"You can't do that. I'll do the chores."

My suggestion was kicked over by Azsa, who was washing dishes.

Talking about asking your wife to come into the family is a topic that rises to the hills in the booze seat. Before I met Azsa, I couldn't even imagine life ahead of me, especially since I wasn't even interested in getting married. Still, the answer required was to say that my wife should also go outside. We thought we could go out and work if we could move and be happy with each other if our lives would be richer for even a small amount of money. How long have you been so poor when you've lived a wealthy life as the second son of a nobleman? And they laughed, but that's what I thought at the time, so I couldn't help it.

But ever since I met Azsa, I'll be wondering how shallow I used to be.

I don't want the person I love to work, etc., and I don't even want them to do the house thing. I want you to live free, that's all. So I also told Azsa that I didn't have to do anything, I was just glad she was here at dinner, but she didn't accept that I meant it. Dinner I made with him when he told me he was going to help me, and dishes that were quickly taken to the kitchen when he told me he was going to clean up. I started washing things as if nothing had happened, and when I told him I meant what I said earlier, he kicked me in the ass.

"But the struggle with Azsa..."

"Only he can tell if he feels it's a struggle. Don't you?"

"... right"

"I'd rather not do anything. If Ilyas works, I want to support it. When it comes to what you can do now, chores. Yes, argument."


"Perseverance, if you say so much, bring the cup that's left on the table"

Thank you. I can't disobey Azsa's orders. My body moved on its own, cleaned up on the table where I had been eating until earlier, and then came back with a glass, as I was told. He washes out the glass when he receives it with a light thank you. Azsa, who has already used the sink she just taught me how to use this morning, can only be described as a boulder, but not if she is impressed with it now.

"I took you out of the world you lived in, at least to Azsa,"

"I agree with you on that. If you don't like it, you won't follow me. Or what? Can't I take care of my chores?"

"No, that's not..."

"Then we're done talking about this. If you say so, prepare an apron for me."



"Wow, okay."


Satisfied, perhaps closer to a winning smile than to say. Hearing my consent, he nodded loudly and restarted the washing. Would it have been in this house, such as an apron... he wanted it, I want it all in place by tomorrow morning? Immediately changing his mind, he walked out toward the room he would probably have left behind.

"Hey, it's morning."

I open my eyes to surprise at the voice hung with my swinging body. There is no ringing noise when it's time to wake up, and only in the quiet room where the morning sun shoots in is the figure of Azsa wearing the apron I gave her last night. Did you oversleep...? I tense and glance at the clock, but time always refers to the time to wake up. I should have set up a proper awakening demon stone last night... but I didn't know what the hell was going on, and if I turned my gaze to Azsa to ask for help, I laughed proudly and strained my chest.

"Don't be an animal, you can always wake up at a certain time."

Did something happen to you before the alarm went off? Was it someone else who remembers you as if you were tapping your smartphone in a grumpy mood at any time...?

"I've got rice for you, so wash your face."

Quick as I say, if Azsa takes the blanket from me and kicks it out of the room, there's no other way to do it. When I get up to speed and then turn up in the living room, I get a good smell of appetite. Eat the breakfast you prepared for me and relax for just a few moments to get to work. I wanted to stay with him, but I couldn't say that either, so I had no choice but to lower my sword to my waist.

Looking back at the door, Azsa, still in an apron, stood at the drop off. I've been on the side of dropping it off before, so standing on the side being sent out like this just makes me feel a little muzzled and itchy. It seemed the same to them, and when they looked at each other, they laughed naturally.

"Okay, I'm coming"

"Whoa, watch it. Hey."

"Oh, and Azsa. You're going shopping, aren't you?

"When you feel like it."

She looks cute laughing like a boy with her mouth up, gets caught and cheeks loose. I'm sorry, I don't want to go to work, but if it's not time to leave, it's really bad. Then, he ended the conversation and was pulled over where he put his hand on the knob. A soft sensation on the body pointed back again and on the lips that strike right after. Soon it would go away and stare at Azsa's face, which was not even close.

"I always did."

I realized what he had done with his words, smiling niggardly, and my face turned red at once. I did. When I sent Azsa out with Nippon, I wanted her to be a little bit aware of me... and send out kisses every day that I couldn't breathe. I was desperate on the side to do it then, but when I had to be on the side to be done, it smelled surprisingly bright. Satisfied with my reaction, he pushed his back to go fast and when he realized he had been kicked out of the house.

"Squad leader, you're in a good mood today."

In the afternoon, with a voice hung with coffee delivered to me sitting at my desk at a paperwork, I raise my face. There, Cecil, the conscience of my squad, stood smiling. Would you have taken such an obvious attitude? If you tried it on me, you would have spent as usual… even that seemed to have come out on my face, and Cecil laughed out small.

"Is it Mr. Azsa's influence?

"Does that sound like the subject of the rumored lover of Mr. Ilias?!?!

As Eric stood up in momentum screaming, a loud noise echoed into the office room where the chair didn't even fall wide. I turned my blaming gaze, but when I lowered my head gently and woke up the chair with a laugh, I rushed over to this side. The man who says Eric is good at cutting ahead if he has a sword, but he has a lot of reprimands because he's light and retarded. Honestly, people are good... but I'm sorry to hear about your behavior.

