Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1376: Internal and external troubles

Since ancient times, the combat effectiveness of the subdued rebels has been extremely strong. They have a deep understanding of the original troops, and their weaknesses can be said to be insightful.

What's more, no matter what unit or force it is, the punishment for traitors is several times stronger than that of the enemy. As long as they don't want to experience the unbelievable horror encounter, they must fight with all their strength!

Wang Mang pondered for a moment, and said to Bai Jue next to him, "Bai Jue, you must do the ideological work of this group of prisoners. Now that they are prisoners, they have become traitors.

Once caught by the forces of the original cultivators, there is absolutely no good fruit waiting for them. I believe they must be clear about this.

No matter how much you talk to them, let them amplify this emotion subtly, and don't have a fluke mentality! "

Bai Jue stroked his glasses with a cold face, squinted his eyes and nodded, "Don't worry, Master, this kind of thing will be left to me, I will let the battle maid squad thing go first these two days.

Within a week, I promise to brainwash them thoroughly! "A wicked smile appeared on Bai Jue's expressionless face.

Wang Mang looked at him and suddenly laughed, "Almost forgot, this is your guilt, okay! I will see the results in a week!"

After Wang Mang finished speaking, he confessed a few words to the senior cadres of the several insect groups around him, asking them to search for the prisms that fell on the periphery of Beicheng. In a few days, he would let Xuanhu launch the beasts to find the prisms.


When the news of the great victory on the battlefield of Gushan City was passed from the stone steles to the gathering places, the great city where the practitioners in the hinterland of the Central Plains cast a strange castle was also full of flames.

Calls for help, shouts, crackling of flames burning houses, all gathered together,

The flames of the sky filled nearly half of this big city, and the choking smoke covered the sky.

At least hundreds of people in Dacheng were dizzy by the violent smoke, and fainted on the streets of houses. As for the flames that skyrocketed, it was unknown how many lives had been swept away.

And the culprit for all this is squatting halfway in a dark, airtight castle room,

He was wearing a cultivator's loose robe, and his ordinary face did not show the slightest emotion. He gently pushed the only window in the room, opened a gap, looked outside the room, and closed the window. .

In the room, the cultivators dressed in dark purple and light blue squinted, squatting in the corner with a gloomy look.

Unconsciously, there was a cold and cold air on their ordinary or handsome faces. They squatted by the window. The cultivator with a popular face looked at the crowd and smiled sullenly.

"This action was quite successful. Although this group of cultivators were a small number of cultivators who practiced the mysterious method, the number of them was too small, and it had nothing to do with the overall situation. Our disruptive action can be said to be like a broken bamboo.

His smile is wicked, and it doesn’t sound like a human voice at all.

His eyes turned to a burly, powerful cultivator, and the hoarse voice in his throat was like an old crow: "The disruptive action is so successful, is the dark road smooth?"

The most burly cultivator greeted his gaze, with a grinning smile on his face, "Master Ice Ghost, everything goes well in the dark road. Two thousand people have been successfully transported away! Absolutely overfulfilled the task!"

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