Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1373: Black shadow

On the moist and muddy ground, about 1,200 cultivators were bound with their wrists and ankles by a strong and slender iron chain.

The live buckle on the iron chain strung together the stumbling cultivators with their faces all over their faces. At this time, they had no longer had the arrogance and unrestrainedness they had when they attacked, and their faces were earthy, waiting for the upcoming trial.

This war was the biggest victory since the official launch of human beings and cultivators. More than 1,700 people were killed and more than 1,000 captured. Among them, the three outer disciples who led the attack all died.

The results of this victory are not unsatisfactory. Fu Wendao, who is in charge of handling logistical matters, commanded the soldiers under him to guard the group of prisoners, and carefully explained the precautions to the prison guard next to him.

After all the trivial matters were explained, he raised his head and looked at Wang Mang who was floating in the air with worry in his eyes.

"Master...he...he hasn't woken up yet..." Fu Wendao murmured, and then sighed worriedly. The blue-haired young man's self-detonation did not know what special power he had, and even let the master The spirit is shocked, and the body cannot be moved!

As a long line of prisoners were escorted into the city, the muddy battlefield was also cleaned by thousands of soldiers, gradually becoming clean and tidy.

The moist soil was frozen by the powers of the soldiers of the superpower legion, and the small pit that gathered into a pool of blood was directly dried by the flames, and some soil was moved to fill it in!

"Oh! I don't know when the master will wake up!" The captain of the second team riding the green lizard levitated beside Wang Mang with his mount, his sturdy arms trying to move Wang Mang's body.

But no matter how hard he tried, Wang Mang's body remained unmoved. In the end, Bai Jue made a temporary decision. The black armored cavalry would take turns to guard Wang Mang until he woke up!

At this time, frowning, Wang Mang, whose eyelids were tightly locked, was struggling with a human-shaped soul in his mind.

The black shadow of the soul just looked roughly with two eyes, and then he could perceive the similarities between it and the blue-haired youth, the same arrogance and the same arrogance, but the black shadow of the soul was even more hideous!

The aftermath of the explosion is really not to be underestimated. Although the terrifying impact was blocked by Wang Mang, the invisible and intangible mental aftermath penetrated into Wang Mang’s body.

The black shadow constantly mobilizes the special black energy to seize control of Wang Mang’s body, but Wang Mang’s solid and powerful abilities are terrifying. Regardless of the quality and quantity, the energy mobilized by the black shadow is fundamental. Not an opponent!

But even so, Wang Mang couldn’t get out of his body for a while, and the energy could be driven out of his body.

However, the invisible and intangible soul still needs Wang Mang to solve. This black soul shadow ran around in Wang Mang's mind, waiting for the opportunity to completely destroy Wang Mang's consciousness, and take this powerful body as his own!

Wang Mang’s soul is not weak, and his spiritual cultivation has never fallen, but the offensiveness of the black soul shadow is really ghostly and peculiar. It was only then that the stalemate came to a stalemate.

"Jie Jie! Human beings are human beings. Where is our cultivator's opponent with such a weak soul?! Your vision and potential are really short-sighted if you train your body but not your soul!"

The arrogant shouts blasted from Wang Mang's mind, and a black shadow of the soul ran around, continuously creating destruction.

At the moment when the black soul shadow was proud and wild, Wang Mang's soul suddenly launched an attack and instantly seized control of his left hand. A tattoo engraved with evil spirits suddenly lit up, and the whole body turned into black mist suddenly appeared!

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