Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1367: Xuanhu's help

Although Wang Mang was unable to come up with this huge sum of money for the time being, the reason why he dared to show Xuanhu this armor was a little emboldened.

Hundreds of thousands of corpses of monster beasts are piled up under Beicheng, and most of the prisms in their heads have long been scattered. I don’t know where to shoot. It is Wang Mang’s army of only four to five thousand people who wants to find all these prisms. It's hard to come out!

This is an immense amount of wealth, and Xuanhu's help is needed to obtain this wealth. Wang Mang did not hesitate and said straightforwardly to Xuanhu:

"Xuanhu, the price of this armor is extremely high. If we exchange it with our human currency, it will cost 170 million Golden Dragon Coins. I can't get this money for the time being. I need your help!"

The excitement on Xuanhu's face became a little serious. He had no idea about numbers, but the owner needed its help, so it was naturally obligatory!

"Master, no matter what, you just order!"

Wang Mang took out a cigarette from the cigarette case again, held it on his mouth, and said faintly: "Xuanhu, you also know that when you let those beasts attack the city, there were hundreds of thousands of deaths and injuries, but their heads The prismatics were bombed a long time ago and I don’t know where,

It is extremely cumbersome to find, and the effect is not great. Therefore, I hope you can find a group of monsters and beasts that obey orders and are sensitive to find the scattered prisms! "

After hearing Wang Mang's instructions, Xuanhu's expression suddenly relaxed, and an ugly smile appeared on its fierce tiger's face.

"Master, this kind of trivial matter is on me, there is no problem! If the prisms are still lacking, Master, how many prisms do you want, I can also get it out for you!"

Wang Mang lit a cigarette, looked up at Xuanhu suspiciously, and exhaled a breath of smoke, "Xuanhu, there are so many monsters in the dense forest. If you let them die, does it really have no effect?"

When Xuanhu heard the words, he nodded affirmatively, a fierce flicker flashed in his eyes.

"Master, except for a limited number of Tier 5 peak demon beast leaders, the rest of the demon beast group is no different from the ants in my eyes. I am different from them and have different races. They have no effect except for serving me as food!"

Wang Mang was immediately shocked by Xuanhu’s cold words. The Demon King said that he was about the same character as the city lord of the gathering place.

If you compare the monster beast to the residents in the gathering place, I am afraid that few city owners will arbitrarily slaughter the residents of the city. The thinking mode of this monster beast is really different from that of humans!

Wang Mang took a couple of cigarettes, thought for a moment, and said faintly: "Xuanhu! It's wrong for you to think that way. The group of monsters and beasts you dominate can be considered a kind of your strength.

The more monsters you can drive, your strength can be regarded as an increase in disguise, not to mention that the organization will need these monsters under you to contribute in the future! "

Xuanhu blinked as if he didn't understand it. Although he didn't understand it for a moment, he readily agreed to Wang Mang's request. As long as the master said it, it must be correct!

Wang Mang looked at Xuanhu’s ignorant appearance and couldn’t help but smiled and patted it on the shoulder, “Xuanhu, waiting for tomorrow, I’ll find a teacher for you to teach you to read and write.

The most important thing is not to let you learn human knowledge, but to cultivate your multi-dimensional thinking mode of thinking!

The reason why human beings are the hegemon in the civilized age is because their thinking is much higher than that of animals! "

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