Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1268: Drop a cup

"Hot pipes?!" After hearing Wang Mang's words, the wretched man frowned, he was so ugly, how could anyone look like him?

Even though I thought so in my heart, the wretched man still had a warm and inviting smile on his face, "Master Wang Mang, who is your deceased's last name? I don't know if I know?"

When Wang Mang heard the words, he looked at the wretched man with a smile, and said lightly: "You definitely don't know you! That person is called Yousha, and he is more powerful than me!"

"Tougher than you?!" The wretched man was surprised, and the skinny palms rubbing Mo Yun's thighs couldn't help exerting a bit of strength.

"My lord...you lighten it, it hurts..." Mo Yun held back tears and murmured at the wretched man in a very low voice.

How amazing Wang Mang’s ears were. That Mo Yun’s low voice passed into his ears without revealing anything. Wang Mang squinted his eyes, glanced at her, and then said:

"The dog thing Yousha robbed me of my previous savings. If it weren't for my lack of strength, I would have blown his dog's head long ago!"

After Wang Mang finished speaking, his left hand clenched his fist and slammed the armrest, his eyes seemed to ooze two bloodthirsty rays, staring straight at the wretched man.

"You look so much like him, I really want to blow your dog's head now!"

"Ahem!" The wretched man swallowed with a stiff smile, and looked a little embarrassed, "I took away your savings, your lord, that Yousha is really damn!"

"Forget it!" Wang Mang waved his hand casually, and looked at Mo Yun beside the wretched man with interest, "How about you let me be the woman next to you?"

As soon as Wang Mang’s voice fell, a look of humiliation and anger flashed across the long, narrow eyes of the wretched man.

What does it mean to call the woman next to him in front of so many people? This is slap his face in full view! The wretched man chuckled twice, and the Deep City Mansion hid all his emotions.

"Since you want it, my lord, naturally there is no problem!"

The wretched man glanced viciously at Mo Yun next to him, with a fierce light in his eyes. If she hadn't just spoken, then why would Wang Mang make such a request? !

"Go and serve Lord Wang Mang!" The wretched man made Mo Yun stand up and walked towards Wang Mang's position.

She nodded charmingly, her eyes were still misty, and her expression was as sad as ever. She just came out of the wolf's den and entered the tiger's den again. She was like an item that was randomly given away by others...

"Wait!" Wang Mang squinted at Mo Yun's long, snow-white thighs, and couldn't help but glance at the wretched man.

"You did this?!" Wang Mang pointed to a striking bruise on her leg, his tone a little unkind.

"Cough...cough... Lord Wang Mang, as you know, I am a vulgar person, sometimes there is nothing light or heavy on my hands..." The wretched man explained flatly, the smile on his face increased. stiff.

"You dog, who allowed you to damage my gift?!"

Wang Mang slapped the table abruptly, his introverted murderous aura burst out in an instant, and the air instantly dropped more than ten degrees. Those ghost-like eyes swept over the crowd in the banquet room, and all of them shivered with their backs. Trembling.

"Wang Mang! Are you looking for the difference?!" The middle-aged city lord who has not spoken was so pale that water could drip out. He suddenly got up from the dragon chair, and the wine glass in his hand slammed on the ground with a bang.

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