Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1405: Important news

On that piece of paper that didn’t pay much attention to the format of the document, the scribbled black characters were flying and phoenix, but Bai Jue still saw the important information reported in the document at a glance: the poisonous alien leader was named Scorpion, and the priest was named Wanghu. It is a sturdy and rugged-looking human being far different from the barbarians.

This news is extremely important, at least for the insect group, it is great news. The relationship between Wang Hu and his master Wang Mang is a deadly brother.

The forces managed by Wang Hu can also be regarded as part of the worm group, at least it can be regarded as a powerful foreign aid!

He frowned, he was hesitant to tell Wang Mang, who was practicing in retreat, about this important news. It has been a full eight days.

The host stayed in the basement and never came out. Even if it wasn't for reporting the situation, he was a little worried. After packing up the documents, he loosened the neckline of his neck and stood up to leave the office.

Sitting on a new desk, Yuqin and Yutang saw Bai Jue get up, Yutang immediately put the fruit in her mouth into her mouth, chewed hard, and swallowed quickly, and said in a vague voice: " Master Bai Jue, where are you going now? Do you need our help?"

Bai Jue shook his head and just wanted to refuse, but the ghost rolled his eyes, and a wicked smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He smiled kindly at Yuqin and Yutang.

"Speaking of it, you really need your help in some things, so come with me."

When Yuqin heard the words, he was taken aback for a moment, and then he was so excited that he didn't expect to be a cadre before he was going to perform tasks. This kind of experience was really novel.

The two randomly stuffed two fruits into their pockets, and hurried out of the office, following the fast-paced white sleep.

When they arrived at the destination, Yutang and Yuqin almost ran over all the way, the snow-white skin was oozing with a little bit of fine sweat, "Cough...Master Baijue...this is it. Where is the task performed?"

Yuqin was akimbo, looking at the flat ground spar around him, panting and struggling to squeeze out a word.

Bai Jue didn't reply, but simply nodded. The pattern on his palm flashed suddenly, and a light blue light curtain appeared instantly.

Bai Jue quickly pressed the light curtain a few times, and a stream of light shot into his pupils. When the double verification was passed correctly, the empty geospatial ground suddenly shook, and a deep and dim underground passage was cracked. .

"You two, go down! Just tell the master that his subordinate Bai Jue will look for him for a minute." Bai Jue put on a cold face, staring at the two without feeling sorry for the girl.

"Ah?...oh..." The two looked at each other, a little frightened and a little panicked, "Um....Master Baijue, I don't care about what evil monsters are here, right? Will you eat us!"

The corner of Bai Jue's mouth rose slightly, and then he said in a serious tone: "There will never be monsters. The basement is safe. It can be said that there is no danger. As for why I don't go down, it is because I am afraid of being scolded."

"If you are afraid of being scolded, I will send the two of us down... Master Bai Jue really doesn't know how to pity Xiangxiyu..."

Yutang murmured twice, and reluctantly and Yuqin walked towards the dark and deep underground passage. As soon as they entered the passage, there was a hysterical and crazy laugh from the depths: "Finally succeeded, ha Haha!"

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