Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1259: Fight and fight

The alien caravan surrounded by a dense crowd looked at a pair of fierce, bloodthirsty eyes. The timid man leaned the carriage in fear and hid inside.

More than a hundred cultivators with extraordinary strength in their hands with sharp blades looked around, swallowed, and couldn't help squeezing the knife in their hands.

"You are the leader of this group of invaders, right? I advise you to kneel down and surrender. My knife is very fast, and there will be no pain at all!"

The bald, wretched man licked the blade of the scimitar in his hand with a smirk, and his small, narrow eyes stared at the leader's neck as if nothing had happened.

The wretched man's voice fell, and the turbulent crowd began to agitate. One by one, outrageous supernaturalists walked out of the crowd with a grinning smile, and the weapons in their hands also came out.

The death of this group of unlucky invaders is already inevitable, and now it depends on who can get the most points!

"Oh!" The slightly fat caravan leader raised his head and sighed almost desperately. Two drops of crystal tears slid down his cheeks. He laughed miserably, and suddenly knelt on the ground begging:

"I have accepted my fate, you can come if you want to kill me, but I have a request, can I let a few teenagers in my caravan leave? They are still young and deserve to be alive!"

"No, no, no!" The wretched man shook his head quickly, "Do you think I don't know what abacus you are doing? I have observed the personnel of your caravan a long time ago. They are all strong men!

Do you want to use some magical technique to make them easy to become children and then return to your base camp to inform you? "

"Haha!" The caravan leader's miserable expression suddenly changed, and the hideous color on his face suddenly appeared.

He sneered, the ring on his index finger flashed suddenly, a loose and flowing cyan robe appeared on his body instantly, and a straight and sharp long sword appeared at the same time!

"You humans are all ants. If it weren't for the number of ants, how dare you say anything to me?! Even if you die today, you will be bloody!"

The voice of the leader of the caravan suddenly raised, and his left hand without a long sword instantly pinched a few tactics. Hundreds of swift and thunderous flying sword phantoms shot towards the surrounding crowd.

"Kill!" The leader of the caravan roared abruptly, and the team of thousands of practitioners drew their swords and rushed towards the crowd at the same time!

"Puff puff ~ puff puff!" The imaginary flying sword, which was as swift as light, penetrated the throat of the wretched man in a few moments, and his face was splashed with hot, sticky blood.

The wretched man wiped it in disgust, and looked at the caravan leader who was attacking with the sword, with a grinning weird laugh, and the short figure disappeared in the crowd!

"Kill all these **** invaders!" Under the double temptation of points and caravan wealth, the group of people gathered almost went crazy.

Their eyes were red and red, and the companions beside them didn't care if they fell down. They only had enemies in their eyes, these enemies that could bring great wealth!

"Bang!" With a loud and deafening noise, a sturdy figure with arms like black dragon claws hit the chest and abdomen of a cultivator with a punch, and forcibly beat the long sword in that person's hand along with the corpse. As a splattered residue, a sputtering shiny prism was instantly put into the storage ring by him,

The first cultivator was so easily killed by the supernatural person, and such scenes were repeatedly staged in the square of Canghai City.

Hundreds of abilities were pierced by long swords in their throats, and countless cultivators' bodies fell on the stone bricks in the square!

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