Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1450: Blood soul

Wang Mang, who was suspended in midair, gently waved his left hand, and a stream of clear blood in the Dragon Pool condensed into a transparent mirror.

Standing in front of the full-length mirror, Wang Mang looked at himself, who was a little stranger, and couldn't help but touch his smooth mandible. His appearance was really not a person!

The Van Austrian inscription was prominent from Wang Mang's eyebrows, and more than 200 bones up and down his body were fully displayed in an instant, as if echoing the call of Wang Mang's energy.

"The body has become like this, I didn't expect the body of detachment to be there?!" Wang Mang couldn't help smiling while looking at his white palm of his phalanx.

His heart is gone! The five internal organs and flesh and blood have all disappeared, in the form of a white bone, he is alive unexpectedly! He recalled the large amount of information that came in his mind, and after he thoroughly digested and understood it, he exhaled a sigh of relief.

Unexpectedly, the probability of this one in ten thousand was met by myself! After the baptism of this dragon pond, Wang Mang's original soul has long been reborn, thus becoming the unique blood soul in the whole world!

"Can you survive without relying on your body? What a terrible ability!"

Wang Mang murmured, and a trace of blood was taken away from the Dragon Pond. It was the unique essence and blood infused by the Dragon King. The hot and scorching dragon blood really had this drop of essence and blood, and it became so strange!

Wang Mang was born in Hualongchi, it can be said that Hualongchi gave birth to his soul, and it is not difficult for him to get away from the essence of blood!

The blood and energy with vast energy rushed to Wang Mang's fingertips. From the fingertips, the flesh and blood began to condense, and the strong muscles were once again outlined.

The cyan veins and tiny capillaries, as if this special essence of blood has the power of creation, mixed with the reappearing worm patterns in the palm of the palm, an energy that belongs exclusively to Wang Mang poured into this newly condensed flesh and blood.

"Hiss——!" Wang Mang took a deep breath, and strong and thick arms were created, followed by the chest and abdomen, the five internal organs, and finally the vital head!

Outside the rockery, the Dragon King, who was standing upright with his hands, slammed his heart tightly, showing a hint of shock in disbelief. He subconsciously shook his right hand, and then opened it lightly.

The long eyes beside him looked at the gloomy face of Dragon King, and he was also stunned, and couldn't help asking: "Boss, what's the matter with you? Is there something wrong with the big brother Wang Mang of Hualongchi?"

The golden pupils of the Dragon King regained their coldness. He squinted his eyes, and said with some feeling, "I really didn't expect a human being to do this! Use my essence and blood to mix my own energy to build a cohesion. Flesh? What a clever young man!"

With long eyes listening to Dragon King’s words without beginning and ending, the dull expression on his face became more and more prominent, "Boss, tell me clearly, what's the matter?"

The Dragon King glanced coldly at the long eyes beside him. Somehow, an evil fire burst into his heart, and he slammed his fist on the long-eyed solid skull, and said coldly: "How many years have you cultivated? Have you ever practiced on a dog? If you have Wang Mang's talent, I will also send you to evolve the dragon pool!"

Looking at the swearing Dragon King with long eyes, he couldn't help covering his head with some pain. He rolled his eyes and looked up at the Dragon King. It seems that there should be nothing wrong with Wang Mang, otherwise the boss would not. Will this expression.

Long-eyed guessing is good, Wang Mang is more than okay, he is really happy to his bones!

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