems to be about leaving all the payments to you. Shortly after I came to this world, I'm not even in a position, so it's natural for me to pay for this place. Regardless, even if Azsa gets to earn money in the future, I'm going to pay for it.

"Ugh... something awesome - guilt..."

"We're a couple, so if we don't get used to it, we're in trouble, right?

"What... I'm embarrassed, don't tell me..."

"I'd be proud to walk... too bad..."

We had spent six months together, but we had no relationship as lovers. Therefore, I didn't know because I didn't have a chance to whisper love, but Azsa seems shy. I didn't raise the subject of how to deal with my lover, but I was just wondering if you cared too much about Azsa, and this reaction was surprising. I can't just stop thinking that you're going to give me a shy response every time to what I said, even though it's cute and I'm sorry.

"Um? You're Ilias!

"Good luck!

It was the high voice and the soft voice for the man that interrupted the blissful time of saying Azsa and the two of us. I have a bad feeling about a voice that sounds too familiar, but you can't just not look back. I stop and look back. I look back when Azsa stops too so that it fits me. After all, as expected, there were my men Lev and Cecil there, and they were rushing over here doing us a good thing we stopped.

Cecil would be discerning and not a problem, but a rampant ref is a big problem. The refs, who are small in height and look like boys at first glance, are bad in nature because they act after understanding what they look like. I wish I hadn't gotten tangled up in Azsa, but he's already standing in front of me.

"What? Ilias, if you think you're off today, you date such a beautiful woman?

"Here, you're rude, ref!

"Even Cecil cares. Hello,"

"Oh, oh, hello"

I have a bad feeling about it, and I'm sorry for once. Azsa, who is suddenly spoken to and bewildered, replies, but immediately turns her gaze to ask this way. Who are these people? I can see that's what he's asking with his eyes alone. My men wanted to introduce me collectively, but I have to convince myself that I can't help but get into this situation.

"You two are my men. The smaller one here is the ref, the calmer one is Cecil."

"Hi, I'm Lev Moselle. It's small, but it's still older than Ilyas."

"Hello, my name is Cecil Beretta."

"And this is Azsa"

"Nice to meet you. Ilyas is taking care of you."

It is hard not to be able to introduce Azsa, who carefully bows her head, as officially his wife. The left hand pharmacopoeia is fitted with a ring, but here it is proven by wearing one pair of earrings. If you introduce the earrings as they have not yet been received, it will be worthless to prepare them, and you will be disrespectful to them. I find myself intrinsically irritated by the bad timing, but I seem to have avoided putting it on my face. The ref and Cecil are sending their gaze to Azsa with interest.

"You're a face you don't see, you can't forget once you see a beauty like this. Hey, where does Azsa live?

"Hey, what are you asking...!?

"Is this your first time in this city? Isn't Elias's explanation too serious and boring? Why don't you play with me?

"Relief! Oh my God...!!

"Cecil, shut up already. Keep your virginity quiet for a moment."

If you watch in silence, the ref takes Azsa's hand and starts packing the distance. He was cute to smile at with his superiors, but his attitude was masculine and strong, and he said this was the gap, but I don't understand it at all. Cecil seems pitiful trying desperately to make me stop whilst wolfing next door. I watched silently because I knew him, but I can't overlook him any more. I don't know what to answer. Pulling Azsa's hips away from the back holding him from the ref, he heard a relieved breath coming out of my chest.

"You guys will be in business. You're not selling oil here, get back to work."

"Ha, excuse me!

"I think it's cowardly of me to use my superiors' orders where I say so."


"Yes, yes, I'm sorry. Back to work."

The ref, who replied with one hand to Cecil's caution, then, if you'll excuse him, he turns his back and walks out when he salutes. Cecil, who said no and saluted him as he panicked, also ran after the ref. Return to the lookout. Drop off the two backs and then stand to face Azsa's hips apart. He looked strange, but I don't answer that. I bow my head first. What are you doing, raising your head over your actions when you think you should apologize for your men's disrespectful behavior as a superior officer! And when I can hang a chopped voice from Azsa, I raise it reflexively.

"Because it's okay! That's because I don't want it...!


"I'm not offended, I don't need to apologize."

Isn't that what he's saying with care because people are good? I didn't want him to put up with it, so I wanted to figure out if it was for real, but when he grabbed my arm, he pulled it. Don't resist because you don't even need to solve it, Azsa walked out to pull you off. If you carefully observe Azsa's face as to what the hell is going on, you can see her ears are red even when she is facing forward. And I remembered that when I say Nippon people, I don't like to draw attention. That should have been the same for Azsa.

The profession of knight is eye-catching all over the city, and it also gathers gaze from around because those two people have been calling out to each other with affection. Besides, my gaze would have gathered even more with the act of saying I would bow my head and apologize on the spot after the two of them left. That's embarrassing and unbearable, leaving to run… I finally realized that's the place. The gaze I didn't realize when I was used to being seen was hard for him. As long as you're with me, you're pathetic, but you'll need to get used to it a little bit, but it's going to be a big difference whether you're ready or not. I've done bad things to Azsa, I have to be careful in the future. I could learn one more thing about him, but regret my own impudence in failing and realizing it.

"But it helped that you pulled me away from Shota. Thankyou."

A truly small voice, told as he turned forward, this would be indisputably true.

I'm sure the timing now is what I said to distract you by looking at my situation. Yes. I guess I was unconscious, but I was called out where I was about to sink again, and I was surprised. The day may not come to rival Azsa. Cash while I'm at it, but happy with the words hung, I follow Azsa with one hand hiding the loose cheeks. I still don't think I can untie his hand from me.

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