Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1399: Bai Jue's relationship problems

"Relax, Master, although the requirements of the barbarians are a bit different, but the human alliance has more than 300 gathering places, these medicines are still easy to put together!"

The prismatic crystal on Wang Mang's hand flashed in his mind, and suddenly he remembered Ahu far away in the southwest. Ahu is best at using poison.

I don’t know if it’s such a coincidence. The barbarian’s tribe is not the leader of Ahu. Thinking of this, Wang Mang said:

"Bai Jue, next time you ask the city lord to ask if the leader of their tribe is called Wang Hu, if so, then this world is so predestined!"

Wang Mang smiled at the corner of his mouth and said a joke. According to the abilities of the three of them, the greater the power development, the contact will inevitably occur.

Xiaoying doesn't need to worry about her current situation, but she doesn't know how her stunned brothers have been in a group of barbarians.

"Okay, Master!" Bai Jue nodded. He obviously also knew the Wang Hu who carried the knife and slashed people when he didn't agree with him, but he didn't expect that Wang Hu with such a fierce temper would be a master of poisoning. ?

The two discussed in detail the development of the newspaper and the infiltration of the insect group into the various gathering places. Things in the next few days will be a little onerous.

Wang Mang was in retreat, and the other cadres in the insect group were more focused on fighting. It can be said that almost all of the burden was placed on Bai Jue.

"Bai Jue, you have had a hard time these few days. If the situation is stable, you don't have to be so tired!" Wang Mang stood up and patted Bai Jue's shoulder. The protruding joints were the same as before.

Since Baijue recovered from his illness, his body has improved a lot, but this thin face and body can never change back.

Bai Jue smiled slightly, "The master doesn't have to worry about me. I enjoy doing this kind of thing, but I have to find two for me if the assistant is missing. I have to be young, beautiful and in good shape!"

"Hahaha! No problem, you can talk to Zhang Lan for this kind of thing, and you are finally getting acquainted. You are still older than me, so it's time to consider getting married and having children!"

Wang Mang laughed a lot, and he was also a little relieved. Bai Jue had never said this before. Perhaps now his life is stable and he finally has the idea of ​​starting a family.

Bai Jue's unexpected cheeks reddened slightly, and then he returned to coldness again.

"Master..... This kind of thing is still in a hurry. A loveless marriage is unhappy. I am just a person and sometimes I can't be too busy. Choosing two female assistants is also to seize the eyes and feel better. ."

Wang Mang didn't open him up, but agreed with a smile: "Let's be in love for a long time, I understand, besides, Bai Jue, your personality is not low, you are still very attractive to women!"

Bai Jue shook his head when he heard the words, "Master, to be honest, it is unlikely that a handsome man like us will fall in love at first sight.

Personality charm, one's own strength is only a bargaining chip for emotional transactions, if there is no precipitation for a certain period of time, it is almost impossible to produce love! "

"No! Bai Jue, you are wrong!" Wang Mang's eyes were piercing, and he shook his head extremely firmly, with an unquestionable expression on his face, he said to Bai Jue solemnly:

"Bai Jue, it's just that you are not handsome, I am still handsome, otherwise Xiaoying won't fall in love with me desperately!"

"Haha!" Bai Jue couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and swallowed abruptly as he stuck his throat.

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