Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1372: The war is over

"Kneel down and don't kill!" "Surrender! Surrender and still live, there is only a dead end in the stubborn resistance!" "We humans are also kind to prisoners! Don't worry, we won't kill prisoners!"

One after another attacking words sounded on the battlefield, and the cultivator's troops that had slaughtered nearly a thousand people gradually shook. One after another cultivators threw their weapons on the ground with a dejected face, and the spirit of the whole person followed. That one knelt and dissipated,

The power of role models is infinite. When hundreds of people kneel and surrender, the stubborn troops of practitioners are like dominoes, one after another, falling to the ground!

"Don't surrender! Have you forgotten the glory of the school?! Have you forgotten our mission?!"

An outrageous disciple yelled at several cultivators who surrendered beside him, but the next moment, his throat was pierced by a swift crossbow arrow.

"Uh~Uh!" His eyes widened, and he looked at everything around him unwillingly. The disappearing consciousness caused his body to fall down suddenly!

"No surrender! I will kill whoever surrenders!" Another purple-robed outer disciple held a blood-stained sword and killed eight cultivators who surrendered on their knees.

His eyes were cracking, his eyes were so red that he could almost bleed. With such a crazy performance, the cultivators who wanted to surrender clenched their weapons, gritted their teeth, and rushed forward to meet the supernatural powers!

The outstanding performance of the outer disciple made Qian Xiaobai, who was in the center of the battlefield, frowning. He coldly said to the most powerful zombies beside him: "The invasion of the purple robe. Kill him immediately!"

"Yes! Master!" Three foreheads with horns, a heavy armored zombie jerked off the black robe on his body, his muscular arms holding a heavy machete roared and rushed forward.

The cultivator who wanted to resist was cut in half by a machete as soon as he faced him. The blood sprayed and the broken body made the stubborn cultivator sink in his heart, and the action of rushing up was slower!

Three zombies of Tier 5 strength, facing a few powerful spells, unstoppable, just like a tank, rushing straight forward,

The heavy armor and their steel-like tough skin were enough to make them ignore these attacks, and the heavy sword was slashed out as soon as it rushed to the outer disciple!

An intact body was chopped in half in an instant, and the splashing blood covered three zombies.

However, their eyes with only small pupils revealed a wave of madness and bloodthirsty. They rushed to the side of the corpse regardless of whether they raised the remains of the outer disciple and stuffed them into their mouths.

This extremely permeating scene stunned all the cultivators. They couldn't believe the scene of being swallowed by zombies. Losing their weapons and surrendering on the ground seemed to be the best way right now!

"Wow!" The soft sword was thrown on the ground by a large number of cultivators, and they desperately approached those fierce abilities, hoping to tie their bodies with chains in a pleading tone!

The zombies under Qian Xiaobai shared the broken bodies of those cultivators, their sharp fangs tearing at the scarlet flesh and blood.

This hell-like horror scene is like the last straw that crushes the camels, completely destroying their psychological defense!

"The war is over! This group of invaders lost!"

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