Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1345: Three months later

Sitting on a noble and comfortable wooden chair sits a young man with a cold face and his fingers tapping on the armrest.

Suddenly, the wooden door of the huge conference room was suddenly pushed open, one by one, serious-looking strong men filed in, found their place, sat down quickly, without much words, just watched and sat down quietly. The young man at the top of the conference table!

"Tuk~ Tuk! Tuk!" The sound of the knuckles tapping on the armrest suddenly stopped. Wang Mang, with his head down, slowly raised his eyes and swept across the crowd.

"Captain of the first team, it's been three months, how is the expansion of the black armoured unit?"

"Crunch!" The wooden chair was pushed abruptly away, and the calm-looking team leader stood up and arched his hands and reported:

"Report to the master that all the black armored troops have been expanded, with 500 black armored cavalry and 1,000 infantry soldiers! They are all elites selected after dozens of wars and killings, and their strength is absolutely guaranteed!"

"En!" Wang Mang nodded lightly, the expression on his face didn't fluctuate too much.

The black armored troops are his true direct line of troops. Whether it is armor potions or various resources, they are given priority to them. If there is no qualified return, then these captains in charge of training are too useless!

The team leader’s words fell, and Zhang Lan, who was sitting on Wang Mang’s left hand, stood up and reported in a loud voice: "Brother Mang, the dumb pig has been placed in the dense forest of Dongshan. I believe it will not be long before it will be promoted to Tier 6. !"

After Zhang Lan finished speaking, Wang Mang's face changed slightly. He tapped his finger on the conference table and said slowly:

"The stupid pig has a solid foundation. It is hard to get promoted to Tier 6 in this environment. The only thing I hope for it is to win over a few more wise monsters!"

"The current situation of the war is not optimistic. The three gathering places in the Central Plains have completely fallen and turned into a pile of scorched earth. On the other hand, our human camp only killed two or three thousand people in their ambushes, and hundreds of killers in ambushes were killed. !"

As Wang Mang said, his emotions were also a bit agitated, he was a little angry, and a little helpless.

Compared with those powerful invaders, humans started too late...the high-level combat power is extremely lacking, and the fifth-tier supernatural powers can't survive the three tricks of the invader's inner disciple. !

"Master! I have something to say!" The warden Mo, wearing a white mask with gloomy eyes, raised his hand and stared at Wang Mang and said loudly:

"Master, the inner disciple who was captured a month ago has already spoken. There is a lot of information that I can't tell the truth from the false. You still need to see the master!"

After the warden Mo finished speaking, he took out a wad of white paper full of handwriting from his storage ring and handed it to Wang Mang's hand. Wang Mang leaned on the chair and turned over the paper in his hand, his expression a little uncertain.

After a full ten minutes, the atmosphere in the meeting room became a little quiet, ‘pop! 'Wang Mang threw the blank paper in his hand on the conference table, and the tyrannical color in his eyes became more and more permeating!

"This Penglai fairy's dog is really not weak. There are more than 100 inner disciples, more than 10,000 outer disciples, plus tens of thousands of servants! Haha!"

Wang Mang sneered and then said: "The captured inner disciple should not disturb him. He will be our most reliable source of information in the future!"

Wang Mang’s Naochong Baiwan had been forcibly administered to at least one hundred prism-growing practitioners within three months of the outbreak of this war, and they were all completely controlled by Wang Mang without any accident.

However, the inner disciple who was captured a month ago had some clues, able to resist the interrogation, even if he killed two Cerebrates!

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