Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1080: Kill the chicken and the monkey

"What?!" Everyone turned their gazes at Zhang Yima from questioning to envy and jealousy.

They never questioned the authenticity of Wang Mang's words, a black armoured force capable of destroying the entire city of Peng City, making everything that Wang Mang said was enough to turn into truth!

"Is anyone still surrendering?! If you surrender now, the profit will still be turned in 10%, but if you don't pay, you will also know the consequences!"

Wang Mang’s indifferent words seemed careless, this group of people really didn’t know what was good or bad.

What he most hopes now is that a stunned green can stand up, so that not only the effect of killing the chicken and the monkey is played, even the power and property of that person can be swallowed directly!

But to Wang Mang’s surprise, this group of leaders of the forces who had bowed their heads in protest before knelt on one knee to express surrender.

Originally, they still had some fluke in their hearts, hoping that Wang Mang would be able to reduce the profits they turned in slightly for the sake of their protest.

But now it seems that this idea is simply naive and ridiculous. In the face of powerful violent troops, they really have no bargaining capital!

"Wang's Fruit Shop expresses surrender!"

"Zhangdao Blacksmith Shop expresses surrender!"

"The evil wolf gang expresses surrender!"

"The Black Knife Hunting Alliance expresses surrender!"

The kneeling of the leaders of the powers indicates that at this moment the entire Pengshi is almost under Wang Mang's control! He looked at everyone and smiled kindly,

"I don't want to force others to achieve my goals. If I really want your wealth, wouldn't it be enough to destroy your power?! I save so much tongue!"

"I'm not going to talk about the purpose of letting everyone turn in the profits here for the time being, you will naturally know in the future! As for now, let's start our dinner first!"

Wang Mang smiled and nodded to the soldiers on the side. The door of the banquet room was opened directly, and a series of exquisite and fragrant dishes were served on the round table.

But the leaders of the powers looked at the delicacy in front of them, and they didn't have the slightest appetite for them. Occasionally a piece of food was stuffed in their mouths, it was like chewing wax!

Just as the delicacies were all over and the whole round table was filled, the door of the banquet room was pushed open again.

A group of soldiers with blood in armor and blood-red eyes walked in holding a knife, a black bull with a body like an iron tower holding the corpse of a burly man in one hand, and marching aggressively!

He threw the corpse upside down in his hands directly to the ground, a look of anger on his ferocious face.

"Brother Mang, do you know that this group of **** beasts actually led us into a demon beast den of the fifth-tier peak, and they secretly attacked us!

Fortunately, all of our brothers are not low in strength, otherwise they will really follow their way! "

"This is the leader of the forces that escaped?!" Wang Mang narrowed his eyes when he heard the sound, and looked at the limp and **** corpse on the ground.

"What exactly does this force do? Does this leader have no brains?"

Zhang Yima looked at the corpse of the strong bear in a daze, with a look of astonishment in his eyes.

The power of the strong bear is not weak, his own strength also has a Tier 4 peak, but is such a powerful force so destroyed? !

Look at the words of the brawny man dressed in black armor and physique like an iron tower. They were in danger after chasing and killing them, but there were probably no casualties!

"Zhang Yima, do you know the origin of this man?"

Zhang Yima was asked by Wang Mang and suddenly recovered.

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