Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1449: wake

Wang Mang's body completely immersed in the blood pool was completely devastated. His chest, abdomen and ribs were clearly visible, and only a beating heart was vibrating in a diaphragm formed by detached energy.

The lower abdomen is even more terrible, except for the heart, the liver, spleen, lung and kidney, as well as the flesh and blood, are all corroded!

As for the limbs? Except for the crystal-clear bones, the rest of the flesh and blood has long been gone. Wang Mang's consciousness at this time is also a little sinking. The endless pain madly consumes his will. He has been in Infinite Hell. This sense of consciousness that is on the verge of collapse has already been experienced. Several times.

But this time he may not be able to stand it! There is no room in the infinite **** in the characteristic dragon pond! The injuries suffered by the body can only be repaired and healed by the energy of the detached body!

Gradually, the energy consumption of the detached body was exhausted, and the drag of the body made Wang Mang's will on the verge of collapse no longer be able to support. His bloodshot eyes slowly closed, and a dragon-shaped jade medallion held by the joint of his left hand followed. Fall into the depths of the blood pool!

‘Boom! Boom! The energy diaphragm wrapped around the vibrating heart gradually disappeared, and even Wang Mang's head completely sank into the pool because of the loss of strength!

The hot and turbulent blood instantly covered everything that wrapped Wang Mang's body, the beating heart gradually stopped, and the brain gradually lost all signs of life.

I don't know how long the time has passed. At the bottom of the blood pool, a skeleton full of crystals and white bones moved slightly, and two twinkling blue fires in his eye sockets that had lost his eyeballs began to ignite!

That is the power from the soul! This hot dragon blood cannot be destroyed!

"I... am I dead...?" Such a thought flashed in Wang Mang's mind. He tried to open his eyes, but the strong resistance came from nowhere. The action of making him open his eyes became unattainable.

He seemed to be staying in a boundless darkness, and everything around him was without a trace of anger, loneliness, loneliness, trance, sinking, and Wang Mang’s consciousness slowly became clearer in this darkness. At a certain moment, he Vaguely feel the throbbing from the body!

The spine, the leg bones, and even the phalanges, he began to perceive them clearly, as if hundreds of years had passed. When Wang Mang had mastered all the bones of his body in the same way, he gave a sudden cry and opened his eyes!

Two dark blue dark fires were burning in his eyes. Wang Mang stood up from the bottom of the pool quietly, lowered his head and looked at his frightening body!

It was like the spine bone of an unruly real dragon, with golden shimmering leg bones and ribs on the surface, only the finger bones of his hands turned black like ink, just like the night sky, deep and shining with stars!

Wang Mang opened his hand suspiciously and adjusted his skeletal body with great ease. His blue fired eyes flashed suddenly and he almost subconsciously raised his head.

"Om!" The blood pond with a depth of more than ten meters suddenly revealed a wide passage without blood! What a wonderful power this is!

Wang Mang clenched his fist, picked up the dragon-shaped jade card that sank into the bottom of the blood pool, kicked his legs, and appeared above the blood pool like a teleport!

The moment he came out of the blood pool, the throbbing throbbing in his mind became more obvious. He seemed to know something, and he suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly!

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