Bug Master In Doomsday

Chapter 1459: Water marrow

As soon as Wang Mang got out of the gate of the crystal attic, he saw the long eyes and the horns sitting at the door lazily touching his stomach.

Next to them, seven or eight large bottles of Coke were slanted upside down, and the two transformation monsters above the sixth order seemed to be drunk, leaning against the wall and unwilling to move a step.

With a long-eyed glance, he saw Wang Mang walking out, struggling to stand up on the wall, and greeted Wang Mang with a smile: "Brother Wang Mang, wait for me, I drink this coke a bit. Hiccups~~~ !"

General Horner smirked embarrassedly when he saw this, "Hiccup~! It's really a laugh for the guest. It's really delicious. Can you bring some more when the guest comes again? I'm willing to use it for a hundred years. Water marrow change!"

The long eyes standing next to him immediately became anxious when he heard this. He pulled General Horn's hand and said angrily: "You bastard, I kindly drink Coke for you, why do you want more? ! Do you think I have long eyes for something like a century-old water pith?"

Under the temptation of Coke, General Horn also gave a cold snort without showing any weakness.

"Long eyes, you know what kind of race I am. How many do you have for a hundred years of water marrow?! It's not that I am bragging. The combined water marrow on your body is ten times less than my fraction!"

"Huh!" Long eyes sneered dissatisfied, "I really don't have your dull whales that can accumulate water, but do you have the dark needles that are unique to my Cancer clan?!"

With the tit-for-tat verbal confrontation, the two were about to fight with red faces, but Wang Mang couldn't help but leaned forward and asked: "Stop for a moment, what the **** is that water marrow?"

"Water Essence, honorable guest, you don't know anything about it. Water Essence is the essence of the condensed water system, which can also be used by you humans with supernatural powers.

And I heard that the supernatural beings among your human beings draw the energy of the demon pill to advance to the rank? ! Honorable guest, you might as well use this water essence for your subordinates to try, it is several times higher than the energy quality of the demon pill. "

Seeing Wang Mang's questions with long eyes, he no longer aimed at the general Lengjiao who had horns. He glanced at Lengjiao with a cold face, then nodded and agreed:

"It is true, Brother Wang Mang, you humans need high-level energy to hit your own bottleneck to advance. This water marrow is much milder than the violent energy of the demon pill. You humans will undoubtedly use this water marrow to advance the level easily at least. 50%!"

Wang Mang was also a little stunned when he heard this. The two generals who had already transformed were also quite right.

The demon core energy rushed to disorderly, and the beast soul harassed, it is indeed not the best energy for advancement, but there are so many supernatural powers on the vast land.

Even if there are lucky people who get the spirit grass by chance, they are only very few, and they can't change the path of promotion of the entire superpower class.

Wang Mang rubbed his chin and turned to think about it seriously. He probably knows the efficacy characteristics of this water marrow. However, it is not only because the energy of the demon pill is higher that the power of the demon pill is more advanced, but also because of the power of the magical pill. The violent beast soul is tempered, and the idea of ​​hitting the bottleneck.

But as long as it’s not the most critical major level across domains, this kind of energy high-level pure water marrow can be used, even if you have a solid foundation, even general major levels such as cross-domain fourth and fifth levels can also be used. use.

If there are enough waters...Wang Mang couldn't help but squinted his eyes and imagined, then the power under his might be about to explode.

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