Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1397: persuade

"We became traitors, and we would die when we returned. We can't say that our family would have to suffer. All who survived on the battlefield became prisoners. As long as we don't say anything, the City Lord of Bloodhorse will think we are all killed!

There is nothing wrong with helping the supernaturalists in this world. As long as the things we betrayed are not known by the same door, even if we are restrained by the supernaturalists, it is nothing more than working for them. At least our family can still get a job. it is good! "

In a dark and turbid cell, eight cultivators with different expressions were sitting together on a damp concrete floor. A young man with a blind left eye was talking to them endlessly, with some expression on his face. Distorted excitement,

He originally thought that he was going to die on the battlefield, but he was saved by these supernatural beings.

That Bai Jue with glasses and gloomy eyes really makes sense. There is nothing shameful about the traitors. As long as their identity is not exposed, they are still glorious disciples who died for the sect and for their ideals, but once they are exposed, Then...but...what's gone!

"But brother!" Listening to these words, the young disciple who still had a bit of childishness on his face suddenly raised his head and gave the one-eyed youth a little unacceptably.

He sniffed his mouth cowardly, glanced at his surrounding companions timidly, and said in a weak voice like a mosquito moan:

"Master...Brother, let's do this...I'm a bit sorry for the school...If we meet other senior brothers on the battlefield in the future...Are we really going to face each other with swords?"

The people sitting cross-legged listened to the cowardly words of the younger brother, the hope that appeared in their eyes became dimmed in an instant, their brows frowned, and their faces gradually became difficult to look.

"Furthermore.... Our techniques are all in the same line. As long as we are enemies of each other, we will definitely recognize us!"

Little Junior Brother looked at the iron-green faces of everyone, and the feeling of weakness in his heart became more vigorous, and he muttered vaguely, then bowed his head and stopped speaking.

The young man who had persuaded everyone before had a toxic light flashing through his left eye, and then his focus was reduced, showing a relaxed posture, he couldn't help laughing.

"Little Junior Brother, you have to worry too much about this, what you can think of, can those people with supernatural powers think of it?

They bought us a complete set of concealed aura, which interferes with the enemy's visual perception of battle suits. As long as we don't use spells, even if we stand face to face in front of the same door in the past, they will never recognize us. "

"Spells are in the same line, and they must recognize them, but you have to say that it is impossible to tell who is who through the details of each person's use of magic...

As long as you take a few minutes in the battle, the natural magic will change its appearance, so I don’t need to teach you this! "

"But..." The younger brother's lowered head suddenly raised, frowning, and a trace of anxiety in his eyes, but before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by another senior next to him. Now, the man gave a wry smile, a little helpless in his eyes,

"Okay! Junior brother, I know you are kind, but do we still have a choice now?

Our greatest secrets have been pinched by the supernaturalists. As long as you don’t want our family members to be implicated because of us, then try your best to hide yourself.”

The rest of the people in the cell nodded one after another. They had no choice or retreat. Their only hope was to keep their family members from being implicated, even if they turned against the former sect.

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