Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1422: The night is dark and the wind is high

A person's bottom line is like a **** on both sides of a river, even if a small opening is opened, the turbulent river water will continue to impact and permeate along this gap until the entire **** is completely destroyed.

The bottom line has always been broken. If you can't hold on to it the first time, you often don't hold on to it the second time.

In this way, a medium-sized gathering place with a population of over one million was brought into control by the cultivators in a gentler and more seductive way.

The most frightening thing is that the human alliance, a new organization that has just been established, still has many areas to be improved. Local control and high-level supervision have not yet been implemented.

After experiencing the tragic death of more than 30,000 fellow students, this group of cultivators with above-the-top eyes finally put aside their contempt for supernatural beings and humans.

They paid a great price, but they grew up very quickly. Liu Zheng was just a **** in their huge plan, not even the most critical one!

"Does the resurrection technique you talk about, as long as the corpse is still there, can bring back the soul and regain a new life?!"

The middle-aged man with a bandage wrapped around his arm, shaved head and a hideous tattoo on his face stared at the dusty cultivator in front of him.

"Haha! Your lord, you've asked me this a dozen times, and two months ago, haven't I already shown it to you?

As long as you can complete our small request this time, your wife will be able to get a full seven days of new life! There is no lie on this point! "

The cultivator named Blood Dog, shook a white paper fan in his hand, and his face was handsome and unrestrained. The loose Taoist robe lined his body, but he oozes a dusty and happy temperament.

"I hope you can do what you say!" The bald man stood up suddenly from the tiger-skin wooden chair, the hideous tattoos on his face jumped with the flesh, "Notify the first team, the second team, at two o'clock in the morning, surprise Yi city!"

The bald man gave an order, and the soldiers standing in the hall immediately responded loudly. Wearing a thick armor and carrying a wide knife, they hurriedly ran towards the door.

"It's so good!" The blood dog laughed and applauded, the frequency of shaking the white paper fan in his hand was a bit happier.

He sat on the chair, picked up a cup of fragrant tea on the coffee table, took a sip, and reminded the bald man:

"City Lord Mofeng, have you thought about the rhetoric for dealing with the Human Alliance? Do you want me to send some handymen to Yicheng to make trouble? Give you a famous excuse for being a teacher?"

Mo Feng looked up at him, his sturdy expression frowned, and waved his hand, "I can handle this kind of thing by myself. You don't need to worry about it. You only need to resurrect my wife, and you don't care about the rest. "

The blood dog didn't answer, and simply nodded, then held up the teacup again, drinking with great enjoyment.

The night time passed extremely fast. At this time, the early morning sky seemed to be covered by dark clouds, and the bright stars and the bright moonlight were not visible. When the frightening night is black and wind is high, it is the best cover for murder and arson. what!

"The integration of a team of one hundred dare to be completed!" "The integration of a team of one hundred dare to die is completed!"

Two hundred soldiers wearing thick armor and bronze evil ghost masks all knelt on one knee in a large basement with long knives, and Mo Feng with a hideous face looked at the scene in front of him. There was also a hint of relaxation on his face.

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