"Eric, you must be rude...!

"I heard from the ref that Mr. Ilias' lover, hey, she's beautiful. Hey, Cecil, how pretty are you?

"Become, jeez, don't shake it on yourself...!

"The honest Cecil turns red...! Are you sure...?!

Do these two people who start shaking recognize that they are now in business and that the place is in front of their superiors? Being forgiven for being in front of me would be a big deal if I did it elsewhere... but I would worry about my busy men. If it wasn't time to stop, other squads would complain. Cough gently, then stick the paperwork you've been checking out to Eric.

More than that, Eric, the report is full of mistakes.

"Yeah?! Well, you did a great job this time."

"Right. Five fewer corrections than yesterday, but 13 combined."

If I gave clear numbers and shook the paper to prompt them to receive the documents quickly, I received them with both hands very much. He seemed pitiful to drop his shoulder forward of the reddened documents he had been adding, and Cecil, who was holding the basin, peeks into Eric's face.

"I'll help myself, shall we?

"Uh-oh, Ceciloo! Love it -"

What a cash man... no words to give back to the familiar sight that plays out in front of me, making coffee that I had brewed while rubbing my eyeballs. It tastes bitter in black and I'm going to get more headaches... I want to go home soon and have a sweet cafe ole brewed by Azsa.

I left the workplace with my exit time and headed to the ornament store early. I wanted to receive the earrings as soon as possible because the start date was today. When you enter the store, it is time for the store to be decent and there are no customers. An artisanal shopkeeper just sits quietly with his arms around him. The shopkeeper, who noticed me, stood up and went back, but soon came back with the box in his hand.

"Blue and black. What an unscrupulous order. That was tough."

That being said, the proud shopkeeper opened the lid of the box he had placed on the counter and showed me the contents. The simple earrings, blue and black but with clear stones, have a very satisfying finish. The earrings I give as a sign of my marriage were my own who really wanted to incorporate each other's colors, but they are perfectly fulfilled.

Thank you. Thank you.

"This one was a worthwhile job too. Happy."

Carefully put the box into a bag and hand it over. Since the price had already been paid, I lowered my head and left the store behind. The neighborhood is already starting to twilight, we need to get home soon. Restless by nervousness and excitement, he ran for his home.

If you unlock it and put it in the room, it smells good. It's been more than a decade since I've been home with the lights on and the scent of dinner greeting me. I'm surprised you feel so soothed. There was no sign of Azsa in the living room, so it would be the kitchen if she were there. A peek of Azsa in an apron appeared behind her when she peered her face in a voice just now as she continued there at the door. He was stirring the pan and looked back in surprise and smiled back.

"Bad, almost what? Get dressed."

"Oh, okay."

If I honestly agree, I'll turn back and say no to bad. The loose shirt I just bought yesterday doesn't have enough cloth area to cover my neck and his noodles look good. If I had gazed at him like that, I would have been drawn unconsciously behind Azsa.

On the way home, thinking about which time to give the earrings, etc. is flying at last, and my consciousness is overshadowed by my instinct to say that I want to make this person my own right now. Azsa laughs ticklishly as she drops a kiss to her nod as she makes a lip noise, realizing I was approaching her without leaving the room. I moved my lips to my left ear as I pecked, good thing the still voice didn't fly.


I get excited about the leaked voice. The desire to conquer is stirred by the way one hand holds the balls and the other hand holds the kitchen in meditation and endurance. Place the bag you just received on the workbench and remove the box. His body fell forward as he ate his tongue into his ear and made a noise to avoid being noticed by it. Apparently, I let go of the balls I was holding and the other one reached for the kitchen too. Are you sensitive to this act for the first time in a long time, Azsa's breath is starting to rise just by caressing her ears. Now I put the earrings removed from the box on my left ear as I dropped a kiss on my right neck muscle.

"Ah, what...?

"Touch it."

Azsa, who turned her face this way, had a shaky look on her face. If you teach him to touch his left ear like that, he moves his arms slowly. Sounds like you soon found out the metal you touched was earrings, but you don't seem to realize it's as a sign of your marriage. There will be no choice in all this.

"Here, I told you I'd give you earrings, not rings, right?


Explained as he dropped a kiss on his temple, he immediately remembered me. I can't wait to see you happily start playing with your fingers.

"Sorry I'm late."

"No... I'm glad. Thank you, Ilyas."

I wonder why, because it's been a long time since Azsa... and I could die of his cuteness. I just got thanked, but I can't stop feeling overwhelmed. I'm happy, happy, and I want you to forgive me for having put up with him for a year.

There is no such thing as stopping the rampage, and I cling to my lips in front of my eyes with selflessness. I didn't seem to be the only one who wanted to hold me right now, and immediately my lips opened thinly and my tongue was invited in. Don't hesitate to lick your mouth, untie only the apron strings and slide your hands into your clothes. I'm obsessed with kissing you. Let's not let Azsa notice the fire I was using to cook first. Two adorable tops already claim when you slip your hands up without being able to afford to stroke your flank. It's hardening. He should have liked to touch it with his fingers to pinch it. If I squeezed both at all costs, my body swayed exaggerated and my lips separated. He shook his head when his head was sad as he moved back forward, giving him even more scratchy irritation.

