Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1448: Hot blood

"Blind Liuzi?!" Long eyes lowered his head and slandered in his heart secretly, I was ready to learn, the name "Blind Liuzi" would not have anything to do with him! He will become a knowledgeable and long-eyed general!

Long-eyed dreaming about the scene in which the witty words will become a chapter in the future, can't help but glance at the Dragon King secretly.

Hum, when the boss encounters a difficult problem in the future, you put your hands on the paper and you nodded suddenly, and looked at yourself with admiration. Think about it, it's very refreshing!

"Long eyes?! What are you giggling at here?" The Dragon King scolded coldly, and the long eyes that were still indulged in fantasy immediately hit the spirits, and suddenly came back to his senses.

When he saw the cold golden eyes of the Dragon King, he quickly smirked and bent over, and continued to ask respectfully: "Lord Dragon King, I was thinking, you said that Brother Wang Mang's physical strength is seven or eight times that of mine, then he How many days can you stay in Hualong Pond?

And Lord Dragon King, not our sea monster, if a human enters the Dragon Pool, what wonderful changes will it have? "

The Dragon King frowned when he heard the words, "Even if I can't get a full view of this specific change, but this Wang Mang's physical strength is amazingly high. It is already a preliminary detached body, and then cooperate with me from the essence and blood. Condensed Hualongchi, his detached body may be able to go further!"

At the same time, Wang Mang, who was in a blood-colored space, stood by a pool of blood, and lit a cigarette with trembling fingers.

With a cigarette in his left hand, he looked at his right hand that had been corroded by four fingers, and couldn't help feeling a chill. Is this what the Dragon King said about Hualongchi? Why doesn't it look like a big chance at all!

The rich and fishy blood in the blood pool was bubbling like ‘gudong~gudong’. The tragic injury on Wang Mang’s right hand was corroded by this hot blood.

He was a little unimaginable, if his whole body was soaked in the blood pool, would there be no more corrupted bones left in a few moments?

With a dark and gloomy **** sky and the huge pool of hot bubbling blood, Wang Mang sighed, dusted the soot, and his right hand that healed suddenly clenched tightly, begging for wealth and danger! Just bet this time!

Wang Mang gritted his teeth, dropped his cigarette **** in his hand, and put all the clothing rings on his body into the insect ring.

The worm mustard ring was left on the scarlet ground by him, and his sturdy and perfect body jumped into the blood pool with a ‘poof’!

Almost at that instant, the anxious and tearing pain directly pierced Wang Mang's nerves, his prismatic muscles seemed to be corroded by strong acid, and the large pieces of flesh and blood instantly disappeared.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh , Corroded the skin and flesh on his body even with cuts and tears.

The crystal clear bones slowly emerged from the flesh, and the hot blood in the blood pool corroded Wang Mang's body while also enveloping the tough bones!

Wang Mang’s facial features were distorted at this time, a drop of blood splashed on his cheeks and a horrible incision was drawn. The energy of the detached body was running and supplied at an unprecedented speed, often the next moment the incision appeared, the wound began to heal The scab is healed!

Of course, it is limited to his cheeks. After all, his body is wrapped in endless blood, and it is difficult for a detached body to bear such a high-intensity erosion!

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