Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1431: savage

It's not just the same, it's completely two concepts from the interrogation room he built in his mind! Have you seen the place where the prisoners are interrogated is clean and tidy? There is still a pot of green plants on the table!

The two men who looked fiercely walked in quickly, the older one took two clean ceramic cups, and the younger one took a kettle from the fireplace next to it.

The fragrant coffee was poured into the cup along the spout, and the curling heat rose slowly along the rotating coffee. Wu Xuan, who was sitting in the chair, was at a loss. After reacting, he faced the coffee maker. The man thanked him.

"Don't thank you! Don't thank you! Your lord looks at you with greatness, and there is an extraordinary atmosphere between your gestures, and I really admire Zhao Mengzi!"

The man praised Wu Xuan with admiration on his face, and Yao Sen on the side laughed, "Mengzi, you can say something beautiful, but that's right, you get the first-class bonus from the organization this month!"

When Zhao Mengzi heard this, the corners of his mouth almost smiled and grinned to his ears. He bent over and hurriedly thanked:

"Team leader Xie! Team leader Xie! Team leader, your aura is even more impressive. I faintly waited and saw it, and I saw a sense of enthusiasm. The little ones dare to guarantee that you won’t be able to live long. A happy event will usher in!"

Yao Sen smiled and waved his hand, "I'm tired of hearing what you said, next time you change some other rhetoric, don't be idle, go and help me and Brother Wu Xuan prepare some wine and food!"

"Okay, Mr. Leader! Let's go for the younger one!" Zhao Mengzi nodded and bowed, and said to his brother who was on duty together, and both of them left the interrogation room.

When only Yao Sen and Wu Xuan were left in the interrogation room, which was decorated in a fresh and fresh style, Wu Xuan, who had countless doubts in his heart, finally spoke impatiently.

He looked at Yao Sen with some caution, "My lord, I just saw the prisoners look rebellious, but you can see you like a mouse meeting a cat.

That's all for one person and two people, but why do all the prisoners in the prison fear you so much? "

"Oh? Did you say this?" Yao Sen looked at Wu Xuan's puzzlement, and couldn't help but be a little surprised. He didn't expect Wu Xuan to ask himself such a question.

He thought for a while, took out a pack of cigarettes from his trouser pocket and handed it to Wu Xuan. He also drew out a cigarette and clicked on it easily. He phrased and said with some embarrassment:

"Brother Wu Xuan, you should also know that we did this. The methods are not very attractive. Whether it is cruel or extinction of humanity, since I can be their leader, you should know that my method is How's it going?"

Wu Xuan was taken aback and asked stupidly: "Sir, please make it clear, I don't understand too much."

Yao Sen took a mouthful of cigarettes, frowned, and said slowly: "Let me give you an example. When I interrogated a prisoner before, he had very hard bones, which is considered a ruthless character... .

When interrogating something like this, with several kinds of torture instruments, most people can’t stand it.

But he was so fierce that he had tortured several times, ten fingers were rotten, and there was no good piece of meat on his body, so he was able to hold on..."

Yao Sen took a mouthful of cigarettes as he talked, and the curling smoke hid his half-squinted gaze, seemingly emotional and admiring.

"At that time, that person only had three days left in our action team, and he will be transferred to the dungeon in three days! I did the most human-destructive thing to date!"

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