Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1355: Monsters attack the city

The biggest difference between humans and monsters is that they have a complete learning system, a huge knowledge reserve that has lasted for thousands of years.

They know how to seek the greatest benefit for themselves in an unfamiliar environment, but these monsters don't know all about it! Even if the Demon King who has been promoted to the sixth rank has an IQ that is not inferior to human beings, it is not considered wisdom!

"Books are the ladder of human progress. The Demon King is surrounded by unspeakable monsters, vulgar and savage. Apart from hunting, it is estimated that there will be nothing more than reproduction.

Under this circumstance, it is too difficult for the Demon King to learn to consider the overall situation and analyze his own environmental advantages! "

Fu Wendao stroked his beard, thought for a while, and then said: "Master, if you think about it from the perspective of the Demon King, he doesn't understand the twists and turns, but he will still see the pros and cons of war.

Now that the demon beast group that attacked the siege is doomed, the only thing to consider is whether it will directly order the beast group to retreat, or come to attack the city by itself! "

Listening to Fu Wendao’s words, Wang Mang nodded in agreement, "Wen Dao, what you said is pretty good, the Demon King can still see things clearly.

But the first situation you mentioned is that you don’t need to consider it. The Demon King has the dignity of the Demon King. It will always come regardless of victory or defeat in the war! "

After Wang Mang finished speaking, he tapped his fingers lightly on the handrail, his eyes turned to the city, ‘Boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’One after another, like hail-like energy cannonballs hit the place where the group of monsters gather,

Few monsters can withstand a bombing of this scale. One shell failed to kill, and the second shell came one after another. Broken beast corpses, spilled blood, and flying mud formed the battlefield. The cruel pictures!

"Roar!" The leader of a monster beast that is obviously different from other similar creatures shakes the sharp black fur on his body, and his two slender and ferocious fangs look extremely horrifying.

It looked up to the sky and roared, and the right palm of its forelimbs slammed against the hitting shells. With a loud'bang', the pads of its palms became charred, the flesh turned out, and the blood that flowed out was all in a moment of high temperature. The next was roasted into jet black blood residue!

"The pinnacle of Tier 5! What a good beast!" On the city wall, the captain of the army of two supernatural powers, one pulling the string and the other controlling the direction of the crossbow,

"Old Xu, let's give him a ruthless note, let him go to **** to show off his majesty!"

The younger captain showed a bloodthirsty smile on his face. He pulled the crossbowstring with his right hand and pulled it vigorously. Each of them was more than one meter long, and the arrow of the arrow shaft was violently pushed into the crossbow slot with a cold crossbow arrow!

"Aim! Old Xu, attack!" The young captain pointed the sight of the crossbow accurately at the Tier 5 black panther that was brewing an energy attack in his mouth.

"Okay! It's dead!" The other captain opened one eye and slammed the trigger, ‘Boom! A crossbow arrow surpassing the speed of sound pierced the air and shot out in an instant!

"Kala~Beng!" The hard skull is like a shield with excellent defense, and the crossbow with strong recoil hit its forehead steadily.

But for a moment, the sound of bone collapse suddenly sounded, and the sharp barbed arrow revolved and shot into the black panther's head!

It was red and white, and even the powerful body with it was shot through, and was nailed to the ground by Lingyu!

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