Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1333: Solution

It took seven days to hand in a satisfactory answer sheet, the urgent time, and the super difficulty, which made the faces of more than three hundred city lords in the banquet room gloomy and scary.

Among them, at least half of the city lord's expressions are still a bit irritable and anxious. These people are all city lords who have never been recorded in the gathering place.

It stands to reason that it is a good thing for the undercover undercover to have no recorded information, but they don't think so. How many undercover undercovers like Zhao Bao are there?

This is only information he knows alone, but what about the others? What about other more powerful undercover agents? Are they still hiding in the gathering place and stealing the information they want?

It is the nature of a high-level person to be suspicious, not to mention that the shining evidence is in front of them, and they have begun to think deeply about how many such undercover agents are in their gathering place! ?

"Seven days? Don't say seven days, I will take care of these worms in three days!" The city lord of a medium-sized gathering place gritted his teeth and exclaimed, clenching his fist tightly.

He had already carefully read the scroll that recorded the information of his gathering place before, and it was shocking.

There are at least five hidden undercover agents in his City Lord's Mansion series! And there must be someone with a high-level status, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to know the news of his hidden troops!

"Cleaning up these undercover agents is like cleaning up huge rats in underground passages. They hide in the dark and draw food from various sewage outlets. Even if you do your best, how many large rats can you catch?!"

A certain expressionless, somewhat cold young City Master tapped his fingers on the long table, and said in a cold tone:

"If there is no effective solution, what problem can be solved by just killing? There are a lot of these huge rats, but if you don't know the so-called slaughter, I'm afraid you will end up as the city lord!"

Listening to this person’s calm analysis, Wang Mang couldn’t help but nodded. There is something for this young man, who is about twenty-seven and eighteen years old, to be the city lord.

The biggest problem with undercover agents now is how to find them! A qualified undercover agent can hide for several years without sending out a piece of information. Can such a person directly judge that he is an undercover agent?

Wang Mang actually thought about it when he came. I am afraid that the layout of these invaders has already begun when he didn't enter the hidden dragon stele three years ago.

Now that the vicissitudes of life are changing and the current situation is changing so rapidly, the seeds of their investment have long grown into towering trees.

"Actually... I have a way!" a middle-aged man in his forties with a rough and messy chin and frowning said softly.

"Oh?!" His soft words made everyone present could not help looking at him.

This kind of undercover agent who has been lurking for two or three years is perfect in terms of identity and strength, and some are even aboriginals in the gathering place. How to distinguish this is almost impossible!

The middle-aged man smoothed his rough and messy beard and looked around and couldn't help feeling a little nervous. "My method may not be suitable for everyone's gathering place...

I am the lord of a small city, and the information recorded on the scroll also has a copy of my gathering place.

I am going to buy an information discriminator from the stele and call the residents over to discriminate one by one. Although this stupid method is time-consuming and labor-intensive, it is indeed effective! "

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