Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1429: Intelligence member

When the middle-aged man with the waistband left, his face was serious, and the righteous young man had two drops of cold sweat on his forehead.

He looked at a table next to him with some trepidation, and a normal-looking, dark-skinned young man smiled at him slightly.

"What I just said is good!" The dark-skinned young man put down his bowl and chopsticks and sat in the same position as the middle-aged man.

He rubbed his permed hair and couldn't help licking his dry lips. "Is that the liaison officer who planned the Yicheng riots just now?"

"Yes! They have recruited me for the seventh time this week!"

The dark-faced young man smiled and nodded, "My name is Yao Sen! What is your name?"

The young man with two drops of sweat on his forehead grinned slightly in relief, "My name is Wu Xuan, a little traveler!"

Yao Sen couldn't help but squinted his eyes when he heard the words, "My friend, you are not honest, you should know what I want to know! You should know what I mean!"

Wu Xuan sighed faintly, nodded with a sad smile, and his tone was somewhat relieved.

"My lord, what you said is that I am the leader of the Intelligence Department's operation group in North China Jincheng. The main task is to collect important notices from each Gushan City and some special information about North China!"

Yao Sen pinched a few crispy peanuts with his fingers, stuffed them into his mouth and chewed them, smiling and showing white teeth.

"Unexpectedly, we are still in the same industry, and even the positions are similar, my dear Yao Sen, a small team leader of the worm group intelligence department, you also know, I dare to say these things to you, what does it mean, should I talk to your city lord Tell me the bottom line?"

"No need!" Wu Xuan slowly shook his head and stood up from the bench, "My lord, let's go straight away, as long as I know, I will tell the truth!"

"That's the best!" Yao Sen looked at him, nodded appreciatively, and circled around the people dining in the restaurant. Suddenly a dozen sturdy and aggressive men stood up.

"Let's go! The action is over for the time being!" Yao Sen said faintly, turned his head and smiled at Wu Xuan kindly, watching this scene of Wu Xuan, who was a little pale, and he was ruined by a few brawny men.' Protection'.

Everyone led Wu Xuan directly out of the restaurant, but disappeared strangely in a few moments. A dozen people disappeared from the crowded square, just like a few drops of water evaporated in the sea, unremarkable and unobtrusive!

Under the Gushan City Square, a dungeon with extremely tight facilities welcomed more than a dozen people. The thick iron door was embedded with a light screen. Yao Sen's palm was printed on the light screen. The iron was half a meter later. The door opened slowly.

In the spacious aisle, dozens of teams wearing black hoods and silently patrolling looked at Yao Sen who walked in and bowed and saluted.

Yao Sen waved his hand casually, and the trained soldiers walked away in neat steps. Wu Xuan beside him looked at the dark and gloomy dungeon, his face turned ugly and pale.

He looked at Yao Sen hesitantly, and couldn't help but said, "My lord, I am not an enemy, and there is no need to bring me to a place like this!"

Yao Sen smiled kindly when he heard the words, and patted him on the shoulder seemingly comfortingly.

"My friend, don't worry, there is no other purpose for bringing you here. I just want you to identify the members of the riot force. We know your past better than you are! You must know these people!"

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