【The Datong Wind Curtain was already very close. There was no sound of wind, but it was spreading quietly, compressing the space, but bringing even heavier psychological pressure to everyone.】

【"Didn't you always want me to use it?"】

【"Hmm? What do you mean, Fang Yuan? How would I know that you have the Spring and Autumn Cicada?"】

【"Mo Yao, I am a cautious person by nature. I always think about failure before I think about winning! So from the first day you lurked in my mind, I imagined the worst case scenario."】

【What is the worst case scenario?】

【"That is, I have the Spring and Autumn Cicada, and the secret of rebirth is known to you. I think that when I first entered the Near Water Tower, your will had already known this secret, right?"】

【Mo Yao's will appeared in Fang Yuan's mind, and she shook her head with a sincere expression,"Fang Yuan, did you misunderstand something?"】

【Fang Yuan ignored her and continued,"You learned this secret, but pretended to be ignorant and showed up on your own initiative. Then, you pretended to feel guilty for failing Lingyuanzhai and deliberately gave me a task to return the water tower to Lingyuanzhai."】

【"In fact, this is just a cover for you"】

【"You have put a lot of effort into gaining my trust. You helped me conceive the Arm Heaven Corpse King, taught me the Daoist killing moves such as Mo Hua, assisted me in sneaking into the Zhen Yang Tower, and repeatedly gave me warnings and served as my advisor during the battle."】

【"All these actions are to lower my vigilance. At the same time, you have been tampering with my thoughts and subtly influencing my thinking, with truly sinister intentions!"】

【Mo Yao raised his voice, his face showing displeasure:"Little guy. What's wrong with you? You actually think of me like this, did you take the wrong medicine?"】

【"Moyao, you are amazing. I have made a big mistake because of you. Your performance was so vivid that I almost took it seriously."】

【"When the will of the giant sun awakened, you advised me to stay away from here, take the water tower, and return to Zhongzhou, but at the same time you influenced my thinking and made me choose to continue the adventure."】

【"When facing Ma Hongyun, you persuaded me to help Ma Hongyun, but at the same time you tampered with my thoughts and stimulated my murderous intentions. You triggered my anger and fanaticism, and made me impulsively kill Ma Hongyun, which led to a surge in my Black Coffin luck. 28】

【"To be fair, I normally calculate my own interests. How could I be so brainless?"】

【"I first saw the Royal Court Spirit Frost Jade Peacock. I learned the conditions for recognizing the master. After leaving the True Yang Tower, I actually recalled some things from my previous life, a certain character..."】

【"My character is not so weak. These are the memories of my past life that I have buried deep in my heart. This is also your work! You want to secretly attack me and take advantage of my slightly fluctuating state of mind to spy on my memories of my past life!"】

The barrage of comments flew up

"Brothers, put this man's name on the screen"

"Xie Hanmo, my Mo!!"

"The person above, you have already committed suicide!"

"Shang Xinci has failed to influence you in three lifetimes, but a mermaid who looks a bit like her makes you panic."

"This is the white moonlight of the Immortal Venerable. If it weren't for Mo'er when he was digging the ditch for black oil, the Immortal Venerable would have died."

"Xie Hanmo is the Starry Immortal Lord, everything is already predetermined!"

【Mo Yaoyi's eyes widened, his tone was unfriendly, full of grievances of being wronged:"Fang Yuan boy. This was clearly your choice, and now you have ended up like this. You actually refused to admit your failure, and instead attributed it to me!"】

【Fang Yuan laughed and said,"Hahaha, admit failure, of course I have to admit failure! My foundation is still shallow, especially compared with you, Mo Yao, and Ju Yang, experience and vision are no longer my advantages. But do you know where your biggest flaw is?"】

【Mo Yaoyi snorted coldly and crossed his arms across his chest:"Boy, if you say that again, I will be angry! I have helped you all the way, is this how you treat your benefactor?"】

【Fang Yuan turned a deaf ear to him and continued,"Your biggest flaw is that you actually used the advantage of proximity to actively attack the Seventh Turn of the Invincible Hand."】

【"You gave me this task, to return the nearby water tower to Lingyuanzhai"】

【"Why, at the critical moment, did you give up your proximity and protect me?"】

【"Could it be that these days of getting along have made you change your principles and lean towards me? Haha, I don't think my charm is that great."】

Barrage of comments

"Hehe, the greatest advantage of the Immortal Venerable is that he knows himself."

