Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1406: The shock of the second daughter

The hysterical arrogant laughter in the basement continued to oscillate with the echo, and the two sisters Yuqin and Yutang shivered, their ruddy faces were scared to white with fright.

The courageous little Yutang clutched her sister's hand tightly, her soft body trembling constantly, "Sister... who is in this basement... sounds terrifying..."

Sister Yuqin was also looking at the deep underground passage, and she couldn't help but swallowed in fear. The two took extremely reluctant steps and moved towards the underground step by step.

However, they walked for ten minutes on the tens of meters long stairs. When the bright light gradually became eye-catching and dazzling, they were slightly bolder.

The two of them held hands and held them tightly together. The sweat on the palms was all sticky. Yuqin looked at the entrance of the basement, which was only half a meter away, mustered up his courage, and stretched out his right hand on the door gently. Knock knock.

"En? Come in?" Inside the room, a majestic young male voice came out, Yuqin's slender fingers trembled a bit, holding the handle on the door and slowly twisting, ‘crunch—’

The wooden door opened, shirtless, and his whole body tensed. Wang Mang, who was maintaining a horse-stride posture, caught the eyes of the two.

"Wow!" The second girl exclaimed, the shock in her eyes almost overflowed. Yutang covered her small mouth and looked at Wang Mang in disbelief. This extremely terrifying existence in the basement turned out to be an ordinary man. ?

Yuqin's delicate and lovely face couldn't help but a glimmer of glow, and after the reaction came over, she lowered her head in embarrassment. Who is this boy? He has a weird body.

"Huh? Who are you two?" Wang Mang looked at the two cute girls in surprise at the door, calmed down the energy flowing in his body, slowly exhaled a suffocating breath, and straightened his body.

He took out a snow-white towel from the storage ring and wiped his prismatic upper body with powerful beauty.

After the sweat on his skin was wiped off, he casually wore a loose shirt. Even in front of two beautiful young girls, he had no idea of ​​paying attention to the image.

"Who are you two? How come you suddenly broke into me?" After Wang Mang fastened his buttons, he sat on the wooden chair and took out a cigarette. After lighting it, he exhaled a stale breath, and his sharp eyes slowly looked at it. The two daughters of Yuqin and Yutang.

"I...I..." the stubborn Yuqin cheeks were red, and he didn't dare to look at Wang Mang's eyes. He could only lower his head and whisper in a soft voice:

"Master Bai Jue sent me down. If you have time, Master, can you go up there? Master Bai Jue is still waiting on it."

Yutang also nodded in agreement. She heard from Master Bai Jue before that this figure practicing in the basement is definitely not simple, at least he is also a senior cadre of the insect group!

"What did Bai Jue eat? Why did you let the two of you down? He's on it, right? Let him roll me down." Wang Mang also frowned silently, his tone a little serious and cold.

"Uh..." Yuqin was startled by Wang Mang's words, causing Master Bai Jue to roll down? Is this man in front of him crazy? Lord Bai Jue is the head of the worm group's decision-making department and the chief aide of the leader of the human alliance!

With such a strong identity, how could anyone dare to speak to Lord Bai Jue like this!

"Cough!" Xu Shi Wang Mang shouted loudly. Bai Jue who was staying there also coughed twice and walked down the passage a little embarrassedly.

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