Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1331: emergency meeting

The intelligence controlled by Zhao Bao was definitely not obtained by him alone. It must be an orderly, large-scale organization to operate and collect all of this.

Wang Mang deeply understood how terrifying such a tight organization hidden in the dark was. If a war broke out now, everything in the human camp would seem to be transparent.

"Hiss——!" A cool breeze blew by, and Wang Mang walked to the entrance of the dungeon with his hands behind his back.

The two guarding soldiers respectfully greeted Wang Mang. Wang Mang simply nodded and left. With a thought, he instantly called the blood dragon flying in the sky.

He silently jumped on the back of the blood dragon, and after a few minutes he flew to Gushan City, "Zhang Lan, you follow me and go back to Uther City!"

Wang Mang’s tone was a bit urgent, Zhang Lan obediently agreed, without asking why, she followed Wang Mang closely.

"Om!" The light blue space-time passage suddenly opened, and Wang Mang led Zhang Lan directly in, and appeared in the banquet hall of Uther City in the next moment.

Seeing Wang Mang’s return, the captain of the team guarding the city lord’s mansion immediately stepped forward to pay him a visit. Wang Mang said in a cold voice: "You now mobilize all the black armored soldiers to guard the city lord’s mansion. Only those city lords will be allowed to come in later. Put one in."

The captain of a team nodded and led his orders, turned and walked outside the door, while Wang Mang spoke loudly to the ring of doomsday on his index finger:

"Dear City Lords, there is urgent information to inform you, please come to the Banquet Hall of the City Lord's Mansion immediately!"

Some of the city owners who had already returned to the gathering place heard Wang Mang's order, and they were also stunned.

But after thinking for a few moments, they still took out a scroll of time and space transmission from the storage ring. Since there is emergency information, let's listen to it.

Almost all the City Lords in Uther City’s party were full of pots, and a teleportation scroll was only 500,000 gold dragon coins, and they didn’t care about it at the moment.

In an hour’s work, more than three hundred city lords have all arrived, some of them frowned, and some whispered to their companions.

Others looked at the black armored soldier with a bit of complaint, and they were not even allowed to bring one of their subordinates. This is not the first human alliance meeting. Is it necessary to be so serious?

Wang Mang looked at the more than three hundred city lords in front of him, his eyes like sharp knives slowly swept across the crowd.

Everyone who was swept by Wang Mang's eyes closed their mouths wisely. In an instant, if the big banquet room didn't even hear the slightest noise.

After a few more seconds, Wang Mang just said, "Everyone! I called everyone together this time. I have an urgent piece of information to tell you.

Those invaders had already started to act, and my men caught an undercover, he was really spine, and he never betrayed his master before he died! "

Wang Mang's expression was serious and his tone was sarcasm. He beckoned to the side hall on the left. At once, two burly soldiers escorted a prisoner with sunken cheeks and walked to the center of the hall.

"I learned about the information he has transmitted over the years by some means. Guess this information is related to the gathering place of how many people you are present?"

Wang Mang sneered and continued: "He sent more than 170 gathering places information to the invaders. I can even say that these city masters among you may not have a deep understanding of the next gathering places! "

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