"No, the biggest advantage is killing sisters!"

"If this happened to any other protagonist, wouldn't Mo Yao have the golden finger?"

"The standard configuration of the strong in Zhongzhou is to play with the fairies in Lingyuanzhai. They are so heartless, so is Feng Jiuge, and so is our Immortal Lord!"

【"This is enough to prove that your so-called return of the mission is just a cover!"】

【Fang Yuan's tone was calm, but Yao Yizhi heard it as thunderous.】

【She fell silent】

【This time, she didn't refute!】

【"In addition, you have other flaws. First, you are so close to me, but you hide this fact. It is obvious that you have bad intentions and want to use this rank 7 Immortal Gu House to restrain me at the critical moment."】

【"Second, if you really want to cooperate with me, why do you have to keep hiding what kind of will you are? This means that once your will is exposed, it will inevitably arouse my suspicion."】

【"Third, you deliberately misjudged the time limit and turned me into an eight-armed celestial corpse! I became a zombie and felt disheartened. This was also your doing."】

【"Fourth, you have been playing tricks on me many times, secretly influencing my thoughts, causing me to think about using the Spring and Autumn Cicada many times. I have always been firm in my will, never hesitate, and act after careful planning. Once I make a decision, I will execute it. How could I have the same idea over and over again?"】

【"Fifth, since you have very little immortal essence and I have become a Gu Immortal, why don't you take the initiative to lend me the advantage as soon as possible? Obviously, there is another plan."】

【Mo Yao Yizhi raised his head and laughed, and asked,"Fang Yuan boy, your words are inconsistent. Don't forget that I saved your life. If I hadn't activated the Near Water Tower, you would have been killed by the Giant Sun Yizhi long ago!"】

【"Now you say that I deliberately framed you and miscalculated the time limit, allowing you to become the Eight-Armed Heavenly Corpse King. I saved you and harmed you at the same time. Am I sick?"】

【"Of course you are not sick, you are always clear-headed! You are harming me and saving me at the same time, this is all your plan. Haha, as long as you put yourself in your shoes, it is not difficult to guess your motives."】

【After a pause, Fang Yuan continued,"If I were a will that remained in the world for ten thousand years, but my body had died and the person I loved had failed to survive. At this time, if I saw the Spring and Autumn Cicada, what would I do?"】

【"The answer is self-evident. Of course, I want to use the Spring and Autumn Cicada to reverse the flow of time! The effect of the Spring and Autumn Cicada is to sacrifice all of the Gu Master, leaving only the Gu Master's consciousness in the Gu insect."】

【"At the critical moment, I mixed into the Spring and Autumn Cicada, destroyed the Gu Master's will, and replaced it, went back to the past, was reborn again, and changed my own history!"】

【Fang Yuan made a resounding analysis.���Extraordinary demeanor showing confidence】

【Mo Yao's pupils shrank and he fell silent again.】

【Fang Yuan said:"However, it is difficult for you to achieve this goal. There are two main difficulties."】

【"First, you are just a will. No matter what kind of will you have, you cannot activate most of the poisonous insects. Spring and Autumn Cicada is not only in this category, but it also requires more. It requires the poison master to self-destruct, sacrifice his true essence, flesh and blood, and other poisonous insects on his body as a force to propel it."】

