Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1407: Elite call

Bai Jue held his right hand slightly and placed it in front of his mouth to block the saliva from the cough. His skinny face was usually cold and cold, but it was extremely rare that it became red. He coughed twice with embarrassment. ,

"Master, I can't help it. I just received an important report, so I can only interrupt your retreat."

Wang Mang took a cigarette. After listening to Bai Jue's words, he couldn't help but frowned, and asked, "What is the report so urgent? Are you coming to me specifically?"

Bai Jue didn't say much, walked directly to Wang Mang, and handed him the previous report written by the city lord of the small southwest gathering place. Wang Mang took the scribbled report, and he had a serious face just after reading it for the first time. Shang suddenly showed a smile,

"Let me just say, Wang Hu, this kid can definitely get ahead, but how can he be a priest for a group of savages? Tsk tusk, this profession is quite suitable for him."

After Wang Mang finished reading it, he handed the report back to Bai Jue. Bai Jue then pulled out another thick stack of paper from the folder, and the expression on his face turned cold again.

"Master, I'm here to disturb you this time. There is still something I can't figure out. The committee members and some of the more powerful medium-sized gathering places have already counted the elite team members.

A total of fifty people are the true elites who have passed three rounds of selection in each gathering place! "

Wang Mang held the thick document and glanced at it casually, but when he just opened it, his eyes became serious and he began to read carefully page by page.

The atmosphere in the basement became extremely silent for a while, and the two sisters Yuqin Yutang standing at the door were a little embarrassed, neither leaving nor staying.

But fortunately, Wang Mang’s reading speed is not slow. In just five minutes, he read all the information of fifty supernatural beings. He raised his head, patted the file in his palm, and a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"These committee members are really willing to spend their money. They are all the superpowers of the fifth-order peak, and there is not even a high-level one, tusk!"

"Okay! Now that they have decided on the candidates, let them come to Gushan City right away. It's time for my retreat to end, just to meet the top figures of our human camp."

Wang Mang stood up with a smile, squeezed out the cigarette butt, and was about to walk towards the door, only to find that Yuqin and Yutang were still standing in front of the door.

He glanced at Bai Jue in a puzzled way, "Bai Jue, who are these two little girls? Are they your new assistants? Why did you let them come down and call me."

A trace of embarrassment appeared on Bai Jue's face, "It is indeed my assistant. I'm not afraid that the master will scold me, let them come down and take a look for me first."

Wang Mang smiled suddenly and patted him on the shoulder, "Bai Jue, you are quite smart, but you guessed it wrong. If you come down and call me, I will never scold you. After all, you are my most powerful man. Subordinates,

I will only break your leg and let you stay in bed for two months! "

Bai Jue couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. The second girl standing at the door couldn't help but curl her lips, looking at Bai Jue's back, it was a burst of fire.

"Let's go, I also have mastered what I should master after I get promoted. It's not bad for you to disturb me." Wang Mang waved his hand casually, took steps, and slowly walked towards the second girl at the door.

Yuqin Yutang's heartbeat became more violent as Wang Mang approached, and Yuqin's shy even her cheeks became crimson.

When Wang Mang walked in front of them, there was a kind and kind smile on his face, and he said very politely: "Can you let me open a little bit and block the door."

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