Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1366: Biao

"I can't read, Master!"

Wang Mang, who was shocked by the unexpected words in this sentence, suddenly showed a wry smile on his face. He had just forgotten that Xuanhu was a monster beast, and it was normal for him to be illiterate.

Wang Mang reluctantly took over the light screen, turned it over a few times, and showed a high-definition picture of the black evil monster armor.

He pointed to the light screen and said to Xuanhu, "Xuanhu, look at this armor, it can fit your body completely, and it can change with your body shape when you transform!"

Xuan Hu nodded ignorantly, and the eyes of the open boss showed a hint of shock. It exclaimed in surprise: "Humans are really amazing, even such magical things are made!"

Wang Mang nodded in agreement, "In a way, the convenience of humans acquiring equipment and weapons is much higher than that of monster beasts. The advantage of weapon armor is enough to resist the claws and fangs of monster beasts!"

After Wang Mang finished speaking, he paused and became a little bewildered, "Think about it, Xuanhu, your strength is not weak, if you are equipped with a strong armor, which one of the Demon King of the same rank is you? Opponent?!"

"En! Master, you are right!" Xuanhu also nodded firmly. Since its tortoise shell is gone, there is an additional layer of armor that protects the body in all aspects. It's really good to think about it!

Seeing Xuanhu nodding his head in agreement, Wang Mang was also relieved. Now Xuanhu is his own subordinate. If Xuanhu insists not to wear armor, it will lose its highly protective turtle shell, and its combat effectiveness will at least be greatly discounted!

It's just that the price of this armor is really uncomfortable!

[Biao armor]: It is made from the hardest back armor of the ancient fierce beast ‘Biao’ through tens of thousands of special methods of quenching and forging. Its defensiveness is peerless.

Especially suitable for the descendants of fierce beasts such as ‘Biao’ and ‘Tiger’, who meet the bloodline conditions will unlock Biao’s special skill ‘Gang Wing’ by themselves!

Note: This is a terrifying force from the ancient wilderness, you will not regret it if you wear it!

Price: 170 million Golden Dragon Coins!

"What a perfect armor! It's just the price...170 million! Haha!"

Wang Mang looked at the series of zeros, and the muscles on his face couldn't help but twitch twice. Such a huge wealth could only buy one piece of equipment. This is really outrageous!

Wang Mang relayed the introduction of [Biao Kai] to Xuanhu, and gradually Xuanhu’s eyes became brighter and brighter. After listening, the light in its pupils was as dazzling as a gem.

It looked at Wang Mang excitedly, "Master, this armor is really suitable for me! I have blood from'Biao'!"

Wang Mang frowned and couldn't help but nodded. He had naturally heard the legend of Biao. It was a peerless beast with ribs and wings and a child with a tiger. It was extremely cruel and tyrannical.

The armor forged by this fierce beast armor piece is absolutely perfect for defense. Equipped with this armor, Xuanhu's strength can be increased by at least 50%!

But now there is the only problem... His money is not enough... Since the establishment of Gushan City, his family property accumulated in the Hidden Dragon Secret Realm has basically been converted into golden dragon coins for consumption in various places.

The millions of geospars used in the construction of Gushan City, and the funds for the expansion of the various parts of the Chong Group are basically derived from this!

The income from newspaper offices and the sale of weapons and armors is not much at present. They are generally used as cash flow. When all kinds of income add up, it is definitely not a huge sum of 170 million!

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