Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1267: Think of old people

"Brother Wang Mang is really a young and heroic, handsome and extraordinary, I don't know which unit is your subordinate, Brother Wang Mang?

"The middle-aged city lord's smile suddenly stiffened, and he couldn't help but asked Wang Mang in a low voice.

"My lord, my subordinates have long wanted to see and see the style of the largest city in the south, and they said they need to have a long experience.

I can’t do anything about it. I think it’s good to take them out to meet the world. The number of people is small, more than a hundred. Isn’t Wang Mang too presumptuous of mine? "

"Don't take the liberty! Don't take the liberty!" The middle-aged city lord smiled when he heard the words, with a kind look on his face, but he was already cursing in his heart!

Damn Wang Mang, he said he was here to discuss something and bring the troops? Is this giving yourself power!

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The sound of uniform steps suddenly sounded. The black armored soldiers looked solemn, their eyes were sharp, and the saber in their hands was raised at a forty-five degree angle.

Seen from the side, all the saber-cutting knives are arranged in a straight line, there is no extra gap!

When the footsteps sounded, the leaders of all the forces in Canghai City finally stopped talking and laughing, their expressions could not help but change slightly.

The oppressive feeling given to them by this army of less than a hundred people is like a majestic mountain, and it is a little breathless just to look at it!

When everyone was restrained by the black armored troops, the wretched man in the crowd walked out with a smile. He approached the middle-aged city lord and Wang Mang and said with a smile:

"Master Wang Mang's army is really mighty and extraordinary, and it's not inferior to our 300,000 city defense army in Canghai City!"

Hearing this, Wang Mang couldn't help but squinted his eyes. The 300,000 city defense army, hehe, is this showing off his strength?

The middle-aged city lord also came back to his senses at this time, pretending to be hearty and laughed, "Brother Wang Mang's subordinates are indeed extraordinary. Our Canghai City has a total of 850,000 troops that can be compared to such a small number!"

Wang Mang smiled slightly, and said nothing, "My Lord, let's stop chatting on this road. Why don't we go to your mansion and discuss it in detail?"

"Good, good!" The middle-aged city lord nodded kindly, and said to the wretched man: "Brother Wang Mang's subordinates must be properly placed, don't be afraid to spend money, and you must let Brother Wang Mang's people have fun!"

The two were hypocritically greeting each other, and the atmosphere was not too embarrassing. After the gate of the banquet room of the castle was opened, Wang Mang was taken to a noble position second only to the upper dragon chair by the graceful maid.

Wang Mang looked at the pure gold dragon chair that the middle-aged city lord was sitting on, and couldn't help but praised: "My lord, you are so bold. The engraved circling Kowloon on this golden chair is really lifelike!"

"Polite and polite! These are all imaginary, not as good as Brother Wang Mang's strength in the world!" Seeing Wang Mang's praise, the middle-aged city lord replied politely.

"Hey, I don't know what Lord Wang Mang likes. We don't have much in Canghai City, but all kinds of entertainment are very complete. Make sure you don't miss Shu! Hey!"

The wretched man rubbed Mo Yun's thigh next to him, grinned with big yellow teeth, and winked at Wang Mang.

Hearing this, Wang Mang looked at the wretched man, couldn't help squinting his eyes, and suddenly laughed, his eyes couldn't help overflowing with an inexplicable killing intent, and muttered:

"My friend, your wretched look is very similar to an old friend of mine! He is similar to you, except that he is more powerful, and he likes to have a smoky gun in his mouth!"

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