Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1375: Captive or traitor

"Wu Jian! I don't blame you this time! I was too careless!" Wang Mang shook his head with a pair of deep eyes, and sighed deeply. If there was no Wu Jian, his soul would really be seriously injured!

Wang Mang waved his hand casually and made Wujian stand up, his floating body flashed suddenly, appearing on the towering tower on the northern wall of Gushan City.

The black armored cavalry hovering in the sky saw Wang Mang awakening, and they were relieved. All of them were filled with joy. They steered the green lizard beasts and slowly flew into the city, ready to tell the good news to the cadres of the city insect group. They.

Wang Mang knocked Erlang’s leg with a cigarette in his left hand. Sitting on a comfortable wooden chair, he frowned and inhaled two cigarettes. The warm smoke circulated through his lungs and was spit out from his mouth.

Zhang Lan, Qian Xiaobai, Fu Wendao, and even Bai Jue all came in a hurry, and they couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief when they saw the unharmed Wang Mang.

Bai Juewang looked at Wu Jian standing behind Wang Mang, and pushed his glasses blankly, and then said calmly and solemnly: "Master, this time the situation is really too dangerous. You are the master of the human alliance. The gentleman does not stand a dangerous wall. under."

Listening to Bai Jue's serious words, Wang Mang nodded slightly.

"Bai Jue, you are right this time. I am indeed negligent. The biggest opportunity I have ever obtained is a secret technique, which contains the use of the soul's essence. As well as the method of attacking spiritual energy, it is my too Too proud!"

After Wang Mang finished speaking, he shook his head. If it weren't for this incident, he would never have noticed his hidden shortcomings.

How much water a bucket can hold depends only on the shortest wooden board!

Qian Xiaobai, who was wearing a black robe, cared for a few words, then said to Wang Mang with excitement:

"Master, we won an unprecedented victory in this war! More than 1,700 practitioners were killed and more than 1,200 captured! This victory is the most glorious one in our war with that group of invaders. victory."

Fu Wendao smiled and stroked his chin, and echoed: "The leader Qian is right, Master, what should we do with the captured cultivator this time, or just destroy it?!"

A cruel light flashed across Fu Wendao's kind face, and he had never liked these **** invaders.

"Tsk tusk! More than a thousand prisoners, this time the results are very good!"

When Wang Mang heard the good news, the corners of his mouth rose slightly, and his fingers tapped on the coffee table next to the wooden chair. He pondered a little and then said: "Don't kill any of these prisoners! They are of great use!"

"Master, a group of prisoners is a bit ugly, it is a group of prodigal dogs, what can they do? I am not willing to be a slave to me!" Qian Xiaobai curled his lips in disdain.

Sitting on the wooden chair, Wang Mang heard Qian Xiaobai's words, raised his head and glanced at him, and said coldly:

"Xiaobai, do you still think about that group of cultivators serving you tea and water? A team of more than 1,000 cultivators is enough to be called a special unit.

You know, the commonality of human beings is to hate traitors, even more hateful than enemies! "

This special cultivator force will definitely be Wang Mang’s vanguard force in attacking the invader base camp.

To be a traitor, you must be mentally conscious. In order to survive and avoid harsh interrogation methods, they will definitely follow Wang Mang's mobilization, even if it is against their compatriots!

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