Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1426: revenge

A huge disparity between the numbers of the two sides and a fierce battle on the city wall finally ended in the victory of a hundred masked soldiers.

In the watch tower at the highest point of the city wall, the supernatural person with a stubborn beard on his mouth has a gloomy face, and his eyes are full of spiteful gloom.

His clenched right fist hit the wall fiercely, and red blood flowed out instantly, "Where did these lunatics come from? Where did they come from!!!"

His mind was almost mad, and the city defense army he had formed was destroyed! He is not reconciled! Not reconciled!

"My lord! Urgent report! Urgent report! The city lord's mansion was attacked! The guards were beheaded to death, and the city lord asked you to lead the city defense munitions to quickly reinforce!!!"

The lieutenant next to him yelled in horror, and the ring of doom on his index finger kept flashing, and countless anxious news urged him to quickly reinforce!

"Reinforcement?! Reinforcement shit!" The captain of the city defense army sneered with a horoscope. The curved bow he held in his left hand suddenly stood up, and his right hand quickly took out a sharp iron arrow from the quiver behind him.

"Puff!" He threw the sharp arrow fiercely, and instantly penetrated the officer's throat.

"Uh~Uh!" The lieutenant held his throat, his dying body leaned weakly against the wall, his legs slowly limp.

He stared with a pair of eyes and stared closely at the city defense army captain's eyes. He didn't understand what he had done wrong and why the captain killed himself!

"This city lord will die if he dies! But my three years of hard work are gone! Three whole years!"

The city defense army commander knelt on the ground with a twisted face, and drips of crystal tears flowed unstoppable in his eyes. He beat the ground angrily, his lips biting out blood from his teeth.

"How did the group of garbage from the Guards resist the attack of this group of lunatics!? The **** of the city lord must have no place to bury him, and he asked me to reinforce it? Reinforce you ass! I want revenge!"

The commander of the city defense army muttered as if schizophrenia, a sturdy, outrageous longbow suddenly appeared in his hand, the storage ring flashed again, and a bag of arrowheads full of barbed steel arrows was suddenly hit. take out.

With his quiver on his back, he pulled out from the guard tower vigorously, and after a few leaps, he landed on the top of the guard tower!

He squinted and looked at the dozen or so masked soldiers on the wall who were bandaging their wounds. With his right hand leaning on his bow, he stretched his left hand back and slowly took out a straight steel arrow that was more than one meter long.

There are eight blood troughs engraved on the sharp arrow, countless barbs embedded around the blood trough, coupled with the inky black feathers of the monster beast, the power of this arrow, as long as it is shot, there is no possibility of survival!

The tough bowstring was slowly pulled up, and the captain with the eight-character Hu squinted, and the sharp arrow on the finger pointed at the neck of a certain masked soldier!

"Om!" An inaudible sound, the pitch-black steel arrow was like death's sickle in the night, and it took that person's life in an instant!

"Enemy attack!" The remaining dozen masked soldiers immediately stood up, looked at the dead teammates next to them, and looked around very vigilantly.

They estimated the direction from which the sharp arrow was shot, and a grenade that looked like a skeleton slammed towards the sentry tower. "Bang!" The fierce fire light made the entire sentry tower tremble.

The captain of the city guard at the top of the tower was even more choked by the smoke. He endured the soreness of his eyes, and suddenly shot another sharp arrow, "Puff!" A wary masked soldier was carried with powerful kinetic energy. The sharp arrow was killed suddenly!

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