Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1398: Good news

Sometimes it’s easy to change one’s view of something, and sometimes it’s also difficult, but the commonality of all humans is to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

As long as the stakes are clearly stated, any sane and intelligent person knows how to choose. Obviously, Bai Jue used this simple point to make this group of cultivators have to go on the same path with them!

"Master, it is absolutely impossible to change one's mind from the inside out in a week.

But they understand the stakes. As long as they are not indifferent to their families and ignoring life, the choices they make will meet our expectations.

As for those thoughts that are dangerous, I have already registered them secretly..." Bai Jue said here, with a cold and cruel smile on his cold face.

"These unstable factors should be dealt with as soon as possible. Don't delay your efforts just because of this!"

Sitting on the soft chair, Wang Mang knocked on the armrest without any doubt. The first general offensive of mankind was about to begin. All unstable factors should be dealt with as quickly as possible. After all, time waits for no one.

"Of course, master, don't worry, there are about 30 people, I will let Mo dispose of them as soon as possible," Bai Jue said, silently pushing the glasses on the bridge of his nose. The transparent lenses refracted the sunlight, making it hard to see. The emotion in his eyes.

"Okay, you have been watching the bug group for more than two days. I'm about to be promoted, and I may have to retreat for a while."

Wang Mang had three huge prisms in his right hand, his muscles were distinct, and his strong and powerful body just sat there, revealing a sturdy and wild air.

It took him three days to absorb the energy of the two prisms. After the energy was completely absorbed and merged, he would absorb the essence of the next prism. All of this was for a solid foundation and couldn't be anxious.

Bai Jue nodded, and just moved his steps to leave, as if remembering something, a smile appeared on his stern face.

"Master, I almost forgot. Today there is good news to tell you that in the southwest region surrounded by drug barriers, the city lord of a small gathering place has reached a deal with a certain tribe in the wild forest.

Slaves who can stably output at least two thousand people every month are all barbarians with strong body and physique comparable to superpowers. If there is a conflict between the upper clan, this number can be more than ten times! "

"Okay!" Wang Mang leaned back on the soft chair and sat up abruptly, clapping his hands excitedly.

"You ask the city owner to stabilize this channel, how many slaves there are, how much I will charge, and the price will not be disadvantageous to them!"

Bai Jue responded with a smile, but said jokingly: "Master, I have already negotiated the price with the little city lord, thirty silver coins a strong young slave.

In addition, set up a space-time passage that can lead to Gushan City for them. There are not many people, and their appetite is not small. "

Wang Mang nodded slightly and stroked the scum on his chin, "This condition is acceptable!" Bai Jue continued, "It's just that the only problem now is that the small town lord is a little harder to meet the needs of that tribe.

The barbarians from the wild jungles are really strange. They also need sharp weapons and armor. What they want most is all kinds of poisonous potions, which is really puzzling. "

"Try their best to satisfy them. After all, only when this tribe is strong can they expand and conquer. There will be too many places where slaves will be needed in the future. This little thing is not worth mentioning!"

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