【"Second, the Spring and Autumn Cicada is my Gu worm, and it is my destiny Gu, so it is extraordinary. You are not Wu Xiang Shou, so it is not easy to take it away by force. Later, I found many Zhidao Gu worms that can produce multiple wills, so it is even more difficult for you to snatch it."】

【"In this case, you will have no choice but to play along with me and wait and see. On the one hand, you have to strengthen me, help me, and improve my foundation, so that I can gain stronger power to push the Spring and Autumn Cicada when I explode."】

【"On the other hand, you have to take advantage of the situation and create a desperate situation so that I will not care about the huge risks and have to use the Spring and Autumn Cicada!"】

【At this point, Fang Yuan sighed:"I was wary of you before, but as you gradually influenced my thinking, I eventually fell into your calculations and arrangements step by step. You secretly influenced me, causing me to constantly take risks in Zhenyang Tower."】

【"You also encouraged me to deal with Ma Hongyun, Juyang Will, and Hei Loulan. Many things were obviously not profitable and irrational, but I was impulsive again and again. You asked me to create strong enemies everywhere just to create a desperate situation."】

【"But on the other hand, you were afraid that if you didn't handle it well, I would die. So, at the critical moment, when my life was hanging by a thread, you had to take action, exposing your proximity to the water tower, and also helping me avoid the fatal blow of the giant sun's will."】

【"So, when I was about to be captured by Wu Xiang Shou, you drove the nearby water tower to hit it actively, because you were afraid that it would randomly capture my spring and autumn cicada, and worried that the spring and autumn cicada would be exposed."】

【The communication between wills is rich in content but extremely fast.】

【But after Fang Yuan finished speaking this time, Mo Yao's will did not respond for a long time.】

【The mind is quiet】

【The giant sun will in the outside world has counted down from ten to six.】

【Finally, Mo Yao broke the silence, clapped and laughed:"Haha, good, good analysis! It's really clear and logical. I didn't expect that I couldn't fool you after planning for so long. You really impressed me."】

【"Boy, even if you are a reborn person, your talent is outstanding. If we were still alive, maybe we could become good friends. What a pity!"】

Barrage of comments

"Brothers, this section is really wonderful." (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Although the Immortal Venerable has never practiced the Way of Wisdom, his wisdom and talent are rare in the world."

"Brother, don't you see that the Immortal Venerable is now constantly illuminated by the aura of wisdom? That is the Nine-turn Wisdom Gu, which can speed up a person's thinking and thoughts."

"The one above, I throw you into the wisdom halo, can you discover Mo Yao's plot? The one who is awesome is never the wisdom Gu, but the Immortal Venerable!"

"Well said, there is a lot of people in the world, please take a seat!"

Fights Break Sphere


Xiao Yan stared at the screen with eyes wide open, in disbelief, his heart filled with shock.

"Is this the top level of wisdom?"

"How did Fang Yuan calculate all this?"

"Don't all soul bodies have golden fingers? Could it be that Mo Yao can't teach Fang Yuan to refine Gu?"

Xiao Yan thought of his grandfather with golden fingers, and felt a shudder all over.

But he was sure that his master had no ill will towards him.

Hai Bodong said:

"Fang Yuan's caution saved him"[]

"Didn't you hear him say that he is a cautious person who thinks of failure before victory?"


It was because of this consideration that Fang Yuan was able to infer Mo Yao's purpose and successfully verified Mo Yao's sinister intentions.

"Immortal Venerable, awesome!!"

Pang Bo couldn't help but give a thumbs up to Fang Yuan in the light curtain. At this moment, his heart was surging, and he wanted to like Fang Yuan crazily.

Just now, he saw Mo Yao desperately saving Fang Yuan, and thought she was a good sister. She will be a great help to Fang Yuan in the future.

After all, she is a great master of refining Taoism, who can refine the seventh-level immortal Gu.

If Fang Yuan can get her true teachings, he will definitely achieve higher achievements in the future, at least in terms of refining Gu, it will be smooth sailing.

