Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1346: Lack of money

That inner disciple Wang Mang who was imprisoned in the dungeon was going to go over and take a look later, but now there are more important things!

He knocked on Bai Jue, who was sitting at the far right of the conference table, and asked, "Bai Jue, how is the worm group expanded now? How many people can be deployed in a decisive battle?"

The calm Bai Jue heard that he folded his hands, and the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose reflected a few cold lights. It took more than a dozen moments before he said in cautious and accurate words:

"Master, the massive expansion of the worm group started when the human alliance was established five months ago.

You also know how huge resources are needed to train a qualified elite member, so...the high-end combat power has not been improved much, more than 2,000 people with the strength of Tier 5 and above! "

"The backbone is a qualitative leap. The worm group has absorbed about 130 legions with more than 10,000 troops.

The outstanding team among them has been divided into the Shadow Department. According to the information provided to me by the other eye, the performance of this group of new talents is very good, but the leaders of the original army have some opinions..."

Listening to Bai Jue's orderly words, Wang Mang frowned, and asked in a cold voice, "What can they say? Is it possible that there is another division of interests?"

Bai Jue shook his head faintly, spreading his hands with a very helpless look.

"Master, this is not only the opinion of the leader of the group of legions. Other city owners have made similar voices. They want the human alliance to build a space-time channel that penetrates all the gathering places.... It is best to be accompanied by a suitable base camp. !"

Wang Mang sighed quietly, leaned back on the chair, and tapped his fingers on the armrest.

"Simply speaking, it takes 30 million Golden Dragon coins to build a permanent space-time channel! They don't want to spend this money, and they can't get it! Is it possible that I really plan to let me raise money to build a channel for them?!"

"Master, I have contacted most of the committee members before, and they are very willing to build a permanent space-time channel with our Gushan City, but they want to make half of the money for the channel construction!"

So many opinions were all fed back to Wang Mang alone, and the huge pressure made him feel a little heavy.

He was a little pensive and beckoned to a middle-aged fat man sitting at the conference table, "Liu Jian, how many golden dragon coins are still on our Human League account?"

Liu Jian, the Minister of Finance, saw Wang Mang beckoning, with a pleasing smile on his mouth, and ran to Wang Mang’s side.

He licked his lips and took out a thick mottled and yellowed book from the storage ring. He dipped his saliva with his finger and turned a few pages quickly, not knowing what he was muttering.

"Master, the Alliance’s account now only has 170 million Golden Dragon Coins. Although there have been funds submitted by the City Lords in the past three months, there are too many places to spend money in the war zone!

Soldiers are asking for money when their armor and weapons are broken, and when they run out of potions, the teleportation scrolls they use are also money from the Alliance! "

After Liu Jian finished speaking, he carefully looked at Wang Mang's face and whispered a little hesitantly: "Master, if you follow this strategy, I'm afraid you won't be able to survive the decisive battle, and the money on the league account will be used up!"

"Okay! I see!" Wang Mang closed his eyes and rubbed his eyebrows, waving his hand a little irritably.

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