Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1260: Practitioner's Prism

This battle in which the number of people is extremely disparity, and the strength of the two sides is extremely unequal, but it is not as easy as outsiders admire.

As the head of the caravan leader was bitten and exploded by a capable person in the form of a cheetah monster, this half-hour battle finally came to an end.

"Damn, the strength of the invaders of more than 1,000 people is really good, we humans have killed more than 2,000 people, and countless severely and lightly injured!"

The burly man with his arms turned into dragon claws roamed the square turned into a pool of blood cursingly, squatting down from time to time, grabbing the head of the cultivator's corpse, looking for the shiny prism.

"Hahaha! Unexpectedly, Lao Tzu will also get to the top of the rankings one day!"

The former incarnation of the cheetah, standing in front of the stone tablet, laughed wildly, the hideous spots on his cheeks looked extremely ugly, but none of the crowd onlookers dared to laugh at him. Strong strength!

"Leopard, how terrible is your smile!" The burly man with his arms turned into dragon claws cut out his ears boredly, and didn't bother to search for the prisms in the corpse.

"Dragon Claw, come on, let me see if your points can match me?" The big man with scars laughed wildly, and beckoned at the dragon claw man.

"More than four hundred and sixty points? Leopard, you picked up a leak this time. Otherwise, when I rush over, the caravan leader would have been beaten by me with a punch. Where else is it?"

The Dragon Claw Man looked at the light curtain on the stele a little unconvinced, and couldn't help but swipe the remaining prisms on his magnetic card.

"Dragon Claw, your results are also very good. Three hundred and eighty points are enough to put on a mysterious intermediate-level armor in the stone tablet. Today, my brother is happy. Tonight, I will be an affair in the full house. I will not be drunk or return. !"

The ugly man nicknamed the Leopard beckoned to several abilities with the same outstanding achievements beside him, and the expression on his face was indescribably proud of the spring breeze!

"Brother Leopard is outrageous! Tonight, you have to let go of your stomach and have a good meal!" "Hahaha! I think Brother Leopard misses the little red girl in Fumanlou, right? Brothers all understand!"

Several guys with the same strength as the top of Tier 5 got together and smoked, gagging with a grin.

Looking at the group of people, the dragon claw man couldn’t help but smile. He walked to their side and patted everyone on the shoulders, “Leopards, Agni, and Three Swords. Let’s talk about it here. Find someone Teahouse, I have something to tell you!"

Seeing the serious look of Dragon Claw, several guys suddenly constricted with their previous laughter and nodded. After walking a few streets, they found a quiet teahouse and sat down.

"Dragon Claw, what's the surprise you found, quickly talk to your brothers!" "Could it be possible that there was something extraordinary in the belongings that you seized the caravan?"

Several guys took a big sip of tea from their cups, and asked the Dragon Claw guy a little expectantly and anxiously.

"The property seized is nothing unusual. They are all ordinary golden dragon coins and some potions. It's just that I accidentally discovered that the prism between the cultivator's forehead is more than just redeeming points!"

After finishing talking, the dragon claw man took a sip of tea, looked at the expectant eyes of the surrounding brothers, squinted and smiled, "This prismatic crystal has not been recovered by the stone tablet, and there is still plenty of energy in it!"

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