Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1079: Zhang Yima

When everyone in the banquet room heard Wang Mang's violent words, they suddenly made an uproar. They stared at Wang Mang in shock. They never expected Wang Mang to say such a thing!

This is more than a Hongmen feast, it is a slaughterhouse!

"My lord, you are not so authentic. One-tenth of the profit is not a small amount. We still have many subordinates who need to cultivate and promote, and all the resources consumed need these profits to buy!"

"Yeah, yeah, if I pay this one-tenth of the profit, I can only eat two vegetarian dishes in the future!"

Wang Mang listened to the noise of the crowd, with a sneer on his face.

The heads of this group of forces still have the spirit when they were just established. Now they are full of copper smell. Let them make money, they are naturally happy, but if they pay money from their pockets, it is better than slashing meat on them. It's hard!

"I said one-tenth is one-tenth! Still the same sentence, wait for the door to be destroyed without paying it!"

Wang Mang swept across the crowd coldly, and then added: "You said that after paying this money, your subordinates can't afford it?!

This is easy to handle, you can't afford it, I can afford it! They are all added to my troops, but I am very welcome! "

Everyone in the banquet room listened to Wang Mang's words, and the noisy words suddenly stopped, all of them bowed their heads and said nothing, as if they were accusing Wang Mang of atrocities in a silent way!

"I count three numbers, and if no power is willing to agree, then I will choose a random power,

As the old saying goes, kill the chicken and the monkey, I will come here to kill the chicken and the monkey in front of you today! "

The air in the huge living room became stagnant and heavy after Wang Mang’s words fell.

The more than four hundred black-armored soldiers guarding both sides of the round table were already a little anxiously shaking their sabers in their hands.

Their fierce and eye-catching eyes slowly swept across the crowd, as if they were looking for their target!

"Three!" Wang Mang opened his mouth slightly and spit out a number coldly. The entire hall was still silent. Under the heavy pressure of several power leaders, their bodies began to tremble slightly.

"Two!" Wang Mang swept across the crowd, and then said, the disdain and mockery on his face became more and more dense. It seems that these heads of power who do not know the heights of the sky will not see the coffin and will not cry!

"One!" Wang Mang said the last number, his arms were slightly raised, and he was ready to let the black armored soldiers who were ready to go to kill a selected hapless leader!

"Master Wang Mang, I am willing!" A man with a sharp expression stood up from his seat, as if he had made up his mind.

Faced with the gazes cast by everyone, there was not a slightest wave of wavering!

"Master Wang Mang, I am willing to hand over one-tenth of the profit of my cart and horse to you, my lord!"

When Wang Mang heard the words, he looked at the man curiously, and said with a smile: "The person who knows the current affairs is a handsome man, you are very good, what is your name?!"

"In the next Zhang Yima! The owner of Pengshi's largest cart and horse shop!"

Zhang Yima simply pushed aside the chair and knelt down to Wang Mang on one knee. This action was a complete expression of surrender!

"Okay! Zhang Yima, you are very good. As a reward to you, your power only needs to hand in 5% of the profit, and you will fill the vacancy of the three major powers in Pengshi from now on! "

Wang Mang smiled and praised Zhang Yima, and the rewards given to him were quite generous. Who made him the first wise man to eat crabs!

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