Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1430: Yao Sen

Yao Sen's words made Wu Xuan, who entered this dungeon for the first time, couldn't help but chill in his back. He turned his head in shock and looked at Yao Pingfan's dark face. For the first time, he felt that the person in front of him was a little scary!

As if sensing Wu Xuan's gaze, a bright smile appeared at the corner of Yao Ping's mouth, and he said kindly:

"My friend, you are not afraid, you also understand our work. It is reasonable to do some research on you in advance, right?"

Wu Xuanwen frowned uncontrollably, saying that was good, but it was always unhappy that anyone was investigated. At this moment, Wu Xuan nodded his head very consciously of current affairs.

"My lord, you have investigated it clearly, then take me to see those people, as long as I know them, I will definitely identify them!"

"That's the best!" Yao Sen beckoned to the burly men behind him, and ordered: "Go and bring that rioter from Xianghu City."

"Friend, you and I will go directly to the interrogation room. This person is the gathering place near your city. You must be no stranger. When the time comes, I hope you can tell him what he said to you, and that's right. You are good."

Yao Sen didn't use any threatening words, and his tone was as kind as ever. If he hadn't disclosed his identity, no one could think of him as the most notorious action team leader of the insect group!

Under Yao Sen's lead, Wu Xuan passed through two deep prison corridors, and saw prisoners shackled on iron beds in handcuffs and ankles in the tight and solid iron jail.

Their eyes were bloodshot, like a hungry wolf on the grassland staring at Wu Xuan passing by without a word. Wu Xuan was a little palpitated by their penetrating gaze, and he lowered his head to endure the discomfort. Followed Yao Sen's figure.

Yao Sen suddenly turned his head to look at Wu Xuan behind him with a somewhat frightened look, his eyes suddenly narrowed, and a gloomy cold light flashed through the surrounding prisons.

After the prisoner in the dark prison noticed the displeasure in Yao Sen's eyes, he immediately drooped his eyes, like a dead dog, leaning on the iron bed in a desperate and sloppy manner.

Wu Xuan looked at this wonderful scene, was shocked, couldn't help but look at Yao Sen's ordinary face with some feeling, and he couldn't figure it out.

Although he feels that Yao Sen is a deeper city, but he can't think of him, who always has a kind smile on his face when dealing with others, what means can he use to make these vicious prisoners become as meek as dead dogs.

This doubt lingered in his heart for a long time, and finally reached the peak after he reached the interrogation room.

Two men with ugly faces and distorted features were bare-armed, and stood respectfully at the door of the interrogation room with their heads down. When Yao Sen approached, an older man hurriedly greeted him with a grin. An ugly joyful smile,

"Group leader, the harvest this time is not bad. The fat pig is really rich. Just after eating two slabs of roasted meat, he hurriedly handed over everything he knew.

Lao Wang and I really didn't expect this fat pig to hide the gold ticket in the tile under the toilet. No wonder the other team members didn't find it! "

"En! You know the rules. Go to Xiaoyu and ask him to lead the team to take out the things. I have something to do. You can turn the boiler on, and you will be busy later!"

Yao Sen waved at him casually, and walked in with Wu Xuan.

Out of Wu Xuan's expectation, he originally thought that this gloomy interrogation room should be full of blood, with various terrible instruments of torture hanging on the wall, but after entering, he was shocked to find that it was different from what he had imagined. what!

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