Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1332: Unbelievable castle owners

"How is this possible? The defenses in my city are the tightest, and undercover agents will never penetrate."

"I'm a little worried, but my hidden strength should not be underestimated. I don't believe this undercover can investigate clearly!"

"I still can't believe it, do these invaders really have such a great ability to start a war early?"

The more than three hundred city owners in the banquet hall were talking to each other in disbelief. They couldn't imagine the means by which this group of invaders could infiltrate their gathering place as if transparently!

Wang Mang looked at everyone coldly, and said without a sneer, "Are you all idiots?"

The insect ring of his left index finger flashed fiercely, and he took out a blank scroll. The light blue light covered the scroll, and paragraphs of text appeared quickly.

Within a few moments, detailed information on at least five gathering places appeared on the scroll. Wang Mang threw the scroll on the ground and said coldly: "Pick it up and take a look."

Several City Lords who were closer to Wang Mang picked up the scroll and looked at it for a few seconds, with shocked expressions on their faces.

One of the group leaders trembled violently, and said in a choked voice: "How is this possible? This scroll actually records information about all the forces in my city."

"Leader Wang Mang is really right. I don't know them all!" The city master showed a wry smile on his face, and his mood was extremely complicated. He knew exactly how many forces in the city. But I didn't expect that the undercover of this group of invaders even knew the special troops he had secretly trained!

There are also shoes who do not believe in evil. I joined a few people and looked around, helping to see the appearance of the people, with a smile on their faces, and simply took out a dozen scrolls and recorded all the information from Zhao Bao's mind.

Everyone in the banquet room turned to look at the scrolls, their faces became more and more exciting. The information recorded in these dozen scrolls already included detailed information about most of the gathering places.

At least half of the gathering places of the more than 300 city owners in this banquet hall have been thoroughly understood by the invaders.

The conversation among the group of city masters became quieter, and Wang Mang sneered and said aloud: "What about you, Wang Mang is right."

"This huge and detailed information can definitely not be completed by one person. They are a tight organization. It is preliminary estimated that there are at least tens of thousands of members in their organization."

"Such a huge organization hidden in the dark, we are completely unaware of it, don't you find it funny?"

"If I hadn't caught this undercover accidentally, wouldn't the intelligence of our gathering places be discovered by this group of intruders?"

Wang Mang's tone already revealed a wave of anger. The mistakes he encountered for the first time since the establishment of the Human Alliance were so deadly, where should he put the face of a leader?

"Now it doesn't help to say anything. I advise the city masters to investigate these undercover agents immediately after returning to the gathering place. I would rather kill a thousand by mistake than let one go!"

Wang Mang’s tone became more and more cold, and the faces of many city lord in the banquet room were also green. This does not need to be said by Wang Mang, they will be cleaned up immediately after they return. These problems are like disgusting worms, greedily absorbing them. Nutrition.

"I will give you seven days, and hope that you will give me a satisfactory answer in seven days." After Wang Mang said with a cold face, he waved to everyone.

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