Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1356: Tortoiseshell monster

At the northern gate of Gushan City, the messy and broken corpses of various monsters were mixed together, and the overflowing blood gathered into a black mottled blood river.

This is not a pile of whole bodies! These corpses are not complete, and some only have a decent head left!

Roughly counting, there are at least two hundred thousand monster beast corpses piled up under the city wall, not counting those unlucky monster beasts that have turned into pieces of flesh and blood!

"Wen Dao, the group of monster beasts in this dense forest were roughly driven out, right? There are at least one million monster beasts dead, right?"

Wang Mang was sitting on the tower, his brows frowned uncontrollably. The strategic resources he had previously stored were almost used up by this time. If the tide of monsters does not stop, then he can only go to the Dragon City Stone Tablet to purchase!

"Master, the different pupils of the Shadow Department have already sent someone to survey the distribution of monsters in this dense forest. By this time, at least one third of the monsters in this forest have died.

If you launch an attack needlessly, even the demon king's command, the leaders of these monster beasts will not obey it! "

Wang Mang took out a cup of tea from the coffee table next to him, took a sip quietly, and said after a few moments: "In fact, this monster attacking the city can be regarded as bringing us a lot of wealth.

We didn't have many casualties, and the energy attacks of a few monster beasts hurt our brothers a little. This kind of battle damage ratio is extremely cost-effective. I don't believe that the Demon King can last a few more hours! "

"Wen Dao, please go down, and the crystal cannon will pour out with all your strength, until the prisms are lighted!" Wang Mang said coldly to Fu Wen Dao beside him, and the peak of this war has also arrived!

'boom! ''boom! ''boom! ’The crystal cannon poured out shells at a terrifying speed.

The gun slot was not filled with prismatic crystals, but was stuffed in handfuls, with an attack speed of three shots per second. The tens of thousands of monsters roaring and roaring outside the North City were completely blasted to death. gray!

The intense heat of the cannonball evaporates the monster's body instantly, without even blood or broken meat. The vast dense forest in the north is like a huge lake created by the population.

The mud with a radius of hundreds of meters was directly bombarded to a depth of thirty to fifty meters! The change of terrain didn't stop until the soil was roasted into a dark black crystal by the heat!

In just a dozen moments, the entire North City was completely cleared out of a vacuum zone. The monster beasts rushing in the dense forest stopped watching the scene in front of them, and finally a trace of fear permeated through the bloodthirsty and crazy eyes!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!" A sound that made the earth tremble, and the world changed color suddenly, a huge monster with a tortoise shell and a head resembling a tiger and a wolf crawled out from the bottom of the dense forest.

The huge mountain-like body is daunting just looking at it. Its scaly head suddenly faces Gushan City, and a vicious madness is revealed in its lantern-big eyes!

"Oh my God! This monster raises its head for fear that it is higher than our city wall!" A soldier looked at the strange tortoise monster beast in shock, and even forgot to adjust the bed crossbow in his hand.

"This kind of monster beast is definitely not something we can deal with. Let the captain and the others solve it. Let's blast its eyes later, even if one is blinded, we are considered meritorious!"

The other younger soldier was quite courageous, looking at the huge monster beast like a mountain, there was an expression of excitement on his face!

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