"Huh...! Stop...!"

Contains the body trying to escape from too strong a stimulus and buries his face in the neck. All the air you inhale wraps around the scent of Azsa, which is so sweet.

"Ha... Azsa...!

I just exhale in my ear, but my sweet voice goes up. I want to spoil you more gently, but all my body wants is me and I can't stop you. Rubbing himself up against Azsa's ass from the first one, he heard a small laugh and his hands turned to his lower body, stroking his tip with a crease.

"You tend to."

When I met my eyes with black eyes with challenging colors, my reason, which was already equal to none, was easily cut off.

When Azsa's underwear and underwear are lowered with momentum that you can't argue with when it's said to be abusive, he grips himself directly in. As hard and upbeat as I am, it was already soaking wet. Stimulating with your fingertips will cause the liquid to overflow from next to next and not stop.

"Azsa is the one, what's wrong? This."

"Huh...! Because...!"

The answer to the enquiry whispered wildly is weak. If you make a ring with your fingers and rub it from the ground up before you try to recruit it, all you hear is words that don't make sense anymore.

"Oh, stop, yik...!

Repeating it rhythmically over and over again, Azsa reaches immediately and takes it by hand to avoid zeroing the liquid that pops out. Usually on a platform where slabs are placed and cooked, the upper body looks apron, but the lower body just doesn't wake up and increase the excitement because of the downright sight of Azsa with her clothes falling down and cutting out, sticking her ass out.

"You've been accumulating a lot."

"Holy shit... you can't get out of here without you..."

I don't suppose he realizes that the words that have returned constantly are stirring me up. Unconsciousness is horrible. Instead of lubricating the other finger, tame the liquid and extend the finger to the narrow back of the azusa. I narrowed it down because I wasn't scratching it. Proceed with caution there fingers.


"Pull yourself out."

Nod at my words, desperate to breathe. In keeping with the timing of that breath, the fingers, which were up to the second joint, were pushed to the ground at once. Moving your fingertips with the momentum as it is, a painful voice rises from Azsa. With that voice, he rushes back to me and stops moving when he becomes violent again.

"Oh, don't...!


"Please, more...!

With his cheeks on the cooking table, he stops breathing on Azsa, who turned his gaze here. His glossy appearance that makes my effort a bubble of water, even though I say it was stopped at the corner, is abominable. If you want to, I won't stop you anymore.

Apply the liquid that was about to solidify onto your finger to add more. He reacted differently again when he ignored the voice rising as he bowed his back and plucked his fingers into pieces and good spots. Apparently, there's no doubt about his good here… now he focussed on attacking there. I shook my head so worried that it would come off, and the edge of my mouth naturally rises as I nodded my tongue at the appearance of being disturbed by pleasure. Pulling his fingers out, loosening his underwear and lowering his underwear, he gained momentum and zeroed himself out.

"I can insert it... ugh"

When I say that with a voice that swept low enough to suspect that it was my voice, I don't hesitate to screw it into the narrow.

"Gu, ahhh...!


I'm even excited about how I stand up my nails and endure them. In a moment of confusion about whether I have woken up to sadism or not, this one also manages to withstand and outweigh the impending pressure. Soon he knocks his body down and, mindfully, proceeds a little while roughing his breath in Azsa's ear.

"Oh, oh... I like it, I like it..., Ilias...!

"Ha, me too... Azsa"

When it all comes in, you start waving your hips without letting your hair in. If we moved to hit as good a spot as possible, we were only at the beginning, and Azsa's body was losing a lot of strength. He hastily hugs his body, which is likely to slip off, but speeds up his hips.

"Oh, oh, oh, aye, Iasu! Ria, ah, ah"


"Ah, Ra, ah, early!

"Oh, ha, you can't, can you?

"Hey, ahh, ahh! Come on, come on, come on!

"Hmm? What's up?

From the moment he gasps, he realizes that he is desperately saying something and asks slowly. Then he turns his unfocused eyes this way, and he smiles.

"Me and I, let's get married, Ilyas"

I felt my body pulsating in a clearly audible voice. I never thought I'd even be proposed to Azsa at this time. It's the answer to something like that.

"Oh, I'd be happy to be Azsa's lifelong companion...!

Azsa looked like she laughed in reply as she resumed her thrusting motion, but soon turns into a glossy face. Thanks to staying standing, your hips move faster than ever before, and you start aiming for the end anyway.

"Uh-oh! Fierce, ah! Ria, come on, ahhh!

"Zusa...! Azsa...!"

"Really, no! Ahhhhh...!

"Ha, I'll get it out...!

A tight embrace of Azsa's waist with a screaming voice knocks her desire inside. The spasmodic Azsa had too much mess in her hair to peek into her face, but she could only get a firm confirmation that the earrings glowed in her left ear.

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