Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1423: Go to death

The two hundred people in this basement are all his loyal family members that he has cultivated for three years. Whether it is strength or loyalty, the best will be chosen.

The name of their team is the daredevil. Since joining this team, each of them has no name, only a cold code name!

"This mission is to surprise Yicheng! The goal is very simple, there is only one! It is to kill the lord! This mission is very difficult. Maybe you two hundred people may not be able to come back, but I can guarantee you. Family members and wives will become the most tolerant group of people in the gathering place!

Your parents are my Mo Feng's parents, and your children will also be my children. For the elderly, I will send the most responsible caregivers to take care of their lives. For the children, I will ask the best teachers in the gathering place to teach them knowledge.

Even if they do not have the potential to become supernaturalists, I will arrange for them a relaxed and comfortable position to support them for a lifetime!

This sentence, I Mo Feng swear here! If you violate this oath, I will cut it all at once and die! "

Is such a generous and powerful remark useful to a group of diehard soldiers? ! Of course it works!

No matter how cold people are, they always have emotions. They are always fettered in the world. They use their lives for their families and children in exchange for a bright future? Is it worth it? Of course it is worth it!

The cold eyes hidden behind the bronze mask will flash with tenderness for an instant, and will be replaced by a determination to the extreme. This is the duty and meaning of the dare to die, and their only worries that can be considered are resolved. Then they will be fearless!

"Time is up! My most trusted brothers! Let's go!" Mo Feng roared, and the two hundred thick-armored soldiers on one knee stood up, and followed the captain firmly and slowly left the basement.


In a depression only two kilometers away from Yicheng, hundreds of powerful soldiers drew their long knives and looked back at their companions behind them.

The leader of the captain used a soft white cloth with essential oil to wipe the sabre in his arms carefully. When the handle was wiped, the captain finally raised his head, smiled at the other captain, and patted. His shoulders.

"Brother, I don't know your name, but the real task is left to you. Don't let our team of hundreds of people sacrifice, please trouble you!"

The captain of the second team wearing a bronze mask nodded sternly, but after a few moments, his tone suddenly revealed an imperceptible gentleness, "Try to survive."

"En!" The somewhat unexpected team leader nodded, facing the brightly lit city gate, raised his saber in his hand and pointed, "Brothers, die with me!!"

"Kill!" The roars that frightened the sky erupted together, and hundreds of thick-armored soldiers rushed towards the city gate madly carrying their sabers.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack! Crystal cannon ready!" "Boom!" A series of explosions, dozens of thick-armored soldiers advancing frantically were directly blasted into stumps and flesh by fierce shells.

The warm blood splashed on their bronze goblin masks, only looking hideous and terrifying, and failed to slow them down by half.

"Ka! Ka! Ka!" Dozens of eagle claws that climbed into the city were firmly stuck in the stone stacks of the city wall, and the sharp arrows shot through their bodies. It didn't matter, it didn't matter if the arm was cut off by the sharp blade.

The purpose of their crazy attack is to die! They have to use their most precious lives to complete the feint!

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