Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1425: Occupied

The masked soldier with his right hand tightly bound by a corpse also encountered danger at this time. The surrounding city defense forces surged like a tide, and he was the first to attract the attention of many city defense forces at the outermost periphery.

"Damn beast! The one hanging on his arm is Lao She, and I drank with that kid!"

"Bastard! Death!" The bald man with a dazzling light burst into his palms and roared, and the ring-headed knife in his hand was suddenly covered with a violent tremor of electric light.

The sharp blade slashed towards the masked soldier. In desperation, the masked soldier slammed his right hand. The corpse hanging on his arm and half of his forearm were cut off with a buzzing sound under the electric blade. Blood spewed violently along the broken wound.

But the masked soldier who couldn't see the slightest expression stretched his left hand to his waist and took out a ghost-like bomb.

A hoarse voice came from the mask for the first time, "There is no right or wrong in war, and I admire their spirit, but my duty as a soldier is to kill you all!"

"Puff!" The apple-sized bomb was pushed away from the piston, and two green lights flashed in the skull's eyes. Soldiers dressed in thick armor held the bomb tightly, like a madman madly running towards The crowd rushed away!

"Stop him!" The bald man who cut off one of his arms roared savagely. He took the lead in holding his sword and slashed towards his neck without hesitation.

"Puff!" A big head shot up into the sky, and the body in thick armor fell to the ground a few moments later.

"Boom!" A fierce and dazzling flame exploded, and the skull-like grenade suddenly exploded at this moment, and the unexpectedly huge power swept half of the city defense army that rushed to the city wall.

Their fragile bodies were shattered by the power of the explosion, and the rest of the people were also dizzy and almost lost their ability to move.

The bald man who had previously slashed out two thunder attacks was annihilated into **** in the very center of the explosion, with no trace of the dead body visible. Such a crazy explosion seemed to have opened the prelude to a suicide attack.

One after another, masked soldiers on the verge of death pulled away a ghost-shaped grenade, and under the cover of their teammates, desperately rushed towards the city defense army!

"What a bunch of lunatics! Boss, let's go!"

Upon receiving the order, the city defense forces who were preparing to go up to support saw the dazzling fire on the wall, which caused the wall to oscillate and explode. They were a little timid. They went up not to fight, but to die!

The long and narrow scar on the head of the captain trembled. He looked back at the team of seven or eight people behind him, gritted his teeth abruptly, as if he had made up his mind.

"Retreat! Damn, what will happen in the future, I'll take care of it. It's better to eat a dozen whips than to die!"

A group of soldiers quickly fled towards the city under the cover of the darkness. A few of the remaining supporting groups rushed up, and most of them hesitated under the city wall.

"Boom!" An abrupt firelight burst from under the city wall, and a violent explosion swept through hundreds of soldiers gathered under the city wall.

More than a dozen masked soldiers took out grenades from their waists and threw them frantically toward the city, "Boom! Boom! Boom!" The building closest to the city wall instantly turned into a sea of ​​flames, and Yicheng fell!

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