Along the way, Mo Yao's help to Fang Yuan did help Fang Yuan solve many problems.

Pang Bo had turned her into an immortal long ago.

But now Fang Yuan has calculated Mo Yao's true purpose based on clues. With such talent, how can Pang Bo not be shocked? ?

But Ye Fan frowned and saw a deeper side

"The Spring and Autumn Cicada cannot be used. This time, Fang Yuan is probably really in a desperate situation."

【Fang Yuan knows everything and confronts Mo Yao's will】

【She sighed and said,"My original body ventured into the Eighty-Eight Corners True Yang Tower and gained a true teaching in the True Teaching Secret Realm, which gave me this will. Leaving behind the Tuqiu inheritance, on the one hand, was for 777 to be prepared for any eventuality and retain the possibility of continuing to refine the Disaster Inviting Immortal Gu."】

【"On the other hand, it is also a trap, mainly targeting Lingyuanzhai. Back then, I betrayed the sect for Bo Qing. I just didn't expect that after ten thousand years, the person I was waiting for was you."】

【"In fact, I discovered the Spring and Autumn Cicada on you when you were refining the Disaster-inducing Immortal Gu. I am a Taoist master, and I have tampered with the Immortal Gu refining process. My will has long been embedded in the refined Disaster-inducing Immortal Gu."】

【"This arrangement was originally intended to deal with Lingyuanzhai's pursuers, because no one had discovered the opportunity to refine the Immortal Gu and would not seize it."】

【"Just as you said, when I first discovered that you had the Spring and Autumn Cicada, I was extremely excited and immediately thought of a plan to use the Spring and Autumn Cicada to be reborn. I used the Disaster Inducing Immortal Gu to lure you to the nearby water tower. The nearby water tower that you refined 10% was also a false illusion I created to deliberately let you relax your vigilance."】

【"After you left, I immediately activated the Near Water Tower, hiding it in the sweat on your skin. But how did you confirm that the Near Water Tower was on you in the first place?"】

【Fang Yuan replied:"This is not difficult to guess. First of all, you have to ensure my safety. Your will alone is not enough. The Seventh Rank Immortal Gu House is the most powerful guarantee."】

【"Secondly, thinking consumes thoughts and damages your will. I asked you to conceive a powerful killing move, but your will never weakened. After that, you directly fought against the giant sun's will in my mind, refined the supreme true teachings of the True Yang Tower, and were illuminated by the light of wisdom, but there was still no sign of your will weakening."】

【"The only explanation is that it is close to the water tower! Your will has been replenished in the tower. When I first checked the composition of the near water tower, I didn't notice it at first glance. The key insect should be the Zhidao Xian Gu Leshan Leshui Gu, right?"】

【"Hehe, you guessed half right."Mo Yaozhi said frankly,"The Leshan Leshui Gu can only produce happiness, but my will is not happiness, but through other Gu worms, happiness is transformed into"】

【"This kind of will can indeed influence thoughts, interfere with thinking, and make people do things that go against their character. So, you deliberately failed to defeat Juyang's will?"】

【Fang Yuan smiled and said,"Juyang's will is indeed very strong, but the difference in fighting power between him and me is not so great. When I woke up from my confusion and found that the nearby water tower had turned into armor to cover my body and save my life, I deeply realized that something was wrong."】

【"Although I was cautious before, but you secretly influenced me and gradually it all disappeared."】

【"But although I sensed something was wrong, I was not sure. When Juyang attacked me, I guessed his tactics. This battlefield is so small, and there are only a few external factors that affect the situation. How could I not pay attention to Wuxiangshou?"】

【"So I decided to take a risk and deliberately move slowly, so as to be hit by Wuxiangshou. It turned out that you really had ulterior motives!"】

【Mo Yaoyi heard this and shook his head and sighed:"Fang Yuan boy, you are too smart. Once you find something wrong, you will plan to this extent. Your acting skills are better than mine."】

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